Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 183: 'Greenwick' village

[After a fierce battle and a long journey, the 'Intruder' adventure team finally came to a place where humans can rest...]

"Did you hear that?" Barrett tentatively asked the herbalist next to him.

"Hear what?" Sean's face was puzzled.

"A strange sound? Like someone is talking non-stop?" The barbarian looked up at the sky.

"Speaking voice?" Sean followed his example. "Sorry, I only heard a beautiful singing voice." He pointed to Felix the bard behind them.

At this time, Felix was telling a story about the 'Candy House' to the little ghosts around him in a half-singing and half-narrative way.

The little ghost listened intently, his eyes widened, and the expression on his little face was sometimes tense, sometimes relaxed, and sometimes swallowed saliva.

"If it were me, after killing that bad witch, I wouldn't choose to leave!" Barrett heard the little ghost say excitedly, "because then the whole candy house is already mine! I'm going to lie down Sleep in lemon cake, rainbow jelly for breakfast, chocolate-covered candies and snow chestnuts for lunch, candied fruit and strawberry cream cake for dinner!" she said with a look of longing.

"Don't you eat lemon cake? Isn't this your favorite?" the bard asked curiously. It can be seen that the two of them talked a lot.

"I want to keep the lemon cake. After I have eaten the whole house, I will eat it at the end!" The little ghost said solemnly.

"Does the best always save last? But I like to enjoy first!" The bard expressed a different opinion.

After arguing over the topic of 'should the good things be eaten first or later', the little ghost floated to Theodore Flash Gold again and asked the little mage, "Is the witch also a mage?"

"Witches? Um..., I can't say yes, but I can't say no." The little mage explained patiently, "Witches are a profession that existed thousands of years ago, although they, like mage, can use magic power to Casting magic, but the way of casting is not the same. The witch is not a system. After the goddess of magic built the magic net, this profession has been eliminated. Along with it, there are wizards. I heard that a wizard only has Only after catching a weird little goblin can cast spells, hum, this is simply a shame for the profession of magic!"

"Then, will you be a candy house? Grandpa Whitebeard?" Little Ghost asked flatteringly.

"I said, don't call me grandpa, I'm still in my prime!" said the dwarf mage dissatisfied, "remember, little girl, magic is omnipotent, of course it's not a problem to be a candy house. When I have that one After a sub-tower of the magic tower, it doesn't matter how big a candy house you want. Just, can you eat it after I make it?"

After hearing the question from the gnome mage, the little ghost suddenly froze for a moment, and then returned to normal, "Oh, yes, Eve is already an undead and can't eat cake. Oops, I always forget this for no apparent reason. A little." She stuck out her tongue and laughed, her well-behaved expression was distressing...

At this time, the magnetic male voice continued to sound in the sky, [In this human gathering place, adventurers can repair equipment, replenish supplies, relieve fatigue, and carry out the next adventure in a more complete state. It is worth noting that adventurers can also talk to the people in the gathering place to collect useful information related to 'Asha's Tears'; or help them solve the difficult problems they encounter, so as to obtain useful information for subsequent adventures. thing. 】

While listening to the content carefully, Barrett communicated with the parrot on his shoulder in a low voice from time to time, "It seems that this inexplicable voice is only heard by the few of us."

"It seems so." Phyllis the parrot said, "This shows that the voice is probably not a real voice, but directly instilled in our minds. Of course, this is just a guess, maybe we In fact, I'm still lying unconscious in that magic tower now, only the soul and consciousness are wandering in the illusion."

Only the soul? Barrett didn't want that to be the case. He trusts his body more than his soul.

Sean was worried when he saw Barrett frowning with a serious face, "What's the matter? Did you hear some strange noise? Are those monsters? Are there monsters chasing after you?"

"No, it's nothing." Barrett shook his head, "No monsters came after, I just asked casually. Even if a monster appears, we will destroy it, don't worry."

"Let's walk a few steps, it will be fine when we enter the village." Sean said worriedly, "Monsters don't dare to come in."


'Greenwick' is an ordinary small village with a small area and you can see the end at a glance. Most of the villages are private houses, and occasionally you can see some corrals and warehouses. The wooden-framed houses look a bit old, and there are even a few mud buildings with straw roofs.

Sean is well-liked in the village, and from time to time, some villagers will have a few simple greetings with him. Of course, more people are interested in Barrett et al.

Those who went to the river with clay pots to fetch water, those who came back from the fields with farm implements, those who were holding turnips and pumpkins, those who carried covered baskets, and those who strolled with oxen, people showed curious expressions on their faces. Barrett and his party looked up and down. But it was just a polite look, and did not come forward to do too much cross-examination.

It is worth mentioning that the gnome mage said that he vaguely remembered that the word 'Vic' means 'map, region' in the ancient common language, while 'green' means 'initial, first'...

Sean's home is not far from the entrance of the village. When Barrett and the others arrived, they saw a gentle and beautiful woman sitting under a dense plum tree, with a large wooden comb, Two sheep comb.

The fallen and combed wool gathers in small piles at the women's feet, and from time to time the women press the piles with their hands to prevent them from fluttering in the wind.

Next to the sheep was a little boy about eight or nine years old. The boy squatted on the ground, holding a handful of grass in his hand, and was teasing the sheep with the grass in a bored way.

Sean's return surprises women and boys alike. Our herbalist ran over and hugged his wife tightly, and then kissed them affectionately in front of everyone. The scene really embarrassed everyone except Sean, including the red-faced one in his arms. , and confused woman.

What a pity the baker, Barrett murmured to himself.

After briefly telling his family about what he had encountered before, Sean turned to Barrett and said, "I will help Yuna to prepare our dinner, but my son Andy will take you to the village chief's house. , so that when you come back, delicious food is already waiting for you on the I am not boasting, my wife's cooking skills are like my herbal medicine, which can be called quite superior!"

On the way to the village chief's house, the little boy Andy kept peeking at the little ghost, but whenever Eve smiled at him, he quickly turned his face away and refused to speak.

After a while, he turned his attention to Phyllis on Barrett's shoulders.

"Is the bird on your shoulder a crow?" Andy asked Barrett.

"No, I'm a parrot," Phyllis said, startling the little boy.

"This bird can actually talk!!" Andy's eyes widened.

"Because I'm a parrot!" Phyllis repeated. "Don't you know? It's common for parrots to speak human language. Don't you know crows and parrots?"

The little boy shook his head blankly, "Then, do you eat eyeballs?"

"No, as I said, I'm a parrot. Parrots don't eat eyes, they only eat grains and berries!!" Phyllis said helplessly, "Why do you ask this?"

"Because the village chief once said that one of his eyes was blinded by a bird called a crow." The little boy said, "So, I'm afraid he will be angry when he sees you."

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with the crow."

"Oh, all right."

The little boy led the crowd to the front of an inconspicuous ordinary house, and knocked on the door, "Uncle Derrick, are you there?"

After four heartbeats, the door was opened, and a thin, one-eyed old man appeared in front of everyone. After the old man looked around at everyone outside the door, he finally focused on the tall Barrett.

"You are also here to find 'Asha's Tears'?" the village chief asked.


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