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Chapter 190: Lady Windsor's black hair (below)

"Humans, in the castle, be honest; birds, don't fly around, otherwise, they will all be caught and eaten!" The iron-helmed kobold led the way ahead, waving the small iron pieces in his hand.

To eat our meat, or to invite us to eat meat? Barrett murmured inwardly. But these two options are not very good, he doesn't want to eat any food made by kobolds at all.

Passing through the black fence gate, the scene inside the city wall caught everyone's eyes. Although this kobold castle occupies a small area, the internal facilities are quite complete.

A kobold in rags is feeding a dozen hens and a group of chicks with wheat bran and corn kernels in front of the chicken coop. While feeding the chickens, it also sneaks the feed in the wooden bowl into its mouth from time to time.

After the kobold found an earthworm dug out from a hen's claws, he wanted to rush to **** it, but was pecked to the ground angrily by the feeding hen, and the feed in his hand was scattered everywhere. . Immediately afterwards, the chicken feeder and the hens pouted their buttocks on the ground to grab food, but a nearby kobold with a whip came over and gave them a few violent strokes.

There are several milk goats in the sheep pen. A kobold brings grass to the goat, and another kobold with a shabby straw hat is skillfully milking the goat's milk under the belly of the goat. The saliva of the 'chef hat' has flowed out from the mouth for a long time, and the small eyes are rolling around, it seems that he wants to drink half of the mouth when people are not paying attention.

Crops are grown in every available corner of the castle. There are many types of crops, including rye, corn, potatoes, and turnips. Last but not least, kobolds love turnips.

In a shoal pond overgrown with weeds, several kobolds were wading in the water to fish for frogs and loaches. A large kobold suddenly emerged from the pond, holding a slippery giant eel in his hand.

There are several dense cherry trees planted next to the pond. The brightly-colored, red-like cherries are adorned with branches this season, and are carefully picked into wooden bowls by their dirty claws.

In addition to these, there is also an open-pit mine inside the castle, and kobolds continue to climb up and down the spiral stairs of the mine. They have burning candles on their heads, stone picks in their hands, and baskets behind them are filled with ores of various sizes.

"How many kobolds are in this castle?" Barrett asked casually. Roughly it looks like there are hundreds, but I don't know how many there are inside the mine.

"As many as weeds." The Iron Helmet replied proudly, "As many as grains of sand! Kobolds, there will be more and more; castles, will continue to expand! Bigger, bigger!"

A group of aspiring kobolds, Barrett thought to himself. But it only takes one meal for me to erase your numbers by double digits.

A group of kobolds, chasing after a few wild boars, ran in front of the crowd in a panic. One of them, a kobold with a broken tail, slipped under his feet and fell to the ground with a 'poof'. After seeing it, the Iron Helmet immediately rushed up and beat him with the small iron piece in his hand, until the Broken Tail let out a scream like a dog barking.

"Get up, don't be lazy, go to work!" Iron helmet shouted, kicking the docked tail that just got up.


Coming to the gate of the inner castle, the iron helmet and the big guard next to the gate, wearing chain armor and holding a long spear, had a conversation mixed with common language and barking. After that, it handed over Barrett and others. to the guard.

"Follow me, don't move around, and be respectful when you see Madam." The common language of the kobold chainmail guards is obviously better, at least the pronunciation is quite standard.

After changing to a new guide, Barrett and others entered the inner fort. The inside of the fort is quite different from the outside. The various decorations inside are exquisite and artistic. Even Barrit, a barbarian who doesn’t know what art is at all, feels the elegance of the kobolds inside.

They went up the winding stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor, Barrett saw a few kobolds with dark brown eggs in their hands, and they passed by and went downstairs. It was only then that the barbarians remembered that kobolds are actually oviparous, just like chickens, ducks, and lizards.

The chain guard went around the corner of the stairs on the second floor and continued towards the third floor, and Barrett and the others followed suit. In a room at the end of the corridor on the third floor, Barrett finally met the owner of this strange castle, Mrs. Windsor.

The lady was wearing a black silk gown, jet-black high boots, and a long black satin cape. She was leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, holding a bunch of white lily-of-the-valley flowers in her hand, looking out the window.

Not far away, there was a kobold holding a paintbrush and a drawing board. Using a small herringbone ladder, he climbed up and down on a giant easel. With the paintbrush in his hand, he kept depicting Mrs. Windsor who was looking at the window.

Moreover, this woman who can't tell her age is not a female kobold, but a human. At least, she looks human.

But more importantly, the lady didn't even have half a black hair on her head. The full head of white hair shines like molten silver against the background of the black attire.

Barrett stared impolitely for a long time, and did not find any mottled color on her head.

"Hello, dull-eyed guests." Mrs. Windsor said to everyone with a smile, "Don't put on a surprised expression, I know the purpose of your trip and what you are thinking now."

Mrs. Windsor motioned for the chain guard and the painter kobold to leave, then turned back to the easel, frowned at the canvas, and muttered to herself, "It seems that Rubens' grasp of light needs to be strengthened. , but at least better than 'Paulus'. Anyway, he's the most artistically gifted little guy I've ever bred."

"You, do you really know the purpose of our trip?" Barrett was still staring at the white hair on the other side's was full of doubts.

"You can see from your appearance that you don't belong here." Mrs. Windsor looked up at everyone, looking at the barbarians and others, and looked at the little mage's attire and the bard's face. few eyes.

'Here', everyone uses the word, but what does 'here' refer to? Villages, hills, or this mystical enchantment? Barrett has no way of knowing.

"So, since you came to me, you naturally want to get the 'black hair' on my head." She said with a smile.

"Sorry, pardon me. But I don't see any black on your head," said Barrett. "Does that mean we can't get what we want, um..., yours? black hair?"

"No, of course you can get what you want. It's just a price," said Mrs. Windsor. "It depends on what you have and what you can bring me."

"Equivalent exchange?" asked the gnome mage.

"That's what your mages use, and I prefer to call it a 'deal', a deal that satisfies both parties." Lady Windsor walked towards the crowd, "People from 'Reavik' come here every year to purchase ore, and then brought me a huge amount of materials, and you, in fact, are no different from them."

As she approaches, strange things happen.

Mrs. Windsor's black attire, starting from the boots on the soles of her feet, continued to change with her pace, from inky black to pearly white. But the white hair on her head and the lily in her hand gradually turned into a deep black.

"Remember, don't be fooled by the illusion in front of you." She walked in front of everyone and said softly.


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