Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 191: beloved gift

The next day, when Barrett and others left from Windsor Castle, they got the second item as they wished—'Lady Windsor's black hair'.

Barrett had to admit that it was a strange, somewhat eerie black hair, and it was one that Lady Windsor had casually found on her own head.

The woman who could not tell her age was dressed in an elegant snow-white gown and cape, and the high boots made her graceful like a flying white swan.

She turned her head slightly in front of Barrett and others, and casually wrapped the selected hair around her index finger, "The little guy is a little shy, but anyway, it's yours." Mrs. Windsor finished. , the fingers are a little harder, and gently pull.

Immediately afterwards, the ordinary black hair, which was only quite supple, unexpectedly came alive after being detached from the woman's head.

It raised its head like a snake at Lady Windsor's fingertips and swam slowly around it. When she handed the black hair to Barrett and others, she also told in a teasing tone, "Be careful, don't let it run away, and it is best not to touch it directly with your hands. Also, I suggest that you travel Feed it something, like a few cherries. That way, it'll be nice."

A hair can not only move, but also eat? Hehe, it's about to bite. No, this one seems to work too, but Barrett doesn't want to try it.

The barbarian put the black hair into a special glass bottle, and according to Mrs. Windsor's instructions, put two agate-like red cherries in the bottle. The long black hair kept moving along the smooth bottle wall, and dexterously passed in and out between the two cherries. Whenever it tentatively taps the bottle wall with its own end, it always makes Barrett feel an indescribable discomfort...

Moreover, the acquisition is not without cost.

Lady Windsor needs everyone present (dead and alive, including birds) to give her a beloved item as a gift. One per person, neither more nor less, and the total value of the five gifts should be greater than 10,000 gold coins. Not only that, the value of each gift needs to be determined by her.

And the woman also said at the time, "The more you love, the more valuable it is likely to be."

Very good, after hearing such a request, Barrett immediately wanted to do what he had been doing for a long time - robbery.

Such a request is clearly beyond the reach of a strong man! 10,000 gold coins is enough to hire half of the adventurers in the Bay of Pigs, including at least four or five seasoned and skilled veteran adventure teams. They will hug you and call you king or queen or whatever you like. They'll juggle for you, fight for you, raise a glass to cheers at big feasts, and get drunk for you.

Until you run out of gold coins.

Barrett has been an adventurer for so many years, and at most he has only accumulated 2,000 gold coins. Then, in the blink of an eye, he and his dwarf companions 'spent' on the teleportation circle.

Okay, so far away, let's get back to the five gifts.

After some deliberation, Barrett offered the first gift. He thought about it carefully for a long time, and the gift he took out was a rather elegant gem brooch. It was the best-preserved, most elegant, and most exquisitely crafted of the bunch of gadgets Barrett had given him when he was in Deathstroke.

Those gold and gemstone ornaments have been cleaned and polished by a jeweler by Barrett. Most of them are broken and directly cashed by Barrett. As for the very few preserved ones, he originally planned to send them to a more familiar grocery store, 'Dave's Quill', so that they could sell for a better price.

Of course, Deathstroke Town is not a big commercial city, and there are not many rich people in the town, so those accessories have to be serious, in fact, they are just like that.

And this best jewelry, the price given by Mrs. Windsor is 300 gold coins.

She was still staring straight into Barrett's eyes at the time, shaking her head and saying something like this, "Stingy adventurer, you never attached any value to this brooch in your heart—you never thought of getting it. Give it to someone you love, and never want to cherish it and pass it on, it is no different from ordinary gold in your heart. So I am very disappointed with your gift."

"If someone would exchange hundreds of gold coins for a hair of mine, I wouldn't be greedy and think that the other person is a stingy person." Barrett said blankly.

Are you disappointed? I gave away hundreds of gold coins inexplicably, and I am still very disappointed. If you can't get the money back from this adventure, I'll take the kobolds under your command to vent your anger before you leave this mystical barrier! Barrett thought bitterly.

"There is no essential difference between gold coins and sand grains here." Lady Windsor said with a smile, not angry at Barrett's rudeness. "You don't understand anything, foreign adventurers, don't understand anything..."

The second present was Phyllis the parrot, whose gift was one of her own tail feathers. The price given by Mrs. Windsor was 800 gold coins. "Smart speaker, your mind is no different from the creature you yearn for. You don't actually care about your body, and even faintly want to get rid of it. So this root One of your few tail feathers doesn't carry as much weight in your heart as you think."

The third was a young bard, and his gift was a kiss from himself.

When Barrett saw the fiery entanglement of the four red lips, his heart was full of envy. And when he heard that Mrs. Windsor offered a high price of 3,000 gold coins for the kiss, his heart was even more violently shocked.

Why? Is it still possible to do this? If I had known that I would also offer my own kiss! That way I can save that gemstone brooch worth hundreds of gold. Moreover, even if you want more, I can't give it...

After the kiss, Lady Windsor, stroking the bard's cheek at the time, said, "What a handsome lad, what a pure kiss. Hundreds of girls have given your kiss to you, and many more to come. Get it. But these kisses are bitter and lonely for you. You're always expecting the next girl's kiss to be different, but you know in your heart, it's impossible. Because, you are the most The girl who wanted to kiss, never got it..."

People in this world are crazy! Even if I go back to Deathstroke, which is full of dead people, I won't come back to this ghost place that always gives people goosebumps! That's what Barrett thought after hearing those words at the time.

The fourth is a lonely little ghost. When Barrett asked if he could offer a gift in place of the little ghost, Mrs. Windsor refused. UU Reading

"The gift can be anything, as long as you really care," she said at the time,

I really care about gold coins! Only I gave a truly valuable gift, but I was called a stingy person by you! Barrett's heart was a little unbalanced.

Mrs. Windsor gently pulled the little ghost's spirit body with the hand that ripped off her black hair, making her sit on her lap as if she were in essence. "Do you care about anything?"

"Is the story okay?" Little Ghost asked timidly, as if he was a little afraid of the very temperamental aunt in front of him.

"Of course, as long as you like the story," said the owner of the castle.

After that, the little ghost told her the story of the witch and the candy house vividly. Although it was not as tactful as the bard told her, it was still attractive enough.

After listening, Mrs. Windsor stroked the little ghost's hair with pity, "My little cutie, this is undoubtedly a good story, but I can only give one hundred gold coins. Because, you don't like this story at all, not at all…"

The last to deliver the gift is the gnome mage.

Theodore Flash Gold knew that the adventure team was actually hired by him at the moment, and he was the only one in the gang who could be called rich, so the gnome mage was last in line, ready to make up the rest of the value. .

The little man selected in his space ring for a long time, and was still shaking his head constantly. In the end, with a painful face, he presented a book with a simple shape - a handwritten note from Master Keen.

When Mrs. Windsor took the book and flipped through it, the calm expression on her face finally turned into surprise, "My God, the handwriting of one of the creators. You know, this book is here, it is priceless."

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