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Chapter 193: irresponsible guesswork

After dinner, in the little boy Andy's room, Barrett repeated the strange male villager he had met before and the untrue things he said to others.

"When the person asked me at that time, I told our previous guess and said that this is a half-plane mystical enchantment created by a certain mage to resist and trap foreign enemies. Of course, this enchantment The world still has a certain trial function, after all, that Taling did say the word 'trial' at the beginning." Barrett opened a small orange and put the whole into his mouth.

"But that person just grinned and seemed to be very disdainful of my answer." After he finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced out the window.

Another dazzling flash of lightning illuminated the gloomy world, and after four heartbeats, the roar of thunder followed. The rain began to hit the windows sporadically, making a crisp 'crack' sound.

The next moment, the sound became louder and denser, and in an instant it became a line. This shy virgin who was hiding in the dark cloud and twisting, finally arrived belatedly.

"And then?" Phyllis the parrot stood on the shoulders of the bard, subconsciously sorting out her feathers.

"Then I asked if the answer was correct, or if there was a little bit of guesswork. And he said, 'You guys are going to leave anyway, so it's no use knowing so much.' And that was the end of the conversation. Anyway, I think what he said was quite right."

The barbarian got up and walked to the window sill, and closed the slightly shaking window again. The shocking thunder and torrential rain outside the window made him slightly absent-minded. Are these scenes all fake? Or, is it real?

The more he knew, the more confused he felt. Barrett simply simplified all the problems in his mind.

The Misty Forest is undoubtedly a mysterious place, but Barrett is just there to kill monsters, pick up various magic materials, and then come out alive, and then go to exchange for gold coins and spend a lot of time. See, it's that simple.

Right now, the Mysterious Lock Barrier is also a very mysterious place, so Barrett plans to follow this method. Get all the items you need, get the clues of 'Asha's Tears', look for this so-called artifact, and leave. As for those confusing mysteries, I'll talk about it later.

However, 'someone' is clearly interested in these things.

"Is there any record of these in the documents you know?" Phyllis the parrot asked the dwarf mage, "records how the mage treats their followers who are nearing the end of their lives."

"Followers? What does this have to do with followers? What do you want to say?" The gnome mage didn't quite understand.

"Because I am a magic pet, I also have a certain understanding of mages." Phyllis said, "As far as I know, mages don't pay much attention to the love of men and women, because the temptation of magic itself reduces their reproduction. However, mages still have emotions, and even some mages have more extreme emotions than ordinary people. If a companion who has been with him for a long time, if he is taken away by time, his soul will disappear forever in this multiverse, which is undoubtedly a A very sad thing. If it is a legendary mage, is it possible for him to create a special area or enchantment to preserve the body or soul of these followers of him?"

"It's unlikely, you know, mages and gods are two different systems." The dwarf mages shook his head, "the founder of the magic empire, the legendary mages among the legendary mages, the people who tear the magic web, and the remodeling mages. The slayer, the slayer of the gods, the beacon of human advancement, the eye of wisdom in the multiverse, the greatest Master Tal Rasha, who is so powerful that he has invented an ultimate magic that can directly slaughter gods. This magic can directly It acts on the godhead and destroys it easily, but it has no effect on ordinary people. Of course, I heard that the cost of casting is quite high..."

Do you need to read such a long list of titles every time? Barrett murmured inwardly. Or are you actually cheating?

"But even so, it is impossible for the great Master Talashia to let the soul or consciousness of ordinary people hide in a special area, escape the invasion of time, and obtain eternal life." The little mage continued to explain, "For Magicians are not even familiar with the magic of 'soul'. There are many reasons for this, but I think there are only two main ones."

The dwarf mage took a sip of the herbal tea that Sean and the others made. Compared with demons, demons, and gods that have existed for thousands of years, we intelligent creatures on the material plane are still too young."

"It's really impossible to create out of thin air." Phyllis the parrot admitted this statement, "But what if this place was originally a kingdom of gods?" The kingdom of God was maintained by a certain, or a few legendary wizards and quasi-legendary wizards by unknown means, so that it did not collapse with the fall of the gods. We can even boldly guess that this piece of **** The country has not lost its original owner, the unfortunate **** is still alive to this but was imprisoned by the mages, or fell into eternal sleep..."

Everyone's mouths were wide open, and they were speechless at the irresponsible guess of a bird.

"What did that person say after that?" Phyllis turned to look at Barrett.

"Oh..." The barbarian recalled faintly again, "I also told him the other two things we needed, tree heart sap and volcanic lava. After the strange villager heard that we got the tree heart sap, He sighed with regret, and then suggested that if we want to obtain magma safely, it is best to send only one person to the inside of the volcano."

"Why? Isn't it more dangerous to be alone?" the parrot asked curiously.

"The man said that the volcano was filled with a large number of monsters, lava lizards, magma giants, and more importantly, burning web spiders. He said that those burning web spiders were near the lava in the volcano, crawling everywhere, It is impossible to kill them all. The more people there are, the easier it is to attract more monsters. Therefore, he said that the best way is to sneak in in a low-key manner, and then exit quickly after taking the magma."

"However, we don't have sneak thieves or assassins here." The gnome mage frowned.

"Let me leave this matter to me." Barrett said without hesitation, "The space inside the volcano must be relatively narrow, and neither you nor Phyllis can stay in the sky as safely as before. If the monster inside is really There are a lot of people, and I may not be able to take care of you. But if I am alone, it will be easier and more flexible."

"That's it." The parrot said, "You work harder, go to the volcano to get magma alone, and the rest of us wander around the village to see if we can get more useful information."


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