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Chapter 194: "Solo" Volcano Tour (Part 1)

All the way to the north, Barrett moved slowly towards the volcano called 'Ngoro'.

Yesterday's majestic heavy rain fell almost all night, and it didn't start to stop slowly until the early morning. In the attic of the herbal master Sean's house, Barrett slept very sweetly listening to the even sound of the rain hitting the roof.

The ground was wet and muddy at this time, and rainwater had accumulated in many low-lying places. The creatures on the hills have also become much less, at least the traces of those fire ants have never been seen, maybe they are busy sorting out the flooded home.

Said to be "alone", but Barrett still had the little ghost Eve by his side, accompanying him as always.

After the birth of ghosts, most of the undead can only linger near the "Land of Desolation" when they died, and cannot leave too far, and Eve is no exception. But after being transformed by a certain undead high-level mage, Eve's own sad place has changed from the residence in Deathstroke Town to an ornament around Barrett's neck - the 'resting place'.

"When you get to the volcano, you have to hide in the tombstone obediently, don't come out casually, you know?" Barret raised his head and warned the little ghost in the air.

"I know, don't worry, anyway, I don't like those hot places, it makes me feel very uncomfortable." The little ghost responded. Immediately afterwards, she suddenly exclaimed, "Look, look, what is that?"

She flew towards a hole in the ground not far in front of her, and circled twice at the entrance of the hole, "Uncle big man, I saw something 'stab' and slid down from here."

"It's normal," Barrett said casually. "There are many creatures that burrow and make their homes underground. For example, badgers, fire ants, groundhogs, or rabbits with pocket watches..." Wait, I just now What exactly was said, "Cough, in short, there is nothing to worry about."

"I want to go down and have a look, okay?" The little ghost leaned over the hole and looked around, his face full of curiosity.

The dragonskin boots were covered in mud, and Barrett took out a map and compared it with the mountain in the distance, "Go ahead, be careful. If you come across a fire ant, remember to stay away from it, the fire from that thing can It hurts you." He then added, "I mean, fire can hurt everyone, so be careful."

After the little ghost happily agreed, he drilled in through the hole.

In fact, your translucent spiritual body can be entered anywhere, and it is not limited to the entrance of the cave. Barrett shook his head with a smile, and finally sighed in his heart.

He suddenly felt inexplicably, a strange emotion called "responsibility".


"It's dark inside the cave, and there are many fork in the road. When I first entered, I was really dumbfounded and didn't know where to go. But then, I suddenly realized that, yes, I am a ghost, It can go directly through those stones and clods. Then I discovered a big secret that I have always ignored - in fact, the ground and the sky are similar to me! I can go wherever I want. Go wherever!"

On the way, the little ghost chattered to Barrett about her underground adventures.

"After that, I just ran around casually below, there are many creatures underground, earthworms bigger than snakes, beetles lying on tree roots and sucking, scary colorful centipedes and big scorpions with two tails. I also Found a litter of bunny bunnies that looked like they were just born, they were so ugly, they didn't even have fur, they weren't cute at all. And I also bumped into a mole with a pointy mouth. I was running too fast, head on It collided with it. The mole went through my body, then thumped, fell directly into the hole, and couldn't get up again..."

When the little ghost said this, his tone was a little lost, but then he returned to normal, "big uncle, do you think moles are delicious?"

"..." Barrett didn't know how to answer.

"I was looking at the dead mole and I was a little frustrated. I thought if I knew where they were, it wouldn't have happened. But how? The dead mole thought for a long time, and suddenly recalled that Cecilia seemed to have said before that their vampires have the ability to smell the blood in the vicinity. I laughed at her at the time, saying that this ability is just Like a puppy. She was so angry that she tried to pounce on me, but every time she did, it made me laugh out loud, Cecilia is so stupid."

"But I remember that Cecilia also said that some other undead have similar abilities and can directly perceive the living creatures nearby. Then I wanted to try it, big uncle, guess I succeeded... "

Judging by the smile on your face, you must have succeeded. "No, no." Barrett bypassed a muddy puddle and kicked away a frog that roared at him wantonly next to the puddle.

"You guessed wrong, Eve is so smart, she's sure to succeed!" The little ghost habitually circled Barritt, circle after circle, "I concentrated all my energy at that time, wanting to perceive I went to the specific location of those lives. Then, I really felt it! Those lives appeared in front of my eyes like little spots of light, many, many, everywhere, making me feel a little hungry inexplicably Woolen cloth."

The little ghost scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly, "And those light spots are not all the same, some are bigger, some are smaller; some are very dark, some are very bright. One of the light spots is extraordinarily bright. It's big, and it's very bright, just above my head, I guess it's you, big uncle, hee hee."

"However, your light spot is not the largest. I also sensed another larger light spot diagonally below the ground. Then I flew towards that light spot curiously. You can't even imagine, Big uncle." Little Gloomy Soul exaggeratedly said, "As I got closer, the light spot got bigger and bigger! Later, I could hardly see anything other than that light spot. It took up all my vision, and I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I doubt if I go deep into the ground in other places, I can easily see it because it is so big."

Underground, Barrett frowned, looking down at the damp ground beneath his feet. Right next to his boots, a blooming red flax was shattered by the rain, leaving only a fiery red petal on it, but it still bloomed tenaciously.

"At that time, I wanted to go deeper into the ground to see what such a big bright spot was. But I had just been flying for a while, when Ju suddenly felt an overwhelming weakness, and I knew it was Because I'm too far away from you, big uncle. After that, I started flying back. Alas, what a pity..."

The little ghost sighed and seemed to regret not seeing the true face of that light spot, "Uncle big man, you say, is it the thing Phyllis said? One, god?" She tilted her head, her face small. It was full of doubts, and it seemed that he didn't quite understand the true meaning of these two words.

"Who knows, no matter what he is, it has nothing to do with us." Barrett said lightly, "Also, don't get close to that spot of light in the future, it may be dangerous."

"Oh, okay." The little ghost replied obediently.

Although Ngoro Volcano does not seem far away, Barret and the little ghost still arrived at the foot of the volcano when it was approaching evening.

Ngoro is not a towering volcano in the traditional sense that continuously spews smoke. It is actually a rather flat crater, a circular shape formed by the interaction of magma and underground water. The crater is surrounded by a ring of solidified magma, debris and volcanic rocks from the explosion.

When Barrett had just arrived here, the long-lost magnetic sound in the sky rang again.

[Fire is both the source of life and the way to death. 】


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