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Chapter 195: "Solo" Volcano Tour (middle)

[Fire is both the source of life and the way to death. 】

[The species in Ngoro Volcano are very rich, and the flame ants once rooted their nests in this fire area. The 'Queen Evangelin' rules the entire crater. She and her offspring obtain nutrients by absorbing the fire element energy and lava residues in the magma, and sometimes prey on the lava spray beetles and ash crawling between the rock crevices. Snakes, and fire bugs, etc. 】

Flame Ants? Those big orange-red, fire-breathing ants? Don't they live on the hills? Barrett pressed the question in his heart and continued to listen.

[But suddenly one day, the cinder-web spiders migrated from the depths of the volcano. The 'spider mother Bestilak' led a massive army of ember-web spiders, and a fire broke out between the flaming ants ruled by Evangelin. A protracted and brutal war. In the end, the queen ant and her clan were driven out of the Ngoro Volcano by the spider mother Bestilak, and could only retreat to the 'Chemoran Hills', relying on a few thin lava flows underground, struggling to survive . 】

War spiders and ants, none of these matters to me. I'm just going to sneak in quietly, put some hot lava on it, and then sneak out quietly, that's all. Barrett thought to himself.

[Beware of those ember web spiders, they are voracious and ruthless predators that will take all prey they can see. They wrap their prey in cobwebs and drag them back to their lava-filled lair for later consumption. Of course, if you have the opportunity to reach the ember web spider's lair and tear open the web chrysalis hanging on the rock wall, you may get a little unexpected "surprise"...]

No, why should I do this? Just for that uncertain gain? The barbarian shook his head and ignored this unreliable suggestion.

"Then, I'll hide in, be careful yourself, big uncle," said the little ghost.

Barrett nodded, watching the little ghost disappear in mid-air, and then crawled to the crater alone.

The vegetation around the crater is dense and lush, especially a silver arrow grass with silver plush leaves and spiral aloe vera plants, and occasionally fiery red kapok, desert rose, lava pitcher plant, etc.

Barrett stepped on the ground formed of porous volcanic rock and gray-black volcanic ash, cut down a few shrubs of cacti and dwarf palms that blocked the road, and easily came to the low top of Ngoro.

The top of the mountain is a circular depression, shaped like a buckled bowl, with a thick layer of heat-resistant moss. In the center of the depression is a large, funnel-like hole that appears to lead straight into the volcano's interior.

Barrett slid cautiously to the edge of the hole and peered inside. The inside of the cave was not pitch-black, but a red light shone in the depths, and there were constant waves of heat waves hitting the face.

If you want to get the third item - the magma of Ngoro Volcano, it seems that you can only go down through this hole.

"Oh, it's really not a good job, I hope the spiders in it have already eaten and rested." The barbarian said to himself.

He took out the magic rope that the little mage lent him from the space ring, and then took out three long iron nails. After driving the nails into the rock near the hole, he firmly tied one end of the rope to the three nails, and then tugged hard to make sure nothing was lost.

While busy with the work at hand, Barrett continued to talk to himself, "'Flame is both the source of life and the way to die', that's a good thing to say, I just hope that I can survive from being eaten by spiders and being killed by Make an appropriate choice between burning magma, being killed by other monsters, etc.


Going down the magic rope, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and Barrett feels like a suckling pig trapped in the oven, being steamed from the outside to the inside.

On the way down, he accidentally found a small red and black snake creeping slowly on the cave wall. There is a fiery red pattern on the back of the little snake. The pattern is like crystal clear glass, which is really beautiful, and there seems to be lava flowing slowly inside.

As Barrett descended to level with it, the little snake suddenly bounced out of the smooth wall of the cave, hitting Barrett like a galloping arrow.

The barbarian hanging in the air was already prepared, and he used his left hand to copy the flaming red snake in his hand. The pattern on the snake's back was so hot that it was so hot that Barrett almost didn't hold it. The next moment, the snake's head suddenly swung in the direction of Barrett, and then the snake's mouth opened wide, and there was a faint fire inside.

"Damn it!" At the critical moment, the barbarian turned his head to the side with all his might, and avoided a torrent of flames shot from the snake's head.

A torrent of flames swept past his ear, curling the hair on Barrett's left side. He angrily grabbed the snake's head with his other hand, summoned a sharp dagger from the space ring with his left hand, and cut off the snake's head with one knife.

The little snake's headless body swayed violently in Barrett's hands, and even curled up on his arm and strangled it tightly. But after three heartbeats, the headless little snake slid off Barrett's arm without moving.

Barritt put the dead snake into the space ring, and checked the left hand that was scalded by the snake pattern. Fortunately, the burn was not serious, but he didn't know whether it would affect the use of the weapon.

"Well, I should have thrown it away as soon as I knew it." Barrett was a little annoyed by his subconscious greed. "It's just that this guy has been delivered to the door, how can you not?"

The beginning of the game was not smooth, so Barrett was on alert, but no other accidents happened in the After successfully landing at the bottom of the hole, he first took out some straps and entangled them. Slightly burnt left hand. Then he took out the 'Iron Bride' and waved it a few times at will.

The scald did have some impact, and the palm holding the hilt didn't dare to exert too much force. Barrett shook his head, handed the saber to the other hand, took a deep breath, and walked in the direction of the red fire.

He moved forward along the corridor washed out by the magma, and the air around him was getting hotter and hotter, reminding him of his adventure in Hot Spring Town.

However, although the air near the hot spring was hot, it was also humid. And this time the air was not only hot, but extremely dry. After only a short walk, Barrett felt his lips dry and split, and each breath felt like a blade was slicing through his nostrils.

At the end of the corridor, what came into view was an empty cave. Barrett looked sideways and found a huge magma pool from the cave. The orange-red to dazzling magma continued to flow out from the hole at the top of the pool. After filling the scorched pool, it followed a crevice by the pool and slowly flowed like a stream like a distant place.

And near the magma pool, he saw a unique battle.

The fighting party is a kind of fire element - lava giant (should it be earth, fire, or giant? I classify it as fire element here, it doesn't affect anything.). Its tall body is composed of many red-hot rocks, and in the gaps between the rocks, hot magma is still flowing outwards.

On the other side of the battle were more than a dozen large orange-red spiders covered with spikes and flames flashing on their eight legs. These spiders should be the ember web spiders mentioned by the magnetic voice.

Giants and spiders, the battle between the two sides is about to break out.


first change

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