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Chapter 196: "Solo" Volcano Tour (Part 2)

The lava giant was surrounded by ember web spiders on the edge of the magma pool, and it roared loudly, making a muffled sound like the collision of rocks. Immediately afterwards, the giant stomped heavily towards the spider closest to it, but was easily avoided by the latter's dexterous sideways jump.

The next moment, a raging flame rushed out from the foot of the lava giant and attacked the nearby ember web spider group. But the spiders were only repelled by the shock wave, and the flames themselves did not affect them at all.

For creatures living on magma in volcanoes, fire immunity seems to be a standard skill.

The hind legs of the Cinderweb spiders bent slightly and began to charge. Then, like the little glazed snake that Barrett encountered, they bounced out of the spot one by one and jumped towards the lava giant by the pool.

They pounced on the giant, constantly slashing at their forelimbs that were as sharp as knives and hung with flames, and thrust their long, sharp fangs into the giant's rock-like body. Although the scorching spider venom also has no effect on the lava giant, the surging flame energy in the giant's body is constantly absorbed by the spiders.

The lava giant let out a painful roar. It grabbed a ember web spider on its shoulder, threw it violently to the ground, and then stepped on it.

This ember web spider, which was thrown to the ground and had eight legs tossing, was directly trampled into flesh mud by the giant. Its bloated to transparent orange-red abdomen splashed out a magma-like orange-yellow liquid, falling on the rock and hissing. Hissing.

Immediately afterwards, another ember web spider was crushed directly by the lava giant from the air, followed by the third ember web spider was also destroyed, the fourth was torn in half, and the spider legs that fell to the ground were still unceasingly. twitch.

But the fire in the lava giant is getting darker and darker. It had to speed up, grabbed one ember web spider after another, and threw it directly on the opposite rock wall.

Even so, the struggle of the giant is getting weaker and weaker, and the spiders thrown on the rock wall, after falling to the ground, only need to turn their bodies over, and they can still join the battle staggeringly.

In the end, the giant let out an unwilling roar and fell directly into the magma pool. The spiders swarmed up, digging and digging on its rocky body with sharp forelimbs.

After five heartbeats, an amber-shaped flaming core was dug out of the giant by the Cinderweb spiders. The spiders didn't ask for other parts of the lava giant's body. They seemed to dislike it for being too big and heavy, and they just took away the apple-sized flaming core.

After that, Barrett discovered that the group of ember web spiders actually pulled out four or five pupae that were tightly trapped by orange-red spider webs from a corner of a rock. These net pupae are large and small, and some are even struggling, as if the creatures inside are still alive.

No wonder they didn't want this big lava giant, it turned out to be a full reward. Barrett hid in the corridor, intending to wait for the spiders to leave, quietly go to the pool to fill it with a few bottles of magma, and then turn around and leave, completing the task easily.

But at this moment, a somewhat special net chrysalis successfully attracted Barbarian's attention. Because the outside of the pupa is also covered with a thick layer of cobwebs, but it can still be clearly distinguished that the creature inside it should be a humanoid.

Humanoids? Humanity? Or an orc? Or a troll? Barrett frowned in thought, then shook his head again. The size and shape of this net pupa are quite slender, and obviously it cannot be the stout creatures as the latter two.

How to do? He hesitated for a moment, and then found that the human-shaped net pupa was still struggling a few times, but these struggles seemed to have used up all its strength. After that, the net pupae would no longer move. .

Alas, what else can I do? The barbarian sighed in his heart. Could it be that he can't be saved?

Barrett took out the resonating battle axe from the space ring, aimed at the soft-looking abdomen of the last Cinderweb spider, and threw the battle axe violently.

He didn't check the result of this blow, but took out the black knight shield and quickly put it on his left hand.

The flame creatures here seem to spray something, either thick lava phlegm, or thin thread-like flame saliva. If there is no shield protection, he is worried that he may be caught in the situation of being surrounded and unfortunate.

The resonating battle axe hit the target precisely, smashing the belly of the unfortunate spider, causing it to scream and fall to the ground, leaving only a slight twitch unconsciously.

The other Cinderweb spiders turned their heads to look around, and finally focused on the corridor. They put all their prey down, and then rushed in the direction of the corridor angrily.

Barrett hid around the corner, listening patiently. The first spider's footsteps have reached the other side of the corner, and it begins to become cautious, and seems to want to make an arc to observe the situation on this side.

The IQ of this monster is actually not low.

Our barbarian adventurers did not give it such a chance. He rushed out from the corner, and the sharp sword in his hand directly slashed the head and chest of the ember web spider, and split it in two.

Immediately after he pushed his shield forward, the rest of the ember web spiders kept hitting the shield with their forelimbs, making a clinking sound, except for adding a few scratches on the surface of the shield, but it was of no use.

A ember web spider jumped high, trying to leap over the hard black knight shield and attack Barrett behind the shield. But he was stabbed directly in the head and chest by the barbarian with an oblique sword, and then threw him to the ground.

The rest of the spiders formed a fan shape and wanted to besiege Barritt, but he dodged and retreated into the corridor. Barrett has a lot of combat experience, and he is very good at grasping the situation of the battle and using the terrain.

Although the corridor is not too narrow, the Cinderweb Spider is quite large. And the eight spider legs take up a lot of space to swing, so the entire corridor can only accommodate two spiders in parallel, and it is still quite crowded.

The next moment, the sharp sword shot out from behind the shield like lightning, piercing the brain of another Cinderweb spider with precision. The spiders at the back added, but still had no choice but to shrink behind the shield, attacking the barbarian adventurer who retreated coquettishly.

Cinderweb spiders, who were last in line, climbed the rock wall at the top of the tunnel and fired at Barrett like a cannonball.

He pierced one of them with his sword and blocked the other with his shield. The power of the spider's catapult is quite But the power of the barbarian is not vegetarian, and his body is only slightly shaken, and he completely parries it.

He smashed the shield with the spider on it to the side of the rock wall. The spider was sore and released the shield, fell to the ground, and was cut in two by Barrett's sword. Immediately afterwards, he stepped back again, dodging the sharp spider forelimbs in front of him.

The battle continued as Barrett kept retreating, but the number of Cinderweb spiders was getting smaller and smaller.

Another ember web spider climbed up the rock wall and shot orange-red viscous spider webs at him from above. This attack method is a bit tricky, but it still can't beat our barbarian adventurer.

Barrett took a few steps back quickly, then inserted the sharp sword on the ground, and put away the black knight shield. After he avoided a few cobwebs with a short body, two steel hand axes appeared in both hands, and threw them towards the spider at the top of the rock wall.

Two ember web spiders fell in response, and another pair of sharp spider forelimbs attacked in front, but only one pair remained.

Barrett drew his sword and slashed with a huge force, smashing the penultimate spider in front of him. Then he threw his weapon at the last Cinderweb spider at the top of the wall, the sword pierced into the spider's belly, and the orange-yellow liquid splattered like rain.

After destroying all the Cinderweb spiders, Barrett dashed towards the humanoid web chrysalis.

The orange-red cobweb felt a little hot to the touch, and I didn't know whether the creatures inside could still survive, maybe they had already suffocated and died. He used a dagger to carefully cut off the spider web on the face of the humanoid pupa, and then ripped open all the spider webs, finally revealing the faces of the creatures inside.

Whoops I'm going. Is it a chick?


The second update, huh, get your work done and eat! Well, if you still feel comfortable watching it, please ask for a ticket.

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