Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 197: who are you? (superior)

Barrett reached out and tried the pulse of the woman in the chrysalis. The pulse was a little weak, but at least it was there.

It seems to be too late.

He continued to use the dagger to cut open the remaining cobwebs on the opponent's body bit by bit. One thing that should be fortunate is that the clothes on the woman's body are still intact, at least avoiding some unnecessary embarrassment.

The man was wearing a beige linen cape full of holes and a tattered black turtleneck. The chest and abdomen of the dress were slashed with a long slanted scratch, and blood smeared out from the trace. The hem of the dress is knee-length, with a circle of fine tassels, and a pair of pink and scalded calves faintly appear under the tassels.

The woman's long hair, which had been twisted and curled under the high temperature baking, was a beautiful dark blonde, but the roots of the long hair were light brown. Obviously, this dark blonde should have been dyed the day after tomorrow.

"Oh, she looks pretty good looking." Barrett nodded inwardly.

But this is not the time to think about it. Judging from the damage that oozes blood, the other party's chest and abdomen are obviously severely injured. Although the wound here did not bleed a lot due to the tight wrapping of the net pupae, if she was to be transported out of the crater, there would inevitably be some bumps along the way. Will the wound burst and bleed again? But it's hard to say.

At this time, it is necessary to cut off the other party's dress - and then make a necessary dressing.

This is not a safe place, so Barrett did not hesitate. He is not one of those young and ignorant younger brothers, nor is he some decent person who will be indecisive. In between, the dagger in his hand spun rapidly, and cut the woman's dress accurately at the wound site, revealing a piece of snow-white skin hidden under it...

And, the two halves are small and delicate, with a seductive lustre of the semicircle.

The old driver's eyes subconsciously stayed on it for two breaths, "You know, this is a last resort, don't blame me."

Barritt took out a roll of cotton and linen bandages that were always available from the space ring, and carefully wrapped the woman's wound tightly.

"Hmm..." The woman frowned and let out an unconscious groan because of the pain. However, she did not really wake up because of this.


The barbarian heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. To be honest, if she just woke up now and found that this strange man was "up and down" on her body, and then started screaming in horror, Barrett really didn't know how to explain it.

Because she probably won't listen carefully at all.

After spending a lot of time and simply dealing with the unnamed woman's injury, Barrett did not forget the real purpose of his adventure.

He gently moved the woman to the vicinity of the rock wall, then got up and walked towards the magma pool. The red-hot magma radiated an unimaginable high temperature, and the fire element energy spread rampantly, preventing Barrett from approaching. He had no choice but to go to the magma stream next to the pond, where he prepared to use the alchemy-enhanced bottle to hold some viscous and hot magma.

But even extremely small magma streams are not easily accessible by ordinary human palms. Barrett could only think of other ways.

He turned around and looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the corpses of Cinderweb spiders all over the ground.

"The corpse is always useful, and sometimes even more valuable than living", this is the common sense of adventurers. Barrett walked over to the nearest ember web spider and touched the spider's forelegs.

At the tip of the slender and sharp forelimb, there is still a trace of flame flashing from time to time, but the temperature at the end is only slightly hot. Barrett held his right hand in the air, the bronze rings on his knuckles chirped slightly, and a resonating battle axe flew out from the corpse of a ember web spider not far away, spinning a death spiral along the way, steadily stopped in the hands of the barbarian.

"Dangdang" two axe, two spider forelimbs were removed in response.

The barbarian clamps the container with the spider's forelimbs, and then sends the container into the magma stream. After several attempts, after losing two alchemy containers, Barret finally succeeded in obtaining the third item - the lava of Ngoro Volcano.

He put the lava container and the spider forelimbs into the space ring, and then began to clean the battlefield.

The most important thing was the large flaming core, which Barrett searched for a long time, and finally found it in the mouth of an emberweb spider. This thing is quite valuable and can greatly compensate for the losses suffered by Barrett before.

Full of joy, he put the flame fusion core into the space ring, and Barrett began to sort out the spider corpses scattered all over the ground. He cut off the forelimbs of all ember web spiders. The forelimbs of this sharp spider are quite comfortable in size and weight. They can be used as short javelins with fire attributes, and can also be sold as magic materials to weapon stores or Grocery store, very versatile.

Immediately afterwards, he habitually put in two spider corpses that were still in good shape (at least the spider belly did not explode). Now, in his space ring, there are a lot of corpses of various monsters, steam. The memphis, the manticore, the fire ants, and the ember web spiders all add up to a lot of money.

In addition to the spider corpse on the ground, there were four still-uncut pupae, and one of them was even wriggling all the time, and its vitality seemed to be extraordinarily tenacious.

Barrett walked to the nearest pupa, and cut a small piece of the web with the resonating battle axe in his hand. Underneath the net was a dark red, metallic chitinous carapace, and the inside of this net pupa should be a lava-spraying beetle.

The barbarians have never encountered these monsters living in the volcano before, so they don't know much about them, and they don't know which part of their body is the most valuable. He simply referred to the ember web spider, and put the beetle, which was still in the state of a pupa, into the space ring.

After taking the beetle in, Barrett suddenly felt that his eyes were blurred, and he was also mentally exhausted and weak.

"Damn it! What's wrong with me?" The barbarian knelt on the spot, closed his eyes and gasped for a long time, and his vision gradually returned to normal, but the mental weakness still did not disappear.

It was then that he remembered that when Mage Will gave him this space ring before, he had specially told him that every time he used the space ring, it would consume a certain amount of mental power, and the larger the items inside the space ring , the mental power consumption will also be greater.

In the previous battles, he used the space ring a lot, and the monster corpses were also very large. It seems that the current situation should be caused by mental exhaustion.

"Forget it, the harvest has been plentiful, it's time to leave here." Barrett warned himself not to be too greedy.

After that, he ignored the remaining few net pupae (mainly because he was afraid of becoming greedy again after reading it), got up and went to the rock wall, wrapped his arms around the unknown woman who was still in a coma, and turned back. Arrived in the tunnel, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

The magic rope was still dutifully hanging at the entrance of the hole, and the end of the rope was still poking at Barrett, as if to say hello.

Because of the weight, the magic rope can only carry one person at a time, so Barrett carefully tied the unknown woman with ropes and let the magic rope send her out of the hole.

Immediately afterwards, the magic rope fell back obediently and automatically wrapped around the barbarian's waist.

Barritt didn't let the magic rope send him up, because the speed was really slow. With muscles in his hands tensed, he scrambled up the ropes, and he was about to reach the hole.

But at this moment, a weak female voice suddenly came from the entrance of the cave, "Say, who are you?"

Barrett looked up in amazement and found that the woman he had rescued before was holding a dark-gold dagger, and the blade of the dagger was placed at the end of the magic rope. It seemed that with a little force, he could only fall down.

One more, hey, hey!

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