Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 209: Heart knot (below)

Barrett's serious injury did not last long. A powerful light of healing from Pastor Joshua swayed from the air in a timely manner. The divine technique healed his injury and greatly relieved the pain at the same time. , and also temporarily inhibited the corrosion process of dragon blood.

Barbarians have teamed up with priests before, and there is a humble church and an old priest in the slums of Galano.

The old priest believed in a new **** named 'Asclepius' who was newly promoted after the 'Battle of Faith'. He was in charge of medical, health, and mutual aid. The poor are called 'healers', 'gods of total governance', and 'medical gods'.

The magic associations that rule the continent today are not as ruthless and ruthless as they were in the imperial era. Barrett had vaguely heard a mage talk about it. The association seems to have a good cooperative relationship with some gods who are easy to get along with. The God of Jin is also one of them.

Back to healing magic.

Even if the **** of faith has the title of "healer", the old priest's healing magic is still not comparable to Joshua's, nor is it comparable to the healing potion created by the mage through alchemy. The magical effect of the old priest's full prayers was less than one-third of the healing potion.

It can be seen that the power of the nameless **** that Pastor Joshua believes in, of course, it may also be caused by the mystery and speciality of this space.

Barrett, who was treated in time, quickly rolled off the rock and fell into the nearby shallow water. After that, he vaguely felt that the black dragon seemed to be attacking him, and with his intuition and the reminders of his companions, he rolled twice with precision, avoiding the attack of the black dragon and keeping a distance from it. .

When he opened his eyes full of needle-like pain and was about to understand the situation on the next court, he saw a huge dragon's mouth parked in front of him for the first time.

After being injured, the black dragon Cyrelios became more angry and irritable. It also trailed down from the rock, and after two unsuccessful attempts, it opened its huge mouth full of dragon teeth and wanted to bite Barrit who was close at hand. However, due to the shackles of magic chains, it has never been able to do so.

Cerrillios cursed incessantly, sometimes in Draconic, sometimes in Common, mixed with Elvish and Dwarven, as well as other unknown languages.

At that time, the black dragon had completely lost his mind. exhausted.

At that time, Cerrillios charged wildly, slammed violently, and fluttered his wings, but due to the magic chain around his neck, he only got a lot of embarrassing falls.

Barrett's sword, the 'Iron Bride', did not fall due to the large movement of the black dragon, but instead continued to penetrate due to the collision when it fell, leaving only a bit of the hilt stuck outside. This is undoubtedly constantly stimulating the black dragon's nerves, making it even more crazy.

The wound on the dragon's back was getting bigger and bigger, and the dragon's blood had been sprinkled all over the rocks at that time, but it had not had time to collect.

Barrett did not choose to take the risk to retrieve the weapon and collect dragon blood, because the black dragon in a state of rage had already shattered the giant rock, and even the terrified scream of the little ghost could not affect it in the slightest.

Approaching rashly at this time is obviously not wise, so Barrett informed his partners to retreat to the edge where the dragon breath can reach, and then repeatedly seduced and provoked like fishing, making the black dragon Serelis in his rage. Stop squeezing his own vitality.

At that time, the black dragon spit out a dozen times of dragon breath in a short period of time. Its powerful spit attack eroded the grass around it. The nearby waters were like an acid purgatory, and there was no living thing at all.

The black dragon's physical strength is very good, and this violent state lasted for a long time, but it could not last forever.

During this period, Cyrelios also subconsciously used the spell-like abilities 'Dark Acid Domain' and 'Disease Swarm'. Although these endless abilities did cause a lot of trouble to Barret and others, due to the mutual The distance is quite far apart, and there is also the strong performance of Pastor Joshua, so they all survived without any risk.

In the end, the irritable Black Dragon fell tiredly into the acid. It flapped its wings a few times, and after a few miserable howls, it closed its eyes and slumped.

And Barrett tried again and again for many times. After confirming the basic safety, the little mage flew tremblingly from the air to the black dragon, and began to collect the last item - dragon blood.

The dwarf mage Theodore Shining Gold carefully collected a lot of dragon blood at the time, and at Barrit's request, he laboriously pulled the 'Iron Bride' out of the black dragon slowly.

In the process, the black dragon only moved its tail symbolically a few times, cursed a few times in a low voice, and did not make any other extreme actions.

To be honest, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it weren't for the fact that the acid pool was not accessible, and they also lacked effective offensive means, Barrett really wanted to do a good deal of real dragon slaying.

Unfortunately, these are just thoughts.

All four items were collected, and Barrett and others rested in the village for a few days. After recovering from their injuries, they applied all the items to the map as required.

Finally, golden teardrops appeared from the map, and the magnetic voice in the sky sounded again, [Do you stay and go to the next town - Rayavik, to further explore the true secrets of the space creators; or Put away your curiosity and leave this land of right and wrong? 】

For Barrett et al., the answer speaks for itself.


Safely came out from the no-name basically completed the entrustment of the gnome mage. After receiving the payment he deserved, Barret said goodbye to the others and parted ways with each other.

He returned to Sanye City to find Mage Alvin, used the free teleportation opportunity obtained from the Mage, and once again came to this place that had completely changed him - the city-state of Muya.

The barbarian came to this world-renowned city-state not for a mission, nor for any entrustment by others, nor to find the "dirty" adventure team that he had cooperated with.

The purpose of his coming here is very simple, just to untie a knot in his heart. A knot that always haunted him. And the way to unravel is very simple.

Barrett is ready to go deep into the ground again, along the road he has traveled, to understand why he was in a coma at that time, and what happened after the coma.


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