Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 210: Coincidentally

The underground is another world with its own unique laws. It certainly won't welcome a day-traveler like Barrett, and if you want to go deep, you have to plan well.

On a street in Muya city-state, while biting the crisp, sweet and sour apple in his hand, Barret carefully calculated the tools he might use in his mind and prepared materials before the adventure.

rope? Not much, because the gnome mage Theodore Shiningjin has given him the very useful enchanted rope. The magic rope can be stretched up to about 60 meters long, which should be almost enough.

Solid rock pegs? You can buy more of this, and it can be used in many places. Not only do pegs hold ropes and make simple traps, they also serve as markers to keep you from getting lost. It can even be converted into a hook or other prey tool if needed.

In addition to this, there are sleeping bags (Barrett doesn't know how long he will stay underground), blankets (the ground is very cold), deworming medicine (arthropods should keep me away), antidote (can cure most of the General toxicity), disposable luminous stones (high cost performance, necessary for adventure), bandages (although it cannot return blood, but it can stop bleeding), and a certain amount of rations (if not enough, you can also use local materials), etc., etc. .

Barrett also decided to take the luxury of this adventure, buying two bottles of Healing Potion and Vitality Potion, just in case. It would be great if there was a map of the underworld where the grocery store sells reliable spots.

He was making a list silently in his mind.

Not far away, several young adventurers walked straight in his direction. In this group of people, a small man actually wore a deep hood on his head in this hot midsummer, as if he was not afraid of heat. The little man seemed to be a dwarf or a goblin, the barbarian didn't care about it, he just focused on his own business, but the group of people stopped directly in front of him.

"Hey, adventurer, are you new here? Is there a team? Or is it just you?" The leader of the adventurer smiled and asked very familiarly.

Find fault? Barrett looked at each other. It's not like, at least the one who finds faults won't smile so kindly, even with a little bit of flattery.

The barbarians know that adventurers in certain places have a tradition of exclusion. Those who are xenophobic think that newcomers will **** their original tasks and business, so they will bully those who look more unfamiliar for no reason.

But this is the city-state of Muya, so such a thing should not happen very much. It can be seen from the dazzling array of alien races that fill the streets, this city-state is the most inclusive place in the whole continent. What's more, the mages are very orderly. If there is trouble here, even the king can't save you.

The young man who spoke saw the vigilance in Barrett's eyes, "I'm sorry, it's a bit abrupt, let me introduce myself." He cleared his throat and said with the kind of aristocratic emphasis, "I'm Weimar. Mandalay, captain of the 'Good Helper' Adventure Squad, you can call me Sir Weimar." He put the emphasis on the last two words, "These people behind are my team. We all Experienced adventurers."

Jazz status? Is it a knight? It doesn't look like much, but the coward in the town of Ganzros can become the chief knight, so can the person in front of him.

As for the experience? Barrett just smiled in his heart.

"Hey, boss, how many times have I told you, don't advertise your knighthood everywhere. You can't advertise yourself just because your dad is a knight. That knighthood isn't hereditary." Next to Sir Weimar One of the young people complained dissatisfiedly, "You will make others look down on our 'good helper' adventure team!"

"Cough cough..., hehe, wait a minute." False Sir Weimar blushed, smiled embarrassedly at Barrett, then turned to his teammates and whispered, "You idiot always fights against me. , always demolishing my stage! If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't beat you, I really wanted to punch you to the ground! The reason why I did this was not for everyone! In this way, others can look up to us. , and then we can better recruit helpers.”

"For everyone? Not necessarily." The young man named 'William' raised his eyebrows. "It's obvious that you've been made fun of many times, but you always don't repent. I think you're hurting everyone."

"William, you! Don't you want to be paid?"

"It's obviously your fault, why don't you pay me, Gary, say a few words!" the young man named William said to the little man in the hood next to him.

And the little man in the hood just spread his hands, and didn't seem to want to participate in this kind of conversation.

Pulling people, Barrett knew in his heart, "That, everyone, it's like this..." He interrupted the constant quarrel of these people, and said to the adventure team with a rather friendly name, "I really just came here. It is indeed a person who came here, but I have my own business to do here, so no matter what tasks you take, I am not interested in joining, sorry."

"Oh, that's it, that bothers you." False Sir Weimar said in frustration, and prepared to leave with his team.

As he walked away, he kept criticizing the player named William, "It's all your fault! Really. Do you know why I'm looking for that person? Look at his strong muscles, There is also the kind of evil spirit that is exuding. At first glance, he is a very powerful guy. Moreover, the leather armor on his body is so worn and still in use, and he is still standing on the street, with a very confused and confused expression on his face, This means that he must be in need of money. When we have no money, don’t we stand on the side of the street blankly? So, this is an elite adventurer who needs money very much!”

Barrett looked depressed when he heard this. His petrified cowhide leather armor, although the surface looks badly corroded, but because he was soaked in dragon blood at that time, he rolled into the water in a timely manner, and the petrified cowhide itself has certain Corrosion resistance, so this leather armor is still barely usable. The defense is still better than the general cooked cowhide armor.

More importantly, barbarians like to wear well-fitting leather armor, and it will undoubtedly take a long time to customize a set of excellent leather armor of special materials.

"An elite adventurer in need of money, do you know how important he is to us? If it wasn't for your talkativeness just now, I would have already recruited him into our team. The city-state is willing to do dangerous tasks like ours. There are fewer and fewer adventurers out there, and it’s so easy to find someone now!”

"You know that this kind of mission is very dangerous, so you still take it? Isn't this trying to harm everyone?" William retorted very dissatisfiedly, "This mission is not something we can complete at all, Gary has reminded you many times. , but you just don't listen."

"It's not because of the high rewards given by the task! It's not that you don't know, last time we failed the task and didn't get the reward. After paying the task deposit, we only have thirteen silver coins left. Thirteen, If we don't want to die, we must make a big vote!"

False Sir Weimar said loudly, "It is precisely because there are fewer and fewer adventurers willing to go underground, that we can receive this kind of task. If it was a task like this before, the reward was more than tripled or quadrupled. How can we get our turn?"

Did he just say underground? "Hey, wait." Barrett stopped the group of people, "Sorry, I just heard vaguely, you seem to be going underground, do you need to go to the underground world to complete this task? "

"Yes." False Sir Weimar nodded, "what's the matter? What's the problem? I know the underworld is more dangerous than before, but it's still not difficult for our 'good helper' adventure team. After all, we The people in the team are all experienced adventurers!" He patted his chest and said.

"Actually, I was planning to go underground." Barrett touched his chin and said, "If you don't mind, we can go there together in a team, just to have someone to take care of."

The underground world is different from other places, and Barrett is not very sure about it. But just like the "dream pursuit" of the gnome mage that has spent decades and a lot of financial resources, the barbarian knows that he must go this way sooner or later.

And the little ghost that always accompanies him, because in the main material plane where negative energy is deficient, there is no way to appear from the 'land of eternal sleep', so it is still very good for him to form a team with these people in front of him. helpful.

"That's really good!" False Sir Weimar said The other members of the team also showed happy expressions, "Our goal is to go underground, this, this What a coincidence! I don't know what to call it?"

"Barritt, Barrett Mungo," Barbarian introduced briefly.

After that, he looked up at the sky again. Within the thin clouds, a pale pink magical barrier enveloped the entire mage's lair - the floating city of Al Safir. Two huge rings inlaid with runes, outside the magic barrier, alternately rotate without a break.

Coincidence, maybe.

The sun was setting in the west, the red clouds were like fire in a furnace, and the air was still extremely sultry. This season, the cool underground is a good place for adventure.


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