Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 211: prop up your ears

After making an appointment with the 'Good Helper' adventure team for three days, Barritt got up and returned to the hotel he had made after purchasing the items he planned.

The name of the inn is 'Put up your ears', and the operator is an old man with frizzy hair and a witty white language. In his spare time, he likes to tell some indistinguishable but fascinating stories to the customers in the store. The details in those stories are so full that it seems real, as if the old man had experienced it all, but many of them are so fantastic that it is difficult to make people suspicious.

Next to the 'Put up your ears' hotel is a clothing store specializing in women's clothing, hats and clothing. The name of the store is "Beautiful Experience", which is a name with a double meaning, because this store not only sells those exquisite and unique brocade clothes, it is also a rather secret place.

It's just that you need to find the secret door of the clothing store by yourself, and then enter. The real location is reached only after passing through a tunnel that spirals downwards. Therefore, the number of men who come to this store is no less than that of women.

In fact, the city-state of Muya does not prohibit this kind of business, but many people just like this kind of special tone.

And our barbarian adventurer, Barrett, who chose the inn of 'Put up your ears' as his temporary base, has absolutely nothing to do with its neighbors, absolutely!

On the other side of the inn is a stable. His mount, 'Carrot', was in the stable at this time, and was very excited to please the two maroons in the opposite manger. The little mares were grazing gracefully, ignoring the jubilation and chirping of 'carrots'.

Yes, the barbarian also brought his disobedient mount. Barrett originally planned to sell the mount, and then casually asked Mage Alvin if it was okay, but he did not expect the latter to readily agree.

"Why not?" Mage Alvin said at the time, Medusa Gores stood behind him, her eyes still so charming, "Since this little guy didn't abandon you, you should naturally take it Take it with you."

It would be great if a whistle could make the mount come on call, Barrett sighed. He added some hay, wheat, and carrots to 'Carrot', and gave some apples to the two fillies on the opposite side.

Pushing the door and entering, the owner of the inn, Leslie's voice, was as thick as ever, and seemed to be telling his never-ending story again.

"The corpse was long dead, and white maggots feasted on the rotting remains. It is often said that the corpse had as many 'retinues' as the king's, and that's not without reason. Eye-eating crows lingered around the corpse. The flies, the squirming white maggots...the scavengers will always be as 'loyal' as ever."

"Hey, we're having dinner!" said a flaming red-bearded dwarf dissatisfied, "skip this part now!"

"Okay, no problem." The innkeeper smiled, "I was enduring the stench and found a treasure in the arms of this corpse. I couldn't help but be ecstatic about this discovery, because I do know that This is a wine bottle made of black crystal. When you shake it gently, you can vaguely hear the strange sound of the liquid in the bottle. The sound is sometimes like the crispness of gold coins colliding, and sometimes it is like the helpless cry of a baby , and sometimes, like a roar of thunder and lightning."

The owner, Leslie, took a sip of water and said, "From the free record, the mouth of this wine bottle does not know who was fused into one. If you don't smash it, you will not know what is inside the bottle. what."

A demon who can fulfill people's wishes, Barrett slanders. Sitting at an unoccupied table, he reached out for a half-elf waiter and ordered a plate of spicy roast lamb smeared with spices, hot freshly baked bread, and eel pie.

"Then smash it!" shouted a guest at a table near Barrett. "It's just a dark crystal bottle, and it's not too valuable to compare with the secrets in the bottle! Secrets are sometimes more powerful than magic ingredients. For the value of money, Master Calvin likes to collect secrets, an ancient secret that can be verified, and can even be directly exchanged for tens of thousands of gold coins!"

Oh? I have half of it, but it's not very easy to prove. Barrett thought boringly.

"It sounds like it is, but I didn't do it at the time. Not just me, but anyone who knew about this item wouldn't do it," the owner said. Break. Any idea why?"

The white-haired old man paused, took another sip of water, and then continued, "Because if the wine bottle is bathed in the bright moonlight during the full moon, then the bottle will be clearly mapped on the top of the bottle. A treasure map, a genuine treasure map that can be found! But this is not the most magical part of the wine bottle. If you follow the guide of the treasure map, you will find the treasure buried in a place no one knows about. , then when the next full moon comes, a brand new treasure map will be displayed on the wine bottle!"

"What if this new treasure map was also found?" A female orc wearing half-body leather armor, with most of her body exposed to the air, with double daggers on her waist, said with a fluent Common Tongue asked, "When new ones are found again, will new ones appear over and over again?"

"Yes." Leslie nodded, "As you think, the treasure map on the bottle seems to be endless. It is said that someone has found it up to seventeen times in a row, and that person's wealth is countless. , but in the end it disappeared. Only the legend of the wine bottle is still circulating among the very few insiders."

The topic of treasure excited a group of young adventurers in the corner. These young people began to whisper about life after getting this bottle, how to find treasure, how to get a lot of gold coins, and how to spend a lot of money. The gold coins made the girls smile and lift up their long skirts.

They even talked about 'glory', yes, a word that has nothing to do with adventurers, but young people tend to yearn for it more.

"Cut, how come I've never heard of it? What's more, there are so many treasures to be excavated in reality." A human wearing an animal skin breastplate curled his lips in disdain, "You are just here again. It's just an absurd story."

"There are more treasures on this continent than you think!" Another human retorted, "The Magic Empire conquered so many planes and kingdoms of God, and the legacy left must be countless! Even if the association later inherits Most of them are lost, but there will still be a considerable part left out. Maybe this wine bottle is actually a special notepad, but it is made into the shape of a wine bottle. We all know that the mages created The stuff that comes out is always going to be a little weird. What do you think? Leslie, after all you had it in the first place."

"I didn't actually think about it that much at the time, just like its previous owners, I was focused on finding treasures." The old man continued his story.

Over the tender, delicious roast lamb, Barrett listened in unison, making comparisons from time to time with his own adventures.

Boss Leslie talks about his hunt for treasure, the difficulties and monsters he faced. He said he searched three times in total, once to the reefs of the southern seabed of the Griffin Kingdom, once to the very depths of the Marwela Desert, and the last time to a farmer's backyard.

He said the treasures were not all gold, jewelry, rare materials, or other precious items in the traditional sense. Sometimes it's just a box of books you don't understand, or a weird dagger.

When the boss said this, in order to enhance the persuasiveness of his story, he actually took out a dagger from his waist. And also generously handed the dagger to the customers in the store to share with each other.

"I found this dagger from a strange temple deep in the Mawela Desert." The old man said, "I worked hard and nearly died in the desert countless times, and defeated the temple. Many monsters like sand finally found it on the altar at the end of the temple. But when I held it, my face was as disappointed as you are now. Yes, it was just an ordinary dagger with a fancy shape, I always feel that it should have other functions, but I don't know how to use it. UU reading"

Most of the guests simply glanced at them and handed the dagger to the next one, obviously they didn't believe the wonderful stories told by the old people. But there are also a small number of people who took the dagger in their hands and studied it carefully, but also did not see any clues.

When it was Barrett's turn, he weighed the dagger in his hand.

The dagger is quite heavy, the blade body is engraved with mysterious patterns, the shape of the handle is like a silver curved transparent salt shaker, and a ruby ​​the size of a date pit is inlaid at the end. There was nothing inside the transparent bottle-shaped handle, but Barrett always felt that there should be something inside, but he didn't know exactly what it should hold.

Barritt skillfully turned the dagger between his fingers a few times, then casually pressed the ruby ​​at the end of the handle, and handed it to the next guest.

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