Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 212: magic sword

Empty and dry, Barrett patted his satisfied stomach and continued to stay at the table like the other guests, pricked up his ears and listened to the story about the "mystery bottle" told by the innkeeper for a while.

I have to say that this white-haired old man is very eloquent. He uses an adventurer's narrative, with some brag and rudeness, very different from that of a bard.

The old man's deep voice told every detail of the story vividly, but when he talked about that he had accidentally lost this magical wine bottle for no reason, Barrett suddenly lost interest.

I also have my own story to continue, the barbarian thought, and he went back to the third floor and went back to his room.

His room was spacious, bright, and had a small balcony with potted plants. However, the species of those plants are very single, and each small pot is planted with lush Venus flytraps. Pieces of shell-shaped insect traps quietly opened their mouths on the balcony, waiting for the presence of various insects.

Opposite is a 5-storey residential building, and you can indirectly get a little information about the owners of the houses from the size and style of the clothes hanging outside.

When Barrett arrived here on his first day, he saw a shirtless human woman in the room directly across from his window. At that time, this wheat-colored woman was resting her arms on the window sill with Chiba Chlorophytum hanging on it, flipping through an old book with a dark red cover.

Although the woman noticed Barrett's gaze, she paid no attention to it. She just raised her head and glanced at our barbarian voyeur, then lowered her eyes again, and returned her attention to the book...

At this time, Barrett glanced out the window subconsciously, and the room opposite was empty. He smiled and shook his head, mocking himself inwardly, and then took out the magic sword that the gnome mage gave him.

He took the newly acquired weapon in his hand and began to swing it slowly and repeatedly so that he could become more familiar with it.

This is a machete type one-handed sword, but the edge is not as curved as the takara machete. The grid of this one-handed sword is shaped like the wings of a dragon; the ridge is thicker than that of ordinary one-handed swords, which enhances the firmness of slashing. The sword body is engraved with dark patterns, and occasionally dark golden light flashes on the patterns.

Through identification, Barret learned that this is an old-time weapon with some history. Presumably its original owner, the dwarf mage Theodore Shining Gold, may not be completely clear about its origin.

【Elliot Tyrannical Touch】

[This weapon was originally a legendary one-handed sword, and its original name was the 'Guardian's Oath Sword'. But the name of the sword was changed after it became the saber of 'Elliot', the most famous and brutal king in human history. 】

Elliott, Barrett knew this king, in fact, there was no one in the entire continent who knew a little bit of history who didn't know him. This king was the thirteenth ruler of Mosatuwa, a small medium-sized kingdom in the old human kingdom before the Magic Empire. The term 'tyrant' was invented by the people of Mosatua during the reign of Elliot.

In the current lingua franca, 'Elliott' has gradually evolved into an adjective, referring to a person whose character is mad, cruel and violent, likes to bully and kill.

['Elliot Tyrannical Touch' was originally created by the legendary blacksmith 'Eugene Middleton' among mankind, for his friend, the first king of Mosatwa, 'Elro' Forged. In 1432 of the old magical calendar, the kingdom of Mosatuwa was ravaged by the red dragon "Inostaz". Elro led the kingdom's army to slay the dragon, but was easily defeated by the cruel red dragon. And King Elro's left hand holding the shield was also melted into the shield by the dragon's breath during the battle, and had to cut it off. The entire army was also seriously injured by the red dragon's attack.

After the defeat, Elro prayed devoutly for seven days and seven nights in the Church of the God of Justice. During this period, he repeatedly recited the oaths he made to protect the people in the early days of the kingdom, and swore that future generations would abide by the same. Seven days later, the **** of justice 'Tyr' felt Elro's sincerity and expended his divine power to personally bless the sword with an extremely powerful guardian domain, and this one-handed sword was also confirmed to be named 'Guardian's Oath Long. sword'.

In the end, the one-armed king used this long sword blessed by the gods to personally kill the extremely cruel red dragon Inostraz. And this weapon is also regarded as a symbol of the kingship of Mosatwa, and it has been passed down through the descendants of Elro, until the tyrant Elliot took its hilt and broke the guardian oath, Bienos Taz also brutally abused the entire kingdom several times over.

The long-lived Elliot ruled Mosatuwa for nearly a hundred years, until the country came to its demise unsurprisingly. And this weapon that was desecrated in Elliot's hands was also buried with the fall of the kingdom and disappeared.

Until the establishment of the Magic Empire, a wealthy antique dealer bought it from tomb robbers. The antique dealer quite liked the special shape of the long sword, so he spent a lot of money to find a mage to enchant it.

The enchanted mage found that the long sword was a little weird, so he took it away from the antique dealer and sealed it up. After the fall of the Magic Empire, the long sword was turned many times, and finally fell into the hands of the ancestors of Theodore Shining Gold. 】

【Equipment effect:】

[1. Curse of the broken oath: The promiseer's oath of protection was broken by his descendants, and the body of the long sword was soaked with the blood of innocents, which lowered its quality by two grades. 】

[2. Tyrannical Heart: Elliott's brutal soul still affects this weapon. When the enemy's state of the holder is worse and the damage to the body is heavier, the attack of the weapon will be higher accordingly.

——The weaker and injured creatures, the more they will evoke the cruelty and abuse of people. 】

[3. The guardian domain of the fallen: The defense of creatures within ten meters around the holder will be reduced by 10%. 】

[4. Spell constant 'Thunder': Permanently enchant a weapon, so that when the holder swings it, he gains a 10% attack speed bonus, and has a certain probability to release lightning bolts (up to five times a day) . 】

[Note: There is a cruelty buried in everyone's heart, be careful, don't let it out. 】

Although it has dropped by two qualities, this one-handed sword is still an extremely good weapon in Barrett's view, even so good that it can be said to be omnipotent!

It has an attack speed bonus, can release spells, and can weaken the enemy's defense, and the attack will increase as the battle progresses and the enemy weakens. It can be said that it is very suitable for adventurers like Barrett. In terms of attributes alone, it is even more suitable than the 'Iron Bride'.

But the final comment of the appraisal made Barrett feel a little uncomfortable. He knows that some weapons can indeed affect the mind of the user, and he only hopes that the weapon in front of him will not do the same.

Familiar with this one-handed sword that has gone through vicissitudes of Barrett called out the [quest log] again, and checked again the message that appeared after he was soaked in the blood of the black dragon. .

[Achievement: "Blood-Blooded Body" opens]

[Description: Unknown]

[Effect: Unknown]

[Reason: The current level of 'Quest Log' is not enough to support the launch of the achievement system. You need to use your soul energy to upgrade the 'Quest Log' before you can check the corresponding content related to achievements. 】

upgrade? Does that require 1000 soul energy? Where am I going to get so much? Barrett shook his head, closed the [Mission Log], and lay on the bed.


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