Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 213: Let's go, the underground world

Three days later, in the early morning of Muya city-state.

It is still early, but this special city-state has woken up, and many people are busy on the streets and alleys. The vendors who set up the paving and the goods, the cleaners who clean the streets, and the pedestrians of different races.

The most popular shop at this time is the bakery, and there are long queues outside almost every bakery. Most of the processions were women in robes, fluffy hair, and sleepy, confused children. They were carrying the hooded basket, and while waiting patiently, they chatted softly.

"You know, I heard that Clara got together with the tauren named 'Melo Stonehoof'." A woman in a floral dress said to the female companion beside her.

"Che, what's the matter." The female companion yawned, tilted her head and tugged at her messy hair, and said casually, "Don't forget, although Clara speaks common language very well, she A troll. She can hang out with anyone if she wants to. Let alone a tauren, what's an ogre? She can take it anyway."

The woman in the floral dress covered her mouth and snickered, "Hee hee, that's true. Hey, let me ask you something, tell me, who's bigger the tauren and the ogre?"

"Cut, the biggest of the horses." Her female companion pouted.


Barrett stood outside the 'Jeda Opera House' not far from the bakery, leaning on the beautifully carved marble doorpost, leisurely eating a package of dried cranberries in his hand.

The slightly sweet and sour dehydrated berries were quite refreshing. He grabbed a handful of 'carrots' and handed them to the side, but the young stallion had no interest in it, and just reluctantly looked in the direction of the hotel stables.

From time to time, groups of adventurers passed in front of Barret and walked towards the gate of the city-state. A war lizard wearing a leather cap walked up to the barbarian and handed a piece of paper with words and patterns in his hand. After Barrett took the paper, the war lizard nodded to him, then dragged his scaly tail and left to find the next adventurer.

Barrett looked down at the contents of the paper:

[The Wings of the Sky Adventure Group is sincerely recruiting all kinds of elite adventurers]

[Do you want to taste a rich and delicious meal every day, with the sweetness of a charming woman? Do you remember those ambitions you secretly made when you left your hometown?

However, the reality is often more cruel than the most terrifying monster: the companions around him fall one by one, but the reward for the task is only enough to survive. When other adventurers are covered with sharp blades, drinking Qingting fine wine, and bragging and showing off, you can only hide in the corner and numb yourself in rye beer.

Is such a miserable life what you want? No, it's not! !

Now, there is such a huge opportunity in front of you, seize it, you will change the embarrassing status quo and meet a more brilliant future!

Our Wings of the Sky Adventure Group has strong strength. It is an elite team registered in the Adventurer's Guild. It has a contractual partnership with many middle and high-level wizards such as Raymond Mage and Terrence Mage. The upper class of the great kingdom and many city-states has a good reputation, and has undertaken and completed many well-known large and medium-sized tasks throughout the continent. For example, "Blood Feast of Countess Eleanor", "Turion City-State Serial Murder Case", "Sacred Arathor Coastal Murloc Invasion", etc.

So, whether you are human, elves, ogres, or trolls, as long as you join the Wings of the Sky Adventure Group, gold coins, companions, glory, all this is no longer a dream!

Remember, don't underestimate yourself. No matter who you were before, we'll help you be the best! ! 】

[Review: A military test and an interview with the head of the group are required, and different positions are assigned according to performance. 】

[Address: Tal Rasha Avenue, 102 Oak Street (opposite to 'Shining Dragon Skin' Leather Armor Shop, the original site was 'Old John' Herbal Shop)]

The bottom of the paper is printed with a pattern of a kite-shaped shield and a pair of flame wings. A steel shield stands in the middle of the flame wings, and the four characters "Wings of the Sky" are written on the shield in an elegant artistic swash.

Oh, it's a bit interesting. The adventurers at the feet of the mage are really different. Barrett smiled and wrote down the name of this adventure group in his heart. He flipped the paper over casually again, but he didn't expect that there was something even more attractive on the back of it - the patterns of three very scantily clad human beauties.

Hmm, that's interesting! Barrett touched his smooth chin and nodded involuntarily. He wanted to throw this piece of paper away just now, but now, he cherished it and put it into the space ring.

Then he glanced further down the road, "These guys are late." He muttered to himself.

Barrett and the 'good helper' adventure team were originally scheduled to gather here at the theater. Although he came a little earlier, the agreed time has passed, and the false jazz and the others still did not appear.

Most of the adventurers in the Bay of Pigs do not have the good habit of being punctual. Barbarians are used to it, but if the other party comes too late, he is not prepared to wait forever.

The barbarian decided that if the group of young people hadn't come in a while, then he would go to the underground world alone according to the original plan.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long in the end. When the towering clock tower in the center rang the eighth bell, a few members of the good helper adventure team finally rushed over in a hurry.

Barrett looked at them. There were only four people in this adventure team, which seemed to be fewer than when they met him before.

'Weimar', the captain of the good helper's adventure team, was nicknamed 'false jazz' by Barrett; 'William', a young man with freckles on his face, seemed to be from Weimar's hometown;' Black', a taciturn, dumb boy with a short bow on his back and a quiver at his waist, but bows and arrows are not a good weapon of choice in the ground; and 'Gary', an odd goblin who That calm and unassuming look always made Barrett feel a little awkward.

Because it was very different from the goblin in his impression. Isn't this a dwarf with a mask and dyed skin? Barrett always thought so involuntarily.

"I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry!" False Sir Weimar said apologetically, "Well, when we were about to set off, the team had some problems, so it was a bit later than before."

"It's alright, are you all together?" Barrett asked. "If we are all together, we'll set off. That way, before dark, we can reach the gray dwarf village called the 'Liquor Cellar'."

"Oh, all together." Weimar sighed, "including you, there are five people in total. The number is indeed a little less than expected, but in any case, 'five' is a lucky number for adventurers. "My father used to tell me that five adventurers are better than six, yes, because you don't need someone in your party waiting anxiously outside."

"Why?" Barrett wondered. "Why can't six people?" He took the carrot and walked towards the city gate with the 'Good Helper' adventure team.

"I don't know." The false jazz shrugged. "Although I asked, my father never wanted to explain it to me."

What this continent lacks most are all kinds of weirdos, "What happened to those people?" Barbarian asked casually, thinking of the rather 'attractive' recruitment page in the space ring.

"Bruce accidentally broke his arm when he got up to go to the bathroom last night, and he couldn't hold the sword." The false jazz spread his hands helplessly, "and Darren and Bud were on their way here when they suddenly decided to participate. Recruitment of Wings of the Firmament. It’s not their fault, to be honest, when I first heard that Wings of Firmament was recruiting new people, I wanted to try it.”

"They're famous?" asked Barrett, how come I never heard of it?

"It is quite famous among the many city-states in the central region of the continent!" The young man named William explained kindly, "You may not know that the Wings of the Sky Adventure Group has nearly a thousand adventurers! Many city-state armies There are not as many people as they are, so they are often hired to participate in some small wars, and even some other planes or half planes fight for wars."

"Planar Wars?" Barrett was a little surprised, "Can ordinary people like us add this? Isn't that what mages do?"

"I don't know the specifics. These are what Gary told us. He is the smartest goblin I've ever seen!" William asked the goblin next to him who was leading the riding goat, "Gary, talk to everyone. Let’s talk about this, maybe one day we will also go to fight the plane war.”

"Actually, these are all my masters, Mage Mur, who talked to me in my spare time before." Goblin Gary said in a humble and reverent tone, "We all know that the current magic association is compared with the imperial period. , whether it is the overall strength or the rules implemented externally, it is not the same. If in the imperial period, a foreigner like me would probably be arrested immediately and hanged directly, even if I can speak four kinds of begging languages. It didn't work either."

The goblin laughed at himself, "Mage Moore once said that the masters of other planes in the multiverse, the archdukes, the demon lords, and the gods are still afraid of us... I mean you, I am afraid of your human mages. They are worried that a new empire will rise again, so they always want to collude to find some trouble. But because those masters are constantly contradicting each other, and the association's current methods of doing things are not The imperial period was so extreme, so everyone was temporarily in an unstable balance."

Barrett was a little clear, he suddenly remembered a sentence that was quite famous in the whole Only when the strength is not enough, will he talk about politics and play conspiracy. ’ – Tal Rasha.

"Because of this, when it comes to some extremely complicated matters that involve many problems, the current mages are sometimes not the same as in the past, and they personally come forward and use arrogant means to solve all problems. At this time, you need you - ordinary people; we, aliens, deal with those problems."

"I really miss the glory of the Magic Empire period." William looked forward to it.

"I feel better now," the goblin said softly. "Oh, by the way, there is another reason that most of the demi-planes contain very general resources. When such demi-planes are discovered, the mages themselves are too busy, or they feel uncomfortable. When it’s worth their trip in person, in order to avoid waste, we will sometimes hire us adventurers to help collect them and capture them by the way.”


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