Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 214: Spirits Cellar (Part 1)

There are many entrances to the underground world, sometimes it is an abandoned mine tunnel, sometimes a huge bottomless pit, sometimes even the trunk of a withered giant tree, or a shape with a A stone mound building with the head of a monster with fangs.

It takes about 5 days to reach the underground entrance and exit closest to Muya city-state. That entrance and exit is called the "Dazzling Staircase", because the aboriginal people in the ground will always be stinged by the dazzling sunlight when they look up step by step along the stone stairs at the entrance.

But in any case, many underground aborigines living in the Muya city-state first reached the ground through the "dazzling staircase", abandoned their original identities, and started a new life.

During the five-day journey, Barrett and his party will pass through a village full of gray dwarves, an ordinary human town, and a half-elves-based city of mixed species.

And if they choose to detour a bit (doubling the distance), they can reach a town dominated by drow, and they can also visit a lair full of tauren.

The mages put most of the cities mainly built by alien races at their feet, within the shadow of the floating city. In this way, as long as these races, which are quite extreme in character, have a slightly different mind, a terrifying magic will shoot straight down from the sky, burning the entire town to ashes.


Adventures usually require means of transportation. All of Barrett and the others have mounts. Weimar and the others are riding a few variegated pack horses that are honest and responsible. Although these pack horses are not fast, their endurance is quite good. The goblin's mount is the riding goat with curved horns, and after running happily, it is not much slower than the 'carrot'.

After a long journey of hard work, everyone finally arrived at this gray dwarf village called 'Liquor Cellar' when the last ray of sunlight was still hanging on the top of the mountain.

"Let's be honest, we should have bought that commonly rented four-carriage when we were still rich, instead of buying a few cheap and hard-to-ride pack horses," William complained to False Sir Weimar. Said, "Riding a horse is really not an easy thing to do. My inner thigh has been rubbed off with a whole layer of oily skin, and it hurts to death." He led the horse and limped behind the crowd into the village.

"That's because your riding skills are too bad." False Sir Weimar said arrogantly, this guy's riding skills are the best among several people, "There are so many smooth roads for you when you are adventurous. Rugged mountain roads and dense forests that drive the carriage are the places we often walk. Besides, how can an elite adventurer not even be able to ride a horse? Do you think so, Barrett?" he asked very familiarly.

"Riding? Maybe." Barrett replied blankly. His own riding skills are not very good, and naturally he will not support such a view, but fortunately, there has been a great improvement now.

When Manzi first rode a horse, his inner thighs were often scratched by the saddle, causing pain like being scratched by sandpaper, but after six months of training, he now has a little tacit understanding with 'carrots' and understands a little bit. According to the running rhythm of the mount, adjust the ups and downs of your center of gravity.

While he's not yet a good rider, at least long distances are no longer a problem.

The sun is gradually disappearing, and the sky is getting darker and darker, but the village of 'Liquor Cellar' has just started to get a little lively at this time. Living in the village is a clan of gray dwarves called 'Cold Steel'. Although they walked out of the dark area and came to the sun more than 200 years ago, because the underground races usually carry the 'strong' Light-sensitive' properties, so they are still not well adapted to going out during the day.

The architectural style of the 'spirit cellar' is quite peculiar, it is built half above ground and half underground. The buildings on the ground are as low as the grey dwarves, and most buildings are not even two meters tall. Although this height is not a problem for the gray dwarves in their daily life, it is very uncomfortable for outsiders like Barrett.

Fortunately, it also has an underground section.

Barrett had also visited this village when he first ventured underground. The underground 'spirit cellar', in his opinion, can be described with the word 'magnificent'. Whether it's the passage, the room, or the square where the statues of the Seven Heroes stand, there is a clear dwarven architectural style - exaggerated and as tall as possible.

But his dwarf companion at the time called it a 'simple chicken coop', a 'small pigpen', a 'goblin's hut'...

This made Barrett and the others have to fight with the gray dwarves who were mad at the village, and then fled away.

Alas, I hope the grey dwarves here don't remember me, Barrett thought to himself. It was completely caused by a dwarf of a viper, and he was just innocently implicated.

Just when Barrett wanted to minimize his presence, a loud voice suddenly shouted at him.

"Hey, the big guy over there, I remember you, you dare to come here!" A bald head suddenly appeared in a bush of dense tobacco plants not far away.

The bald head has a beard that grows to the instep, and is neatly and meticulously woven into a twisted braid. When he picked it out from the tobacco bushes and strode in the direction of Barrett and the others, he habitually picked up the well-maintained long braid of beard in his hand.

Before the grey dwarves and the dwarves parted ways, their ancestors were the original people of the earth in ancient times, but now, the two races have become very different, and like the elves and the drow, they are hated and hostile to each other.

Except for their special dark gray skin, most of the individuals in this race are bald, even women are no exception. And they are used to wearing drab clothes. When you are in the underground, this kind of dress and appearance will make it difficult for you to distinguish which is a stone and which is a gray dwarf.

Barrett looked at the gray dwarf who was approaching, "I'm sorry, are you calling me?" He had a confused expression on his Damn, he knew this gray dwarf, that guy is The village chief here.

"Yes, it's you! Although most humans are similar in my eyes, I have never seen a second human's throat with the same ugly scar as you." The gray dwarf village chief coiled up. Arm, looking up at Barritt, "Hmph, it's only been over a year, don't you remember me?" He frowned and said, "It was you back then, fighting with your open-mouthed companion. Broken my rib."

"Your ribs were in the melee at the time. You stepped on your beard and fell to the ground, and then you were trampled and broken by your own people. I can see it clearly!!" Barrett retorted, "I can Guarantee, that has nothing to do with us!"

"Aha, I knew it was you!" The village chief of the gray dwarf pointed to Barret and shouted happily.


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