Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 215: Spirits Cellar (middle)

The figure of everything was pulled by the last trace of sunlight. It is nostalgic, hesitant, and is still unwilling to retreat, and the darkness is desperately pulling its arm, trying to drag it away from this land, so as to truly dominate.

A small number of gray dwarves came out of the low stone house. Some of them noticed Barrit and others, while others were busy with their own work.

If it wasn't for the bald head that emerged from the tobacco bushes in front of him, Barrett reckoned that he would have been sitting in an underground tavern at this time, having a few drinks with the young men behind him.

He would briefly brag about his adventures, then teach these young people some survival skills that are often used in adventures, and finally watch them worship him with a calm expression.

Unfortunately, right now he can only be patient and listen to the chatter of this bald gray dwarf.

"If I could be 200 years younger..., no, it would be too unfair to you. When I was 150 years old, I could be regarded as the most powerful warrior in the 'City of Blades', and you have no chance of winning. The village chief of the gray dwarf touched his bald head and said confidently, "So, I only need to be 50 years younger, yes, 50 years is enough, and I will take you and your idiot companion, Beaten up as a kobold who can only bark."

"Maybe," Barrett replied indifferently. "You need to be 50 years younger to beat the other person into a kobold. And I can easily do it right now." He took a deep breath and let his own The chunks get bigger.

I actually did that the last time I was here.

It was a valiant battle, but unfortunately there would be no bards to sing about. At that time, both Barrett and the Grey Dwarves were restrained, and neither of them used weapons. The barbarian punched and kicked one after another, and even gave his dwarf companion a heavy punch when the fight was on the rise (in fact, he had wanted to do it for a long time).

However, these iron-gray-skinned dwarfs are really rough-skinned. Barbarians can knock down three, five, ten, or even more Grey Shorties with their bare hands, but hundreds? No, he can't do it yet.

"Easy to do it? Hmph, you can come and try the tentacles of the mind flayer! Even now, I can easily smash your knees and sit your stinky face under your butt. !"

The village chief of the gray dwarf raised his beard on the back of his foot and wrapped it around his waist, as if he was about to make a gesture with the barbarian, "I have already forgotten the embarrassing appearance of your frantically fleeing that day, and there is just an opportunity in front of me to help me recall memories. . To be honest, that scene was hilarious than the circus show where bears and goblins danced, and I woke up laughing several times in my dream that night."

Are you sure you didn't wake up with a broken rib? Barrett slanders. He didn't say these words, his knight didn't want to fight with the village masters to the extent that they wanted to fight.

"Pfft, haha..." The village chief of the gray dwarf seemed to be thinking about something, and suddenly burst out laughing wildly. He laughed out of breath, and there was almost no sound of inhalation at the back, so that his iron-grey wrinkled face even had a tinge of blush from holding his breath for a long time.

He won't be smiling like that, it's okay. Barritt was very worried that the gray dwarf village chief in front of him would simply lose his anger because of the inexplicable mad laughter, and would never get up again.

The barbarian looked around cautiously, and found that a few gray dwarves noticed the situation not far away. Fortunately, they had no plans to come here for the time being. Then Barrett gestured to a few young people behind him, and he decided that if the guy in front of him fainted, he would jump on his horse and run away again.

Fortunately, the laughing gray dwarf came back to his senses.

"Oh, **** the mind-snatching devil's ass, I almost entered Moradin's kingdom of God just now, if he will leave a crack in the door for me." The village chief of the gray dwarf took a deep breath, "I recalled ten Saw that scene from the circus a few years ago, the dance of the bear and the bear goblin. To be honest, that show is definitely more interesting than your embarrassed escape. No, it should be said that it is a lot more interesting! I believe that the circus With this show alone, the group can earn more gold coins than goblins."

"Oh, Moradin is above, I really should read a few more words." The village chief of the gray dwarf wiped the tears from his eyes, "This extremely interesting performance made me feel that leading my It was the right decision for the clan to venture out of the Underdark. If I ever get a chance to go to the Griffin Kingdom again, I must go to that circus again. Yes, for this I would even be willing to take The inner demon sits and eats breakfast, instead of going straight to its old lady."

"Are you sure that those evil creatures with tentacles will have an old lady?" Barret Zou asked with a frown.

According to the rumors he has heard, the birth of mind flayers is to implant the purple tadpole-shaped larvae in their brain pond into the host's head, let the larvae eat the host's gray matter, and replace it with the host's brain stem. There is no such thing as a strange creature, um, old lady.

"Okay, okay, it's not quite accurate to say that, although I know that these disgusting creatures don't have a mother, but I can also go to their mastermind." The gray dwarf village chief said to Barret, and then suddenly laughed again With a sigh, "Trust me, the person who came up with that show is definitely a genius!"

which show? Are bears dancing with goblins, or are you going to be the mastermind of mind flayers? To be honest, I was more looking forward to the latter one. Barrett murmured inwardly.

After the dwarf village chief finished speaking, he stood there blankly again, staring at the void with his eyes, and laughed a few times.

Should I just leave this lunatic guy here and just leave? Barrett hesitated. But before he could make a decision, the bald village chief spoke again.

"Hey, you guys want to stay here, don't you?" he asked Barrett and the others. "Forget it, I suddenly don't think it's that fun to beat a big guy like you down. Although you can change. It's more fun, after all, you're about the size of a bear goblin, but where am I going to find a dancing female bear? Trust me, that's the hardest thing to do."

"..." Barrett didn't know what to say.

"Come here, you can live in my house today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, but not the day after tomorrow, because I'm going to start roasting tobacco leaves, and the house will be unbearably hot by then." The village chief of the gray dwarf Quite kindly made an invitation, "If you want me to say, tobacco leaves can really be called a wonderful good thing, which makes people relax, pleasant, refreshing, and transparent. Ha, I really should be a poet! By the way! , do any of you like this thing? No? Not one? You don't like the big guy either? That's a shame."

"A mage I know likes to smoke pipes," Barrett said casually.

"Then he must be someone who knows how to enjoy!" The village chief of the gray dwarf led Barrett and the others towards the stone house next to the tobacco leaves. "Coming to the surface world is really a wise decision!" He boasted, " There is no such good thing in the city of Blades in the Underdark. There, you have no respite in life except for hard work and hard battle. You are either an overseer to oppress others, or a slave to be oppressed by others. Aboleths The fish, the swamp bears, the tauren, and the drow, all of them fought back and forth, and there was not a day when they were not at war."

The village chief of the gray dwarf sighed, "Of course, the Underdark is now dominated by those drow elves. Back then, after those mind flayers, beholders, and other terrifying races were wiped out by your mages, the underground There is no other race that can stand alone against the drow elves. That old **** of Rose is very rampant now, why didn't you human mages kill her when you were in the battle of gods?"

"It was a battle of beliefs at the beginning, for the belief of human beings themselves." Barrett still knew a little about such a famous incident, "and almost no human beings believe in the spider goddess, so..."

"That's such a pity." The gray dwarf village chief shrugged, "However, in the last hundred years or so when I escaped from the Underdark, that old **** had a very troublesome life. ."

"Why?" Barrett asked. He wanted to know more about the situation in the underground world.

"Because those terrifying mind flayers are back." The gray dwarf village chief said very seriously, "Although I have left the Underdark for a long time, I still have a way to find out a lot of things that happened there. You guys There may also be some rumors. Yes, a mind flayer clan has returned from the alien plane, returned to the main material plane, and returned to the Underdark. Moradin is above, God knows what happened here. "

Mind Slayer! Barrett secretly made a note in his heart that he felt that there should be a mind flayer among the monsters that attacked him last time.

" here, this is my home, pay attention to your foreheads. I'm not worried that your heads will be knocked out of the bag, but that my door frame will be broken. There was a The ogre smashed my door frame, and although I lost money in the end, I don't want to make a third repair." The gray dwarf village chief said, "Money? If you live here, I won't charge you. money. But I won't take care of your meals, because I don't even know where I'm going to fill my stomach in a while."

"Thank you for your generosity and generosity," said Barrett sincerely. "We'll take care of dinner. You can try my craft and you won't be disappointed."

"That's a good feeling, I didn't expect you to be a cook?" The village chief of the gray dwarf gave Barret a curious look, and then instructed, "Tie your horses well, I don't care if you run away in the middle of the night. More importantly, if they dare to touch my precious tobacco leaves that I have worked so hard to grow, I will kill them all. Hey little goblins, especially your goat, make sure it stays away from my tobacco leaves of!"


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