Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 216: Spirits Cellar (Part 2)

After dinner, Barrett led a few members of the 'Good Helper' adventure team, along the underground passage in the house of the gray dwarf village chief, and walked towards the square of this alien village.

For the sake of habit and convenience, the squares and shops in the gray dwarf village were built underground, without any accident. Its magnificent underground part is what the 'spirit cellar' really looks like.

The bald-headed gray dwarf village chief did not accompany Barrett and the others. He said that he would take advantage of the dark weather to continue to take care of his precious tobacco plants.

Although it was pitch-dark outside at this time, the 'dark vision' talent generally possessed by the underground races allowed them to move freely in pure darkness.

However, this spacious passage is not dark and lightless. There are many luminous plants such as lichens and moss that emit cool phosphorescence, as well as clusters of fungal mushrooms. That hazy, or blue or purple shimmer, helps everyone without dark vision to move forward smoothly in the same direction.

"Hey, Barrett, can I ask you a question?" Weimar's voice came from behind.

"What's the problem?" Barbarian turned his head back.

"Well..." Lord False Sir suddenly hesitated, "I want to know, how did you cook the lamb shank so deliciously with a simple iron pot?"

"Ha, good question! The secret is pepper, and beef and mutton can't be without this! Besides parsley and ginger. Of course, when stewing mutton, you can't miss rye beer anyway, and carrots and Control the time when the potatoes are in the pot." Barrett replied with a smile, "Are you sure this is what you want to ask?"

"Hehe." Weimar was a little embarrassed, "What I actually want to ask is, you originally planned to go to the underground world alone, so what do you want to do when you go to such a dangerous place alone? Well, if it's inconvenient If you answer, you don't need to say it, I'm just a little curious."

The young man was wiser than Barrett had imagined, at least he knew that on adventures, secret companions were sometimes more dangerous than monsters.

"There's nothing that can't be said, it's just a bit complicated to explain." Barrett pondered, "It boils down to the fact that I'm going to the underground world to complete something that has been hanging in my heart. If possible, do it once by the way. revenge."

"Vengeance?" The questioner this time was William. "To whom?"

Looks like they do have some doubts about me, Barrett thought to himself. But this is also normal, after all, everyone is not familiar with it.

"The object of revenge is not known yet." This is not a good answer, but Barret really does not know the answer in his heart, "Maybe it's the blind stone barbarian, maybe it's a mind flayer, maybe it's a drow, and after waiting, There should be an answer. Don't worry, my affairs will not affect your mission, and we will find a tavern to discuss it slowly. After completing the mission, I will continue to go deeper by myself. "

Barrett has shared the mission with the 'Good Helper' adventure team through the parchment when he received the mission. He is not too concerned about the reward of the task, but he still likes the soul energy rewarded when completing the task.

"No, that's not what I meant." The young people behind them seemed to want to say something else, but at this moment, one of the many forks beside the passage, there was a loud sound of footsteps.

The footsteps were getting closer, and the next moment, a gray dwarf wearing a dark purple robe and a full beard came out. And behind the gray dwarf, there were two fairly large black beetles.

The size of these two black beetles was half a circle larger than the goblin's riding goat. Their bodies are covered with jet-black and shiny chitinous carapaces, and their jagged jaws are constantly opening and closing, making creaking sounds. One of the black beetles had several dilapidated wooden boxes tied to the sides of the body, while the other had several covered baskets hanging on it.

When Barrett came here for the first time, he had seen this kind of docile black worm. They are captive-bred by the gray dwarves, a kind of pack tool like cows and horses. Some larger beetles can even be used as mounts, but they only need a very special saddle.

"Shh, don't scream!" The bearded gray dwarf yelled at the black beetle, and then he raised his head and looked at Barrett and the others curiously. "Come to visit?"

"Passing by, I'm going to spend the night in the village." Barrett replied, "Because it's not time to rest yet, so I plan to go to the square for a drink."

The gray dwarf nodded and glanced in the direction where Barrett and the others came, "Have you found a place to live?"

"The village chief agrees that we live with him."

"Agmanche? He's always very enthusiastic." After the gray dwarf finished speaking, he frowned and looked at Barritt, "Hey, I see you look familiar, have we met? Have you been here before? ."

I kicked you against the wall once, "No, it's my first time here, our first time." Barrett replied blankly. He had already erected the collar of the leather armor to block his scarred throat.

"Maybe I remembered it wrong, you humans look alike anyway. In fact, sometimes I can't even tell your gender." The bearded gray dwarf smiled and shrugged, "The square is not far ahead. , I opened a grocery store opposite this passage. If you are interested, you can come and have a look. I have a lot of good things here, all of which are rare underground. There should be very few surface creatures like you. can see."

"Okay, definitely." Barrett politely perfunctory...

When you come out of the passage, you will see an extremely spacious and huge underground space. The space has obvious traces of artificial excavation, and caves of different sizes have been excavated on the surrounding rock walls.

Each cave is a shop. Although the number is not small, the types are quite simple. Most of them are blacksmith shops or taverns.

The ‘spirits cellar’ is a temporary resting place with a single function.

Because the gray dwarf race is also very good at blacksmithing, just like their cousins, the dwarves. The forging of high-quality weapons is the forte of this race. Just as the capital of the Grey Dwarf Kingdom, 'Grextugg', was also called the 'City of Blades'.

In the center of the underground space grows a giant mushroom bigger than a century-old oak The majestic mushroom emits a dim but long soft purple light, illuminating the entire space.

Many gray dwarves shuttled back and forth in this underground space. Some gray dwarves led black beetles, while others led mules and horses. It seems that life here is also advancing with the times.

Barrett and others were not the only visitors here. He took a cursory look and found that there were some humans and a few drow elves in the underground space. Some human beings dressed as merchants came and went in and out of the blacksmith shop, seemingly negotiating and comparing prices, while those drows were standing near the giant mushrooms, not knowing what they were discussing.

Barrett walked to a nearby tavern, ready to have a drink before taking a break, and by the way briefly discussed their tasks with a few young people.


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