Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 217: Glory to the Queen

The second floor (three floors) of the Underdark, a cave called 'Sarah Lake'.

The 'Grey Spot' dutifully patrolled near the lake, and the tentacles on its head were constantly swaying, collecting many pheromones such as the smell around the lake, air vibrations, and temperature changes. It is a very common soldier ant, belonging to one of the many ant-human tribes underground - the Sarah ant tribe.

Ant-Man's form is somewhat like a hybrid between a centaur and an ant. Their bodies stand upright from the chest and are supported by the last two pairs of feet, while the first pair of feet have evolved into claws that can grab, attack, and even use weapons and various tools.

As a soldier ant born to fight, the daily job of 'Grey Spot' is to ensure the absolute safety of Queen Sarah and the hive. Its weapon is a stinger spear held between its claws, and its bite and claws are also very sharp. The Grey Spot is good at fighting, and every part of its body can be used as a weapon.

Patrol work can't be sloppy, because the entire Underdark has been very unstable recently.

A terrifying clan of mind flayers has returned to the ground. It only took a short time for them to gain a firm foothold in the ground again, and use their powerful psionic powers to enslave the stone-blind barbarians, gray dwarves, rust monsters, Even purple worms and many other races and monsters started to fight against several drow cities.

As to why this is so, Gray Spot is unknown.

The war was widespread and intense. The mind flayers frantically scoured the ground for any slaves and soldiers that could be used, and attacked the drow regardless of the cost.

The drow city on the third floor of the Underdark——'Sastria' was destroyed by the mind flayers. Some of Gray Spot's species was near the war at the time. Through the unique collective consciousness of the Ant-Man clan, Gray Spot was able to directly 'see' the battle scene at that time.

It was an extremely shocking war. A mind flayer elder and dozens of mind flayers jointly controlled a purple worm that was hundreds of meters long. Gray Spot has lived underground for so many years, and has never seen such a huge purple worm, not even a third of the size, and doesn't know where those mind flayers were found.

Under the control of the mind flayer, the king of purple worms madly attacked the wall of the city of 'Sastiriya'. Countless attacks in the city hit it, bows and arrows, poisons, flames, lightning, acid...

But those star attacks, for the huge body of the Purple Insect King, are just scratching the itch, and have little effect.

Even though the thick city wall was protected by divine arts, most of it was knocked down by this giant purple worm king within a meal. The drow mistress had to sacrifice and pray for the power of the spider goddess to compete with the mind flayers for control of the king of purple worms.

Perhaps it was the cruel and ruthless Spider Goddess who was unwilling to waste too much power on her useless followers, or perhaps her power was limited by unknown reasons. The power of the goddess did not completely prevail.

The huge head of the King of Purple Insects, in the competition between the two sides, was directly blown away by the mutual pulling of divine arts and psychic powers, and the lavender blood was like a flood from the huge headless worm body. It spewed out and splashed all over the battlefield.

After that, the slave armies on both sides began to fight frantically in and out of the city, the gray dwarves against the gray dwarves, the tauren against the tauren, so fierce that you couldn't even tell whether the creatures around were friendly or enemy.

The drow elves were gradually lost due to their weakness in numbers. The various drow clans in the city saw that the situation was not right, and they began habitual intrigue, all trying to keep the power of their own clan.

The rout expanded from one point to the whole, and 'Sastria' was destroyed, and all the remaining creatures were enslaved again. And this returning mind flayer clan built its own city - 'Auridor' on the dilapidated original site.

The Sarah Ant Clan, to which Gray Spot belonged, had its original nest not too far from the emerging city of 'Orido', so it was quite unsafe at the edge of the mind flayer's range of activity. Because of this, Queen Sarah decided to relocate her family. After a long journey, she found a cave with a freshwater lake.

This cave originally belonged to the mushroom people, but Gray Spot and its ilk, under the leadership of the great Queen Sarah, wiped out all the mushroom people.

Ants will eat mushrooms, and Mushroom Man is an oversized mushroom man. Naturally, he will be swallowed by Ant Man, which is normal.

At the end of the battle, Gray Spot had eaten those mushroom corpses. To be honest, the taste was really good. It believes that the ethnic group should catch some mature mushroom people to breed, rather than kill them all, at least those mushroom people are also a kind of food ration.

The other soldier ants never consider these issues, and Grey Spot can sense this in the collective consciousness. But it is different. It always thinks about some indiscriminate problems randomly, and summarizes and thinks all kinds of information from the collective consciousness. But this is of no use, it is a soldier ant, and fighting is its essential work.

I don't know what the original name of Lake Sarah was called Gray Spot, but after they occupied it, they naturally renamed it after the queen.

The food in this underground lake is very rich. There are a large number of blind fish, lampreys, and transparent shrimp in the lake. There is no rainwater underground, so every freshwater resource is extremely precious, especially for Ant-Man.

The feeding of the eggs and the growth of the fungus are inseparable from a large amount of water and minerals.

Halfway through the patrol, Grey Spot stabs a giant lizard to death with a poisonous spear. It did not choose to swallow it alone, but used its collective consciousness to call on worker ants to pick up food. But at this moment, another soldier ant in the distance suddenly sent a message of danger in the collective consciousness, and then the soldier ant suddenly disappeared from the collective consciousness.

Within 80 kilometers around the Queen, no creature would even attempt to attack the Ant Clan. If any individual senses danger or is attacked, the entire ant tribe will immediately know the situation.

There are intruders! Gray Spot charged quickly with a spear in hand.

Along the way, more and more soldier ants gathered together, and the reddish-brown carapace on their abdomen reflected the light from the glowstone and luminous crystal at the top of the cave, rolling forward like a surging magma flow.

However, there is also a small patch of discordant color in this magma flow, that is, gray spots. The reddish-brown carapace on its abdomen is covered with rock-like scars, which is the origin of its name.

The battle ahead has begun, and the enemy is another Ant-Man.

In the collective consciousness, Gray Spot received an order from a nearby ant guard, and it and dozens of other soldier ants approached the battle site from another corridor according to the order.

The enemy is a large group of Ant-Man with black carapace. Grayspot had never seen them before, and no Ant-Man in the collective mind knew the name of this ant tribe. This means that before today, there has never been an intersection between them, so the reason for this battle is not revenge or anything else, just survival.

And wars caused by this reason are often more cruel than revenge or something.

This Ant-Man clan also seems to have moved away from the original lair because of the battle between the mind flayer and the drow, and came to this place one level closer to the surface.

These guys are trying to get us out of here the way we got the, and Greyspot will never allow that to happen. It and its companions are more familiar with the nearby terrain than this black Ant-Man, and they suddenly burst out from the middle and rear of the enemy, cutting the enemy in the middle.

The black and red corpses fell, and the poisonous spears in the gray-spotted claws kept stabbing, killing one enemy after another. As a soldier ant, it is born to fight, without fear, fear, or even excitement.

But as the battle progressed, something special suddenly appeared in its mind. Something called 'emotion' that wants to be vented out.

This feeling reached its peak just after another black Ant-Man fell.

"All glory is dedicated to the Queen", Gray Spot suddenly shouted in the collective consciousness!


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