Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 218: test

On the third day of the journey, the 'Good Helper' adventure team and Nord adventurers stopped at a temporary camp to rest.

"Gary, you say, why are there so many mutant creatures in this world?" William sat on the grass, holding a thumb-sized ant in his hand, and looked curiously in front of him.

This bright silver ant has four pairs of legs like a spider, and the extra pair of forelimbs is very special, its texture is like quartz, and when rubbing against each other, it can produce some tiny sparks, which are no different from flint.

The strange ant twisted its body helplessly at William's fingertips, and kept rubbing its forelimbs, trying to intimidate the 'giant' who was pinching it with a burst of sparks.

But such a move had no effect, except to generate greater curiosity in its captors.

"A common saying is - because of magic." Goblin Gary looked at the Nord adventurer and Ser Weimar who were competing with each other with thick branches not far away, and said casually, "My previous master, Mage Moore I once told me that magic is a substance that greatly increases the possibility of mutated individuals in the process of reproduction. However, most of the mutations are not stable and cannot be passed on to future generations, so it cannot be based on this. Create entirely new species."

"A brand new species?" William stared at the ants and thought for a while, "Actually, if you look at it this way, the situation with the mages is the same." He whispered, "Although they are not keen on that kind of happiness, you know me Meaning, so there are very few descendants. But the known descendants of mages living in the floating city and Muya city-state are basically just like you and me, ordinary people."

"Indeed." The goblin responded perfunctorily, but not entirely correct. In fact, the probability that the descendants of the mage can perceive magic power is a little higher than that of ordinary people, but this little bit higher has no practical significance.

William put the ant back on the ground. "Little guy, I hope that one day you can become the ancestor of a whole new species. If there is such a day, I think this brand new species should be called, um... 'William Flintstone Ant'!"

It's not an ant queen, and no matter how special it is, it can't breed an entire group alone, so it's destined to be lonely, Gary thought to himself. Also, the name you've come up with sucks, even from a goblin's point of view.

"Hey, Black, you've been a hunter before, and you must have seen a lot of mutant creatures. Tell us about it." William asked the nearby companion who was arranging the bowstring.

Blake raised his face and looked at the questioner in confusion. After ten heartbeats, he slowly gave the answer, "...Ferocious Rabbit?" He said uncertainly.

The young man was usually silent, with a dazed expression on his face. If you don't take the initiative to talk to him, he'll stay immersed in his own world, as if everything that's going on around him has nothing to do with him.

But his arrows were accurate, very accurate, and more reliable than usual in battle, Gary remarked in his heart.

"Hey, wasn't that what we just ate for dinner, although it was shot by you, and it was indeed as big as a foal, but I have to say, all the ferocious animals are no longer mutants, are they? , Gary." William said dissatisfiedly, "Because there are too many of them, take the dire rabbits for example, you can't even tell the difference between normal rabbits and dire rabbits, which one is more."

Blake shrugged, paying no attention to William's rebuttal, then lowered his head and continued to straighten the bowstrings.

Gary's eyes turned to the Nords not far away, and he found that the latter easily caught Weimar's many slashes with the thick branches in his hands. Shoulders and thighs, right, left, right, and then overhead, the Nord defense sauntered. 'Lord Sir' used a thrust with too much force, and the Nord turned his wrist and staggered 'Lord Sir' with his weapon. Immediately after the transition from offense to defense, the Nord walked lightly and used a few beautiful swings to force the 'Lord Jazz' to keep retreating.

Gary knew that his captain, who always liked to call himself 'Jazz', actually had quite good strength. The guy followed his knight father to practice martial arts since he was a child. Every time the team fell into a stalemate or a critical situation in the adventure, he almost always relied on Weimar to open the situation.

However, at the moment, this 'Sir' is in a hurry in the attack of the Nord, and the fifth defeat seems to be a blink of an eye.

"If the children of mages could eventually become mages, that would be a terrible thing!" William was still entangled in this topic, "In that case, even if mages are not keen on that kind of happiness - you know me The meaning of - but in the end, like those dragons, do that with the opposite **** of various races, you know, so as to expand the entire group of mages."

"Maybe." The goblin didn't want to discuss this too much. Talking about his former master and his colleagues behind his back always made Gary feel uncomfortable.

"Maybe there is a certain mage now, who is hiding in his own half-plane and secretly studying." William's face showed a wicked smile, "A certain eerie mage tower, surrounded by creepy monsters Tree. The dark clouds gathered in the sky, covering the sky, the crows were constantly crying on the top of the tower, and the lightning flashes from time to time reflected the terrifying shape of the mage tower.”

"However, from the inside of the mage tower, there were continuous bursts of blushing and heart palpitating screams. It turned out that the laboratory in the tower was imprisoning many beautiful women of different races, and a mage wearing a black robe was at the moment. Stand in the center of these beauties, and, hehe..." He kept laughing after he said it himself.

The laboratory, the word made Gary fall into memory in a trance.

what! The scream of excruciating pain echoed in his head again, which he and his likes had involuntarily uttered while they were being tested; hoo! The roar of contentment and covetousness echoed in his ears as the monster behind the closed gate devoured his dead kind.

There are no beautiful women of different races in the laboratory, there are just endless pain and death that may come at any time.

Death is not really scary, but the process of waiting for death is the most uncomfortable. If there is anything more than that, it is conscious waiting to die.

In each experiment, a large number of goblin-like species died, but enough new ones were sent. The simple minds of their race do not understand their situation very well. On the first day they are shivering, on the third day they will fight each other as if nothing had happened, and on the fifth day they will even be elated and satisfied when they have enough food. .

Then on the seventh day, the experiment will come again, and the surviving goblins will repeat the feeling again. The former Gary even felt faintly envious of this, because their kinsmen didn't seem to be as hopeless as he was.

Did I really realize myself from the first experiment? Gary can't remember, or rather, he doesn't want to remember these things...

At this moment, a scream from 'Sir' woke the goblin from his past memories. He shuddered involuntarily, took a deep breath to stabilize his mind, and turned his head to look in the direction of the scream.

An adventurer named Barret knocked Weimar to the ground, and pointed the weapon, a thick stick, at Weimar's throat, "If you were a cat, you would only have four lives left now." Nord After speaking, he reached out and pulled Weimar up.

"Hey, I was knocked down by you five times in a row, but I couldn't even touch your leather armor." The loser clutched his ribs and grinned in pain, "I didn't expect a big man like you to be so agile. Pace! Darren, one of my former mates is about the same size as you, very strong, he even wrestled with a grizzly bear. But the guy is very clumsy, and it takes me enough time to turn around. The 'beautiful experience' came out after walking around." He smiled, his wretched appearance was no different from that of his fellow villagers.

What are you saying that Darren turned slowly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is still talking about your own fast? Gary shook his head inwardly, slandering this mindless self-deprecating behavior.

"That's why you always try to beat me with constant movement?" the Nord waved a few branches. "This tactic is not wrong, most big guys are really slow. But, in the adventure , you'd better not rely solely on this experience to deal with slow, large monsters.

He taught in a persuasive manner, "Because even if those monsters are very slow, they can still use their own unique methods to deal with those agile and fast guys, which is the basis for their survival."

Weimar nodded solemnly, and then called to William, who was sitting on the grass doing nothing, "Hey, it's your turn! I have four lives left to risk."

William got up excitedly, took the thick branch thrown by Lord Sir, and confidently said to the Nord, "I have to remind you in advance that my skills are not comparable to that guy." He pointed to the right The fellow countryman who kept rubbing his ribs, "So, I suggest you best use all your strength."

"Are you sure?" The Nord's expression was a little weird.


After five heartbeats, the screams came again, mixed with some schadenfreude laughter, "Many people like to talk big, which is normal, but it is rare to be stupid enough to dig a hole for themselves." Weimar smiled and said with contempt, "I am now in the name of Sir, and with the rights brought by the "Code of Knights" and the laws of the kingdom, I have officially named you my 'fool servant'!"

"Ah, **** it, you shot too hard!" William staggered up from the ground and complained to the Nords, "Come on, I'll show you how good I am!"

Oh, what a great show! Gary was looking forward to it.

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