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Chapter 220: Home of the mixed race (below)

【Hometown "food"】

[In this world, there are always some foods that others can't accept, but they make you dream about it. For the rich 'Connors', a war lizard who was imprinted with slave status as soon as he was born from the ground, the eggs of the moss rock spider are like this.

Inside those grapefruit-sized white spider egg sacs hanging on the cobwebs on the cliffs of the cave, there were mossy rock spider eggs that were sticky and squirming like peeled grapes. That is the goal of this mission.

From a certain point of view, this kind of spider eggs is still a rare delicacy...

Well, most normal people don't think so anyway. The mucus on the outside of the eggs tasted extremely sour and contained a small amount of neurotoxin. And when you bite the spider eggs in your mouth like caviar, you will feel an indescribable stench spreading in your mouth, and you can also feel the incompletely formed spiderlings in your mouth. A helpless struggle on the tongue.

Trust me, if you've ever tasted it, you'll even want to rinse your mouth with strong acid. But it's not very useful, because that special slimy and mouthfeel will be imprinted in your mind forever and can't be erased.

Of course, none of this is a problem for Connors, the rich man. Ever since he first tried to eat the eggs of Moss Rock Spider because of hunger when he was a child, he could not help falling in love with the taste; and during the years of escaping from the Underdark, it was also the eggs of Moss Rock Spider several times. Give him the nutrients and strength he needs to escape; as he gets older, Connors loves this weird food even more crazy, and as long as he doesn't eat it for a day, his whole life feels meaningless.

However, the underground war has made fewer and fewer adventurers willing to go deep into the Underdark. The rich Connors has not tasted this rare "deliciousness" for quite some time. To this end, it pays a lot of money to recruit true warriors who are willing to take risks in search of good ingredients. 】

[Task target: Spider egg sac 0/20]

[Quest Reward: 70 Soul Energy]

[Note: No, never open the can! 】


The description of the mission seemed to be getting longer, and Barrett murmured inwardly. I don't even know who is behind these gossip-like miscellaneous information.

After learning about the habits of moss-rock spiders from the dragon-blooded kobold old Colin, and where to find more moss-rock spider eggs in the Underdark, Barrett led a few young people from the 'Good Helper' adventure team, Walked out of old Colin's 'Grapevine' grocery, looking for a place to rest.

They need to take a full and complete rest at the last resting point of this adventure - 'Imlanders', and design a meticulous adventure plan in advance to minimize the risk of this underground trip.

The air of this half-elf city is filled with the fragrance of trees and flowers, and several wide, straight streets covered in moss sprawl all over the city, even one extending into the distance of a secluded valley.

Many towering birches, pines and lush oaks are planted throughout the city. Various buildings covered with vines stand between these trees, and some buildings have even been integrated with the trees. The roof of the building is hidden in lush foliage, and stout branches extend from the walls and windows. Man-made buildings and naturally grown trees are perfectly combined here, without distinction.

The turbulent stream galloped down from the distant cliffs, and after a long flow, it became gentle and gentle in the river of 'Imlanders'.

Some lone-leafed boats with boat lights swayed slowly in the river, and most of the boats were empty, and there was no person supporting the oars.

Occasionally, some half-elves will jump on the boat lightly and float down the river leisurely. After reaching a certain place, the half-elves on the boat will jump off nimbly and continue to move along the paths that are lush with vegetation.

Most of the pedestrians on the street are handsome half-elves, and there are not many humans themselves. Occasionally, you can see a few peculiar half-blood goblins, as well as half-goat people with recurve legs of lamb (because there are no horns). There was even a female celestial race with a pair of white wings behind her, who passed by Barrett and others.

The holy and radiant appearance of the female celestial race had to make Barrett and a few young men turn their attention.

"Gary, you say, is that a pure angel, or is it a half-blood?" William asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Goblin Gary spread his hands and responded, "In fact, this is the first time I have seen these creatures from the upper planes. Mage Muir has never told me about them before. So I am very concerned about them I don't understand."

"We should all meet you for the first time." William watched the female celestial race slowly walk away, "Why are there so many races in Muya city-state, but there are not those kind celestial races? What about creatures?" He asked again, "Trust me, those angels with wings will definitely be more popular than trolls, ogres, kobolds or At least you didn't say goblins, Barrett thought.

Gary was silent and didn't answer. And False Sir Weimar gave his own answer, "It's very simple, because the relationship between mages and those Celestial creatures is not good. Or more precisely, the relationship with the boss behind them is not good. As for why this happens, I don’t need to say more, as long as you are not a fool who knows nothing, you can definitely guess.”

"Hmph, 'Battle of Faith', do you still need to guess? This is something that the whole continent, no, the entire multiverse knows about." William pouted, "The rising mages are not satisfied with the interference of gods on human minds. And control, so he launched this unprecedented war that has been fought for nearly a hundred years. You said, if the mages lost the war at the beginning, what would happen now?"

"What else can be done, it won't be too bad." Weimar said in a very indifferent tone, "Because the mages in the Magic Empire period will definitely accumulate strength, and then fight back! Can those gods still be one? Can’t get to our main material plane? This is obviously impossible, so if the first battle of faith is lost, there will definitely be a second and third time, until the gods admit defeat.”

"Or the fall of the empire," William added.

The adventurers of Muya city-state seem to like to discuss these matters related to mages, perhaps because they are too close to the city of mages. However, in Barrett's view, these discussions are meaningless, because those events are too far away from them, it is better to negotiate the next journey.

"Let's go, guys." He said to the young people who stopped and admired, "Let's find a place to rest, and the next destination is the Underdark."


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