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Chapter 221: Entering the ground for the first time

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The entrance to the underground world is a pothole deep in the vast hills, and a huge ginkgo tree grows outside the pit. The leaves of Ginkgo biloba are verdant and green, and the lush canopy extends around, covering most of the potholes.

"Gary, does this tree really have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years?" William walked around the trunk, taking a dozen heartbeats. This ginkgo tree is too big, and although the height of the tree is not surprising, its body is sturdy enough to be comparable to a small castle.

"Anyway, most people think so." The goblin walked over with the goat and tied the mount to a tree root protruding from the ground.

"Does that mean that this tree already existed during the period when your goblins were still the rulers of this continent and hadn't declined yet?" William looked up at the crown of the tree and was amazed.

This is a little offensive, but Gary, as a goblin who can normally walk in the human world, obviously has a pretty good temper, so he doesn't mind, "It's true, if it is more than forty or fifty thousand years old. Of course, the premise is that the historical legends that have been passed down are true. Well, God knows if my race really has a glorious history like the book "The Last Goblin" said. Maybe that Maybe this book was made up in a dream by a human writer.”

"I think it's true." Weimar came over, lowered his head and looked into Gary's eyes sincerely, "Because everyone thinks so, writings, poems, paintings..., many works are mentioned. And the Master They think so too - goblins, elves, then humans, civilizations are constantly changing on this continent."

"Maybe, anyway, my ancestors didn't leave anything useful to our younger generation. Oh, except for a good appetite and a reproduction ability comparable to a mouse." The modest goblin said at this time, in his tone Rarely brought some complaints, "The latter point ensures that no matter what kind of situation we encounter, at least the genocide will not go extinct. But that's all, there is no more use."

Everyone smiled politely, and did not continue to discuss the inappropriate topic of 'goblin ancestors'.

"You said, after us humans, who will dominate this continent again?" William picked an immature fruit from the ginkgo tree, took a look in his hand, and threw it into the deep pit Go, "Orcs, or trolls? Or kobolds?" he laughed.

Better to be a mouse than an orc, thought Barrett.

He took the 'carrot' under the ginkgo tree, took out enough forage and food from the space ring, and put it in front of the mount, "Thank you for being the same as before, wait for me a little longer, old man." He rubbed the 'carrot' by the neck.

And this young stallion, who can't be said to be obedient or disobedient, just concentrates on eating the grass in front of him, and does not respond to the affectionate confession of its owner.

Barrett shrugged, accustomed to this.

"I guess it's a half-elf!" Black the bow bearer said suddenly and solemnly.


"Because half-elves have a longer lifespan than us humans, their learning ability is not weaker than ours, their fertility and maturity are also moderate, their characters are not as arrogant as their elf mother clan, and they can get along well with other races. . Therefore, they are very likely to be the rulers of the continent after us humans." Black explained, "To be honest, I think half-elves are a more perfect race, more perfect than humans."

These words had to give Barrett a new understanding of this young man who always looked absent-minded. Only people who have really thought about such questions carefully can give such a well-founded and convincing answer.

What is this guy thinking about? Are these all meaningless questions?

"But their number is too small, even fewer than elves." William objected to this answer. "With these half-elves, they can't even conquer kobolds."

"The small number now does not mean the same in the future. What about a thousand years or ten thousand years from now?" Black said solemnly, "At that time, the half-elves only needed a chance to rise. Yes, the rise of any race needs this. an opportunity."

"But..." William wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Barrett's clap.

"Hey guys, I think we should stop talking about these frivolous things," the barbarian said loudly. "Check the weapons again, we're ready to officially start this underground adventure!"

"Barritt, isn't your horse tied?" Weimar pointed to the 'carrot' under the tree and asked suspiciously, "What if it runs away? It will take several days to walk to the nearest town. "

"Don't worry, if it really wanted to run, it would have had many chances to disappear without a trace," Barrett replied. After he finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the spiral 'dazzling staircase' at the edge of the pit.

The roots of the ginkgo tree are like thick and long giant pythons, winding and crawling on the rock walls and stone ladders of the deep pit. The dazzling steps have no handrails or side rails, and if you accidentally trip over a tree root and fall, survival becomes a luxury.

Just as Barrett descended the stairs to be parallel to the ground, he subconsciously glanced out of the pit. The immature ginkgo fruit that William picked up before stopped at the edge of the deep pit. The turquoise fruit was reflected in Barrit's eyes, causing a question that had no practical meaning to pop up in the barbarian's mind.

Why is there only this thick ginkgo tree nearby after tens of thousands of years? Why didn't even a new ginkgo tree grow after the previously ripe fruits fell to the ground? Or what happened to them?

It seems that the continuation of all life is not without cost. The barbarian thought for no reason.


Carefully go down to the bottom of the deep pit, where there are four different passages distributed in a cross shape. These channels are not completely independent, but communicate in many places. The entire Underdark region is like a huge spider web divided into multiple layers. No matter which entrance or channel you enter on the continent, you will always come to the place you want to reach after passing through countless intersections.

"Which one should we choose?" Weimar asked Barrett.

The barbarian took out a simple map of the first floor of the dark region from the space ring, which roughly marked some of the more important locations, main passages, and large caves. There are also some newly marked positions and lines in ink, which were drawn by the kind-hearted Kobold old Colin after listening to their quests.

There are many small moss-rock spider nests marked on all four passages, but the two passages due south and due east have an additional large spider nest.

Old Colin once said that the number of spider egg sacs in a small nest may not be enough for the task, and it may take two or three nests to be cleaned up. And if it is a large spider even if the number of spider egg sacs required for their task is doubled, it can be easily completed.

"This!" Barrit pointed to the passage due south and said to the young man behind him, "The large spider nest on this passage is the closest to the exit here, and we can rely on that nest to complete the task directly. "

More importantly, this passage was also the one he chose when he went underground last time.

"No problem, just like what we discussed before, we will listen to you when it comes to taking risks!" The young people behind them said confidently.

Barrett took out a few more stones with constant 'Brightness' and threw them behind him, "Wrap it up with a bandage, don't make it too bright. Remember, subterranean creatures hate hot light sources and strong light, so torches and Campfires will bring us additional danger. But the faint cold light emitted by fluorescent plants does not attract hatred, and the light of 'Brightness' barely belongs to this. So for us surface creatures, this is It's the only reliable way for us to see things clearly."

The barbarian looked at the dark and deep passage, took a deep breath, and walked inside first.


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