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Chapter 222: while fighting

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This is a very pure team of adventurers. Although the strength of the team is not strong, Barrett likes to lead these boys on adventures.

They are true adventurers with some experience, not part-time workers from farmers, bards, coachmen, or whatever. The young men can master the weapons in their hands skillfully, cooperate with each other quite tacitly, and can execute Barritt's battle orders well, which is very rare.

More importantly, the barbarian can use his status as an elite adventurer to yell at these young people unscrupulously in battle without worrying about anything. In fact, he used to do this often, but since his personality gradually changed to be sullen and introverted, he basically stopped doing it.

Try it now and then, hey! It doesn't feel bad.

"Don't always have a hard time with the thick bone armor of these direclaws, 'fake sergeant'. Like me, with a weapon to chop off their vulture-like heads, do you think their heads are as hard and hard as yours? Is it wood?" Barret's voice echoed in the passage, accompanied by a special blowing sound from the monster's mouth and carapace, which is a special way of communication for the Dreadclaws.

"I'm trying to do it! I'm trying!" Weimar complained loudly, and raised his shield to block the monster's claws, "Also, can you not call me a 'fake sergeant'?" He pierced his eyes with the long sword in his hand The monster's face was blocked by the opponent's claws, "My father said that after I became famous in Mu Ya, I would find a very famous person to canonize me!"

"Hey, at least you are worthy of your name now." William's laughter came from behind.

"Don't smirk, focus on fighting!" Barrett hit the Dreadclaw monster in front of him with his shield and staggered, then 'Tyrannical Touch' drew a lightning-like arc and instantly chopped off its head." From a safe attack between me and the 'Fake Sir' shield, can't you do something so simple?" he shouted to William.

"Okay, okay, my Lord Barrett, as you wish!" The young man squatted slightly, waiting for an opportunity behind Barrett and Weimar.

At this moment, the bowstring sounded suddenly, and an arrow accurately shot into the compound eye of the Dreadclaw monster in front of Weimar. But the monster just tilted its head back, and did not fall down because of it, but kept hitting the shield of the 'Fake Sir' with its claws even more frantically, making the latter miserable.

Then another arrow accurately shot into the other compound eye of the One-eyed Dreadclaw Monster, causing the opponent's head to tilt back again, and let out a strange cry full of anger.

William seized this opportunity and rushed forward, raised his sword and cut off the blind dreadclaw's throat and half of its neck, and then retreated behind the shield at the same speed.

The blind Dreadclaws fell straight down towards Weimar, forcing him to take two steps back. And Barrett also stepped back to ensure that the two were in the same pace.

"It seems that my job is the easiest." Gary said softly, holding two glowing stones in his hand, standing beside Black, who was bending his bow again.

"You'd better lift the glow-stone higher!" Barrett yelled.

"I really shouldn't talk too much." The little goblin stood on tiptoe hard and raised his hands high.


This is the third battle that Barrett and his party have ushered in after entering the Underdark.

The first time they encountered a dozen 'Dark Curtain Warcraft' hidden at the top of the cave. This is a gastropod that looks like an octopus. This monster likes to gather its body and hang from the top of the cave like a stalactite. After treating the prey, they will fly down silently from above, cover the head of the prey, and wrap the tentacles around the opponent's neck to suffocate it.

Barrett is quite familiar with these 'Dark Curtain Monsters'. This kind of monster was the target of his mission when he first came to the underground world for a mission. By the time of the accident, it was still not found. Now I have come across it inadvertently, and I don't know if the original task has been delayed until now.

The target of the second battle was a group of ant-men with black carapaces. At that time, the opponent's condition did not seem to be very good. Many individuals looked quite tired and had scars on their bodies, as if they had just experienced a tragic war.

The battle actually didn't really go on. There was only a slight contact between Barrett and the others and the black ant-man. After the other party only killed two ant-man, he took the initiative to retreat to the corridor where he came, and Barrett did not intend to continue chasing, and William was also rubbed on the shoulder by the other party's poison spear. Fortunately, after taking the antidote, there was no serious problem.

And this time, Barrett and others encountered some large beasts unique to the underground world-Dreadclaw monsters.

This beast walks upright on eagle-like feet, and its upper limbs are a pair of huge, sharp hooked claws, which is where its name comes from. The head of the Direclaws looks like a vulture, and it has a very sharp beak. The eyes are small and compound eyes like insects and arthropods. Its body is like a beetle, and its whole body is covered with thick blue-gray bone armor, which gives it a good defense.

The beasts of the Dreadclaw look very strange. According to legend, they originally lived in the deepest depths below the third floor of the Underdark, where few people go. Some of the deepest cracks in the crust climbed up and continued to multiply. Now, the footprints of the Dreadclaw monsters can be found in the entire three-layer Underdark.

Barret also heard that in the deep under the Underdark, there are no intelligent creatures like gray dwarves and drow elves. The species living there are all deeply affected by the strong underground radiation and special environment, and all kinds of strange monsters mutated...

The large number of Dreadclaw monsters in front of them were encountered by Barrett and others in a large cave with a lot of glowstone embedded in the top of the Those Dreadclaw monsters were in the dark corner of the large cave at that time. They overlapped each other and formed a large group, and there were many monsters hanging on the rock wall with their claws, motionless, not knowing what they were doing.

And when Barret and the others just came out of a certain passage in the cave, the motionless dreadclaws spotted them immediately. Then those monsters suddenly came to life like gargoyles who saw the invaders, and launched a frantic pursuit of Barrett and others.

The barbarian immediately ordered everyone to withdraw to the corridor. They kept running away, and the Direclaws used the huge hooks of their upper limbs to tap the ground to assist their running, and the speed of chasing was not slow at all. After turning into a slightly narrower passage, Barrett found that they were gradually being overtaken, and ordered to turn back to meet them.

There are a large number of Dreadclaw monsters, and the speed of Barrett and others killing monsters is not fast, and the battle fell into anxiety for a while.

"Three steps back." Barrett shouted to Weimar beside him. Afterwards, he and the 'Fake Jazz' retreated simultaneously.

"Black, speed up the bow and arrow for cover, goblin, William, prepare for the flames!" he commanded behind him again.


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