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Chapter 224: Underground Manko (above)

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The flame is a warm-hearted, it kindly uses itself to isolate the two sides of the slaughter, and then uses the kerosene as a guide and uses life as a salary to tell everyone that it is wrong to fight.

"Look, these dead guys can only be made into grilled meat by me," said the flame, "and they are hard to swallow, because they are all burnt and turned into a pile of black coal, and some people like to eat black Charcoal? I don't think so."

"To be honest, I'm not a good cook because I can't control myself," Flame continued, "'I can't control myself' means 'I can't control the heat,' so, you know. Alas, I wish I had a sense of humour, so I'd definitely be able to make this pun more interesting, like..."

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Weimar waved his hand in front of Barrett. "Should we leave?"

Damn, it must be the lack of oxygen that made me hallucinate, Barbarian shook his head. While the 'bad cook' was still showing himself crazily, he led the crowd to retreat from the corridor.

The Dreadclaw group, however, still stood there, watching the slowly disappearing Baritt people with compound eyes that could not see emotion through the flaming flames and the air distorted by the high temperature.

"I feel that those monsters seem to hate us very much." Weimar said in an uncertain tone.

"Of course you hate it, and it should be said that you hate it thoroughly!" William replied, "if your sister and brother were set on fire, you would be full of resentment. Also, hatred is easier than we think. When I was in town, when I saw you kissing Gregs, I was full of resentment, and I always wanted to get revenge on you."

"No wonder you always speak ill of me everywhere, you small-eyed guy!" Weimar said angrily, "You even kissed my sister, and I didn't say anything!"

"Your sister is not as big as Ge Jiasi."

"Hey, be careful when you speak!" The Fake Sir pushed William angrily.

"Okay, we're even. You see, resentment is so easy."

"I think those monsters should just simply hate smoke and fire, and light and heat." Goblin Gary threw a handful of caltrops on the ground and made a few simple traps, "Most subterranean creatures have this habit."

Is that so? Barrett always felt there was something else lurking in it.

"We interrupted their ritual." Archer Black suddenly said in a low tone, "interrupted some of their sacred rituals. And we, as ritual blasphemers, will be hunted down forever!"

"Dreadclaws are just beasts that don't even have language, so they shouldn't have complicated things like 'holding some kind of ritual'," the goblin replied, "unless they have also been used by mages for experiments." He laughed at himself. laugh.

"You mean, those monsters will catch up after the flames go out?" William asked, "Gary, sprinkle some more powder that can remove the smell, by the way, the Deinonychus use the smell to track its prey. Is it?"

"No," the goblin replied, "Like bats, Direclaws can emit some kind of high-frequency sound waves, and they mainly use the reflected sound waves to accurately judge the surrounding situation."

"Sorry, I don't understand very well." William shrugged, "Anyway, try to stay away from them."

"Where are we going now?" Weimar asked Barrett.

The barbarian stopped, holding the stone attached to the 'Lighting Technique' in one hand, and the map in the other, carefully searching on the map.

"Go back to the 'Spawner' cave first." Barrett said, "Since the large moss-rock spider lair in front of us can't be reached, we can only go from the 'spawner' cave to a few other small spider lair to touch it. Luck, hopefully those spider dens still exist."

After walking out of the long corridor that was just named 'The Third Battle', they turned into another passage called 'Starry Sky'. At the top of this passage are many luminous mushroom mosquito larvae, which rely on their tail to emit a blue-blue dim light, and the mass of dim light gathers together to make the entire passage. The top is as beautiful as a dreamy night sky.

Of course, you'd better not climb up excitedly to watch this "beauty" carefully. Once you find that the night sky above your head is actually a pile of mushroom larvae that are crowded with each other and constantly wriggling, you will no longer be amazed.

Barrett and the others gave names to most of the terrain they passed, and marked them on a simple map, which could be more effective in preventing getting lost. After all, the original labeling of the map was too simple, and many places were even wrong.

"The terrain of the Underdark is not static." The dragon-blood kobold 'Old Colin' of the Half-Blood City once said to them, "Some caves or passages will collapse inexplicably and then disappear, while some will soon or Slow and continuous formation. Except for those underground channels that are naturally formed due to magma, groundwater, or other factors, most of the other channels are outdated by the crawling of purple worms. If you hear a huge rumbling sound that is approaching in the distance, be sure to Be extra careful. A purple worm might pop out of nowhere and swallow you. It's very unlikely, but it doesn't mean it won't happen."

"Of course, even if you are unlucky enough to be swallowed by a purple worm, don't panic too much, you still have a chance of coming out of its stomach. I mean coming out alive, not turning into feces. Seriously, later A way out doesn't need me to teach." When old Colin said this at the time, he let out a hoarse bark.

After laughing, he scratched the scales on his neck again, "A war lizard I know was unlucky to be swallowed by a purple worm. At that time, he stayed from the purple worm's stomach for a whole week, In the end, he actually crawled out alive again, which has to be said to be quite a legendary experience. I think you should know him that war lizard. His name is 'Connors', and he is now a rich man. A treasure was found in his stomach that made him so rich in the end. But if you ask him face-to-face, he will definitely not admit it..."

After passing through several passages such as 'Starry Sky', 'Head Bump', and 'Screaming Mushroom', Barrett and his party finally came to the 'Spawner' cave.

There is a bottomless underground pool in this medium-sized cave. There are many stalactite spikes at the top of the cave, and on the stalactite spikes above the pool, there is a strange creature.

This creature is more than two meters long and looks like a huge green shrimp with a long tail. They cling to the stone pillar with their numerous thin legs on their abdomens, and their long ovipositor-like tails hang straight down.

Every once in a while, the creature's ovipositor bulges, and an oval-shaped white egg wrapped in mucus emerges from the ovipositor. The oval-shaped white egg "pops" into the black pool of water. Middle and then slowly sink.

Barret and Gary the goblin didn't know what this strange creature was called, but William named them 'Xenogeneic Shrimp'. The 'Xenogeneic Shrimp' doesn't seem to be in any danger, and is just concentrating on multiplying the group.

"Seriously, don't we really collect a few of these white eggs that look like eggs?" William suggested, "Maybe our mission posters also like to eat them, and they are all eggs of this arthropod. , there shouldn't be much difference in taste, so we can get some extra bonus."

"It's better not to do this, because we don't know these weird guys hanging on the stone pillars." Weimar disagreed with this proposal, "The reward for the task is rich enough, we just need to complete it safely, There's no need for those so-called 'extra bonuses' anymore. These things that you call 'xenogeneic shrimp' look quiet now, but if you go and plunder their babies, it probably won't."

"Isn't it the same way to collect spider egg sacs?"

"That's why we need to kill them all!"


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