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Chapter 225: Underground Manko (bottom)

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After coming out of the 'spawner' cave, Barrett and others chose a brand new passage that they had never entered before.

This passage is quite spacious, but there are quite a few species of creatures inside. There are many cave beetles, millipedes, centipedes, foot moths and some strange insects that cannot be named on the rock walls.

Most of these guys are gray or light white in color, and they silently nibble on a kind of azure moss with very strong vitality in this channel without a trace of fluorescence.

This kind of large moss spreads all over the passage, but in the 'spawner' cave outside the passage, it does not exist at all. Perhaps it is because of the existence of these moss that there are so many kinds of creatures in the passage.

If your hearing is good enough, when you stop and listen carefully, you can hear the rustling crawling of these insects, as well as the tiny "squeaky" sound they make as they nibble on moss. Those tiny voices were densely connected, everywhere, making people shudder.

"I hate bugs, I hate them very much!" William shivered as he walked in the middle of the corridor to keep himself the farthest away from the rock walls on both sides.

"Why didn't I know that before?" Weimar also walked in the middle. "Why didn't you say that when we ate roasted grasshoppers together before?"

"The key is that there are too many of them, they look so weird, and they are so close, crawling around us, it really makes my scalp tingle." William complained, "You guys Look, look! That moth has a centipede-like belly, my God!"

"It was a moth bitten by a centipede, you idiot!" Weimar said. Then he patted Barrett, who was walking in the front, "Hey, big Nord, why did you just call me 'The Fake Sir' and don't care about the guy behind me called 'The Fool's Attendant'?"

"Because he's not that stupid yet," Barrett replied casually, looking around from time to time.

"Are you really not worried that they will quietly fall on your head or neck from above, and crawl in directly along the collar?" William whispered, and tightly protected his leather armor with one hand. at the neckline.

These messy and crawling little bugs are indeed very uncomfortable. Barrett hopes that they can be bigger. If they can be like frost spiders and fire ants, it will be better, but it will be easier to accept.

These bugs aren't the most important thing to watch out for, though.

"Compared with those bugs, I suggest that you pay more attention to the green moss around you." Barrett urged, "It's best not to touch them casually."

He felt that these mosses looked familiar, and their appearance was very similar to the parasitic azure moss in the 'Fleece Carpet' area in the foggy forest.

It's just that the 'fluff carpet' area has become extremely rare because of the existence of those parasitic moss (without Xiaoqing, there is no life there), and the moss here nourishes a wide variety of creatures.

"Don't worry, even if you beg me to touch it, I won't touch it," William said. "There might be something weird hidden in those hairy moss, maybe it's a winged spider. If If it really exists..."

A gray cave salamander about half a meter was not far in front of Barrett, and had followed them along the passage for a long time. Whenever the light from the 'Brightening Technique' stone shines on the cave salamander, it will quickly climb a few steps forward and sink into the darkness. But as Barrett moved on, the cave salamander stopped and waited, and turned to look at them.

This weird 'tail-walking game' continued for a long time, until a piece of water appeared in front of Barrett and the others, and the gray cave salamander slid into the dark water and disappeared.

The water that suddenly appeared in the passage was obviously beyond everyone's plans. Barrett took out another luminous stone and threw it violently forward.

After flying over a distance of about 100 meters, the water disappeared, the hard ground reappeared, and the luminous stones also fell. After bouncing briskly on the ground a few times, it landed next to a button-bowl-shaped mushroom, illuminating the dark red mushroom.

"Are we really going to jump in and swim forward?" Weimar asked Barrett.

The distance of 100 meters is not too far, even if you swim slowly, you will definitely reach the opposite side in two or three minutes. But if something dangerous happens in the water, it's not so easy to do. However, if you don't go from here, you have to take more back roads and make bigger circles.

"Do you all know how to swim?" Barrett asked, turning around.

"I swim as fast as a swordfish," William said proudly. "This guy never beat me when I was swimming in the river with me before!" He pointed to the 'fake knight', and the latter pouted in disdain.

"I'm fine, too," said the goblin.

Blake nodded too.

"Well, let's move on." Barrett decided, "There is no risk of adventure." After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath and jumped into the water first, and the sound of entering the water came one after another behind him.

The underground water was freezing cold, and Barrett swam forward with all his might.

When he plunged his head into the water, with the light of the glowing stones in his hand, he could see many blind cave fish without eyes wandering back and forth, and some pale creatures that looked like shrimp and scorpions in the cave blind The fish lingered around and seemed to be preparing to hunt.

This pale creature with a scorpion-like tail reminded Barrett of the 'Xenogeneic Shrimp' in the 'Spawner' cave.

In fact, it would be more appropriate to call them 'Xenogeneic Amphibian Scorpions'. Barrett thought as he swam.

This piece of water is not as wide as the channel, the underwater area is larger and deeper, and it is like a lake with no edges. It seems that this passage, plus the 'spawner' cave, and a large area around it, are all in this water, but there is a 100-meter fracture in front of me.

So how deep is it? Sudden thoughts flooded Barrett's mind. He wasn't a curious person, but the idea was suddenly strong.

Anyway, there are still a lot of luminous stones, and it is not impossible to do it, the barbarian thought.

Barrett came out of the water for a few breaths, then looked at his companions. He found that two young men, William and Weimar, had already swum in front of him, and they were about to reach the opposite side; Blake also swam directly by him in the few breaths he stopped; only Gary the goblin because of his size Because of the reason, the swim was a little slower, but it was only a few meters away from him.

It seemed that everything was going well, and Barrett plunged into the water again, released the stone in his hand, and let it sink slowly. The light is limited in the water, and the distance it reaches is narrower, but some strange creatures can still be seen.

A few scaleless lamprey-like eels loomed around the light spot, disc-shaped beetles and slender leeches swam slowly, and a small solid black creature flashed within the light spot. No.

Barrett came out of the water to take a and then went deeper into the water and continued to swim forward.

He saw that the luminous stone had fallen deep and seemed to rest on something. But that thing was never a bottom, because bottoms were never supposed to be streamlined.

Immediately afterwards, the thing caused by this streamline moved suddenly, and the luminous stone also bounced. It was only then that Barrett discovered that the thing was actually a peculiarly shaped fish, a peculiar creature that looked roughly ten meters long and had many tentacles, which looked both like fish and squid.

Then, he suddenly saw this huge streamlined creature waving its tail and swimming again, and then disappeared within the irradiation range of the light spot. And the glowing stones continued to descend in the gloomy water, deeper and smaller, surrounded by claustrophobic darkness.

Barritt saw the last direction the giant creature was swimming in when it disappeared, and he suddenly realized that the guy seemed to be swimming towards the surface of the water.

Gulululu, such a terrifying discovery made the barbarian subconsciously take a few sips of water. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly stuck his head out of the water and shouted to the goblin beside him, "Swim, hurry! Something seems to be coming!"


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