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Chapter 226: A Nightmare Beyond Time (Part 1)

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An item that did not belong to the waters—a small glowing pebble suddenly landed on the tentacles of ‘Little Mo’, which made her wake up from the trace of her ancestor’s memory.

Xiaomo is an 'Aboleth' that has existed for thousands of years, but time has no definite meaning to her. Unless she dies due to unnatural factors such as disease or violence, Xiaomo will be immortal. True immortality. This is a trait of her species itself, as is the case with all aboleths.

In his long life, Xiao Mo's favorite thing is to keep looking at the memories of his ancestors. Those memories spanned countless billions of years, were extremely rich in content, and contained unimaginable information, even how their race was first born in the blood of Paskessis, the Queen of Scarlet.

The memory of this race of aboleths can be directly and completely passed on to their descendants, and then accumulated from generation to generation. They have existed for billions of years, and relying on such terrifying talents, the aboleths recorded the birth of countless races, the emergence of religions and gods, the evolution of continents and oceans, and the rise and fall of the multiverse.

The ancestor that Xiaomo was tracing back before lived in the depths of the ocean in the fifth era. The tide of magic power in that period was at its lowest point, and the power of magic was greatly weakened, and civilization began to explore and advance in other directions.

In this ancestor's memory, the most active race on the ground at that time was the goblins, small green-skinned men.

Although these little men do not have outstanding physical strength and individual strength, they have a very intelligent brain. They used their excellent wisdom, and through the division of labor within the race, they actually created a tall metal vehicle that could be ridden, created a giant airship that could fly freely in the sky, and created a steel city and countless uses. different machinery.

Throughout the Fifth Era where magic power was lacking, the goblins used the technological civilization they developed to unify the entire continent quite easily. At that time, the continent was filled with the roar of vehicles and machinery, and black smoke shrouded the sky like a cloud. The goblins even tried to use technology to force through the solid space barriers and amber-shaped crystal walls to go to the chaotic void and other alien planes.

Goblins are weak individually, and their civilization is equally useless in terms of magic, so their exploration of other planes and the void is extremely difficult. Even the strongest machines created by the goblins who gather the wisdom of the entire race cannot adapt well to the extreme environments of various states in the alien plane.

At the same time, the civilization of the goblins has also reached a bottleneck. They desperately hope that they can be smarter, so...

Just like the moon, even the most brilliant civilization will have its day of decline. The memory of this ancestor clearly recorded the situation under the sudden turn of the goblin civilization.

The rise and fall of civilization has long been bearish for Xiaomo. By reading the memories of each ancestor, she knew that the aboleths also had glory and built a huge empire that spanned many planes.

In their most glorious period, civilization has not yet been recorded in the way of 'epoch', and even the original gods have not yet been born. The empires of the aboleths rose and fell over a time span beyond the imagination of many races.

No other race but the aboleths themselves comprehend the very ancient primordial power they symbolize.

But in any case, these glories are over. The multiverse is constantly changing like a sea of ​​vicissitudes. Now it has reached the seventh era. Humans dominate the main material plane. As for how long it can last, Xiaomo still can't see.

The spirit slowly receded from the memory of the ancients, Xiaomo gently swayed the four tentacles around his body, and the poisonous mucus habitually infiltrated from the tentacles, turbid the surrounding waters.

She opened the three red oval-like eyes stacked directly in front of her head, and focused her gaze on the glowing pebble that bounced off the tentacles.

A mage creation! Xiao Mo immediately judged it. This discovery made her a little nervous. No matter how ancient and powerful the aboleth race is, it cannot escape the fate of being captured by human mages to study.

Xiaomo's mother is like that.

Of course, it can also be called a father, and it is no different. Aboleths have both female and male reproductive organs, and are capable of bisexual reproduction as well as parthenogenesis. And Xiaomo himself was born into such a 'single-parent family' in the purest sense.

From the memories inherited from her mother, Xiaomo clearly understood the various experiments that the mages of the Magic Empire had performed on her mother at that time.

The mages of those empires seek to learn about the oldest histories and mysteries in the multiverse, and the most mysterious beings in the universe, the ancients, by studying their aboleth species.

After all, their aboleths were creatures born before all other races (except the ancient evils), and they have clearly and unmistakably recorded every history from their birth to the present day. And their creator 'Scarlet Queen' Paiskessis is one of the ancient evils.

Xiaomo knew that there were a large number of aboleths caught by the imperial mages. But very few of them were ever released, including her mother. As for the reason for the release, her mother did not know, so Xiao Mo had no way of knowing.

The mages once wanted to obtain the vast memory carried by each aboleth, but due to the essential differences between species, they cannot directly read, trace, and accept through magic Massive information can only be mined little by little.

However, those slow historical excavations were not without results. Xiaomo knew that those powerful imperial mages had fought a great battle with the gods and finally won. In this battle, the mages used a kind of slaughtering magic that can directly act on the godhead. Some fragments of the past when the original gods were born were finally invented.

Xiaomo doesn't like mage, she doesn't want to be researched by various means.

She quickly probed around the water with three red oval eyes, but fortunately, she did not find any creatures wearing robes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com This made her feel at ease.

When investigating the surrounding situation, Xiao Mo's excellent vision allowed her to see the few humanoid creatures wearing leather armor above the water, but she didn't care. Because the underground world has been very chaotic recently, some messy creatures often fall into the water.

Some creatures struggled to sink to the bottom and were swallowed by Xiao Mo casually; while others were just passing by, like these humanoid creatures on the water that were about to swim past.

In addition to the memories inherited from generation to generation from ancestors, Xiaomo can also plunder and peep the memories of all the creatures she eats.

Through those additional memories, Xiao Mo knew the reason for the chaos in the underground - the mind flayers actually came back. She didn't like it happening, she didn't like it very much.

If Xiaomo had to choose between 'researched by mages' and 'return of mind flayers', she would even choose to be researched by mages.

Of course, it's better to be lighter, Xiao Mo is afraid of pain.

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