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Chapter 230: common enemy

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Fighting is something Barrett is most familiar with.

The 'Touch of Tyranny' and the 'Resonant Tomahawk' appeared in his hands, and the barbarian moved his shoulders and neck, and threw the resonant tomahawk in his right hand.

Like lightning, the battle axe slashed through the joints of the chest and abdomen of a black ant-man, cutting it in half. The rest of the Ant-Man returned to Barrett with a rain of poison spears. Afterwards, the ants who threw out their weapons pulled out freshly baked chitin weapons with mucus from their abdomens with venomous spines.

Barrett rolled forward a few times in a timely manner. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he accurately avoided this wave of intensive long-range blows.

Don't underestimate the indecent action of 'rolling'. In the hands of elite adventurers, it can play a role against the sky, and it can even be equal to invincibility.

Barret, who escaped the poisonous spear rain, got up quickly, and the enemy had already rushed in front of him at this time. The cooperation between these black ant-men is quite tacit, and they are not afraid of death when fighting. Barritt discovered this situation when he fought with them for the first time.

Ant people can coordinate well with each other without the need for verbal communication. They cover each other's attack and defense, and each movement is extremely efficient. More importantly, these ant-men will not be afraid when they are hit by a sharp blade, nor will they let out a painful howl, and their faces are always indifferent and indifferent as if they are wearing masks, as if they were born purely for combat.

Of course, it's also possible that Barrett couldn't read their insect-like expressions.

'Touch of Tyranny' made a horizontal slash, blocking several chitin poisonous spears that attacked him, and even cut off two of them directly. This machete-type weapon is much sharper than the 'Iron Bride', and Barrett is even uncomfortable sometimes.

Immediately after he held his right hand empty, the bronze ring hummed slightly, and the resonating battle axe that fell on the ground in the distance shook twice, and flew back again with a roaring sound, and was controlled by the conscious displacement of Barrett's left hand. , and cut off the head of a black ant-man before returning to his hands.

The barbarian caught the battle axe and slashed heavily at the enemy closest to him on the opposite side. But the other party stabbed the poisonous spear directly, as if he was going to die with him.

The next moment, Barrett's battle axe was blocked by the other two Ant-Man in time with chitin weapons, and the other side's poisonous spear was also knocked away by the barbarian with a sharp sword, and the two sides temporarily fought a tie in this round.

Several more chitin poisonous spears stabbed towards him. The opponent's dense and alternate attacking poisonous spear thrusting method is indeed a bit tricky. Barrit moved nimbly to the side and rearwards, pulling a little distance from the opponent. Half of the Ant-Man followed in his footsteps, while the rest headed towards Weimar and the others.

A few young people don't need him to worry. After several battles, Barrett already has a considerable understanding of their skills. The combat skills of these guys are really good, and their ability to cooperate with each other is quite good. If you deal with a few Ant-Man, there will be no problem for a while.

But Barrett still warned, "Be careful, don't get scratched by their poisonous spears, I'll help you after I've dealt with these guys."

"Don't worry, if you hit you, we can handle these Ant-Man!" William said confidently, completely forgetting the tragic situation after his poisoning.

Among the young men, the first one to shoot was Blake, the taciturn bow bearer. With the tremor of a bowstring, a sharp arrow suddenly appeared in the chewing mouthparts of a certain black ant-man. The tail of the arrow is equipped with two goose feathers dyed black, which match the color of Ant-Man's carapace quite well.

The arrow of the black feather came out of his head, and the ant-man fell down without any accident. The rest of the Ant-Man returned to Weimar and the others with a wave of poisonous spears, and then prepared to fight with poisonous claws and bites.

It seems that the enemy's chitin weapons can't be spawned repeatedly in a short period of time, which is good news.

Two of the four poisonous spears were picked up by Weimar with his shield, and the other two were avoided by Blake, who was lying on the ground. Several young men advanced and retreated somewhat, and they seemed to be able to handle it by themselves.

Well, I should work harder, too, thought Barrett.

The 'Touch of Tyranny' and the 'Resonating Tomahawk' fluttered like a storm in his hands. Although the Ant-Man with half the number of them still cooperated perfectly, they could no longer effectively block the barbarian.

Barrett smashed the carapace of one ant-man after another, and chopped off their arthropod-like claws with a tumble. In a short period of time, he knocked all the ant-man in front of him to the ground. .

Weimar and their battle went very smoothly. The combination of the shield bearer, the bow bearer, and the wandering swordsman fought quite well. Their opponents only had two Ant-Man remaining stubbornly resisting, but it was only a matter of time. That's it.

Barrett let out a breath, turned his wrists, and changed his 'Tyrical Touch' from a forward grip to a reverse grip. He walked to an Ant-Man who was still squirming **** the ground after being split in two, and pierced it with a sword.

Then he straightened up and looked towards the main battlefield in the cave.

After the Ant-Man tribe, which was not many in number, inexplicably separated ten or so to deal with them, the battle with the cavemen immediately became dangerous.

In order to make up for the lack of numbers, the ants with black carapace began to slowly retreat, compress the formation, and gather into a group. Change the battlefield situation from attacking to receiving, no, it is defense. And use the phalanx to deal with the swarming cave people.

The battle scene once again fell into a brief stalemate.

But Barrett didn't intend to make it easier for these black Ant-Man. He strode towards these guys who were blindly fighting against him, and waved at the caveman patriarch who was half a head shorter than him in the middle.

"I..." Barret pointed to himself, "Help you..." He pointed to the caveman again, "Hit those guys!" Finally, he pointed the tip of his sword at the Black Ant-Man.

I hope the intelligence of the caveman patriarch is as outstanding as it is in the group. Barritt didn't want to be attacked by the caveman when he attacked Ant-Man, that scene would be too embarrassing.

After hearing Barrett's voice, the caveman patriarch turned his big head with degenerated eyes towards him, but did not respond for a long time.

Well, it looks like it didn't get me. Just when Barrett was about to give up his plan of revenge and lead Weimar and the others to leave, the caveman patriarch finally nodded speciously. some senseless action.

I'll take it for you, thought Barrett. If you dare to attack me, I will kill your whole family.

Rush over to kill the commanding patriarch with two axes first, and then he can use dual wielding to drive the unparalleled in these weak monsters. Barret thinks that he only needs a meal to wipe out all these cavemen.

Fortunately, none of the cavemen came to harass him when he attacked the black Ant-Man. They are at a certain distance from him, each dealing with a common enemy.

When there were less than ten Ant-Man finally retreated from the corridor behind them and disappeared into the vast darkness. In Barrett's view, they should have left long ago, and they don't know what they are insisting on.

When the battle was over, the cave was full of corpses, and the smell of blood was very strong. The intelligence under the cavemen also seemed to know that Barrett and others were helping them, so they did not start the dispute again, but silently cleaned up the corpses and cleaned the battlefield.

The caveman patriarch led some cavemen with red bone spurs on their backs to Barrett, raised his big head, and said something inexplicable to him.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you mean." Barrett spread his hands and made a helpless expression, and then remembered that the other party had no eyes, so he retracted his expression and gesture embarrassingly.

"He's thanking you," said a voice suddenly.

Barrett turned his head to look, and it was the goblin Gary who had woken up. The little green-skinned man covered the back of his head and walked beside him, negotiating with the caveman patriarch.


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