Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 231: Transaction (top)

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"Hmm, um, um..." Gary faced the caveman patriarch, nodded solemnly, and then spit out some kind of language that was almost as weird as the other party's.

"Your goblin companion knows a lot." Barrett whispered to Weimar beside him.

"But don't underestimate Gary, although he is just a goblin, he is also a goblin who was named by the mage and walked out of the magic tower alive." Weimar said in the same low voice, "Gary was called by the mage. The product transformed by magic, this is what he told us himself, and his chest is also printed with the mage's secret magic mark, which is a double snake pattern, two snakes are entangled..."

"It's like making (harmonious) mating." William leaned over with a poisonous spear in his hand and said with a smile, "Gary's knowledge is very rich, I guess it should be the most knowledgeable in the entire multiverse. Smart goblin."

After the young man finished speaking, he walked towards a dead black ant-man nearby. He kept gesturing towards Ant-Man's belly with the poison spear, as if curious about how they got the weapon out.

Barrett nodded knowingly. He was never used to inquiring about the origins of his companions, unless the other party took the initiative to inform him.

"What did the mage do with a clever goblin?" Barrett just waved his hand and said, "This is a stupid question. No one can understand what the mage is thinking."

"Well said, no one understands." Weimar echoed, "In fact, ordinary people's minds are also very strange. There are many ideas that are not much more normal than mages, but we don't have the ability to realize them."

Barrett turned his head to look at the Fake Sir in surprise. He did not expect this ordinary young man to be able to say such philosophical words.

"What did your father say?" He didn't believe that the young man in front of him had come up with these words himself.

"He didn't say it directly, but he taught me this when I was very young."

"Oh? Your father's way of education is really special."

"Actually," Weimar pondered, "My dad once said, 'If I were a mage, I'd have to turn the entire multiverse upside down and marry 108 of the most beautiful women. '" The young man recalled, "Yes, he said it himself when he was drunk one day, and swore to a greasy roasted chicken leg, as if the roasted chicken leg was his closest friend. Average. In fact, in a sense, it's the same, except that my father was talking and swallowing his best friend at the same time, and his appearance was really scary."

In this way, at least there is no need to worry that this oily best friend will leak his secrets, and Barrett murmured in his heart.

"I was only eight years old at the time, and I wanted to ask him to tell me a bedtime story. When I walked to his study, I found that the door was not closed, and then I lay down on the crack of the door and saw this scene— - The light in the study is a little dim, the embers in the fireplace have drawn his shadow very long, my father is lying on the desk, a wine glass in one hand, a best friend in the other, no, a chicken leg with a piece of cheese on his face He sometimes whispered, sometimes shouted loudly, and said a lot of things that I couldn't understand, as if he was possessed..."

"But his father is really a good man, quite approachable." William interjected, "Everyone in the village likes Lord Mandalay very much and hopes that he will always lead us. I heard that Earl Baird has planned to put The whole village has changed from a fief to a hereditary territory and is entrusted to your family." William smacked his buddy enviously, "You will really become a noble young master by then!"

"It's not so easy to get a hereditary territory in peacetime." Weimar shook his head, his expression very indifferent, "What's more, I don't like being a lord."

"Come on." William expressed disdain for this kind of rhetoric, "Then you still remember your 'Sir' title?"

"Honor and responsibility are not the same thing," Weimar said. "The title of 'Sir' is a dream of mine, and I like being called 'Sir Weimar', or, 'Sir,' like my father. But managing a territory with a population of tens of thousands? No, I can't even manage our 'good helper' adventure team."

"Cut, if you don't want it, give it to me." As soon as William said the words, he suddenly became excited, "Wait, maybe I really have the right to inherit your family's future territory. As long as you renounce the inheritance of the territory, then I will marry your sister again..."

"Go away! I won't marry my sister to you." Weimar pushed William angrily.

"Hey, I'm not sure," William said defiantly. "When I enlarge your sister's belly, maybe you will beg me to marry her."

"I'll beat you to death!"


Barrett ignored the two young people who were always fighting each other. He took a few steps forward and came to the goblin. "How is it? Did you get any useful information?"

The goblin spoke to the caveman patriarch again, then raised his head and reported to Baritt, "This tribe of cavemen is called 'Sausage', yes, you heard it right, this is the name of their tribe - the universal phonetic symbol The word for 'sausage'. And the name of the patriarch is Taka Sausage. It was a slave before and escaped from an underground battle. Its previous owner died in the battle, which made the It has a chance to escape."

"I thought the cavemen slaves would be very timid." Barrett said, "Looking at the way they fight, it's fair to say, at least they have a strong momentum." Strength, let's not talk about it.

"Taka is much taller than its kind, so its previous owner raised it as a slave soldier, and it also manages its kind in this way. See the imprint on its chest. Those drow letters, that's the abbreviation of its owner's initials."

"The initials of 'sausage'?" Barrett joked. "Why do their tribes have such weird names?"

"Taka said that their tribes lived in this cave for generations. Of course, I don't know how long it is called 'generation'. After all, it only takes more than two months for the cavemen to grow from eggs. Grow into a mature individual capable of producing offspring, and one year is enough time to produce several generations. That's better than we goblins."

Gary smiled self-deprecatingly, and then continued, "Before this caveman tribe didn't have a specific name, and then a team of adventurers accidentally broke into their cave. Some of those adventurers were also proficient in underground languages. So there wasn't a fight between them, there was a deal."

When the goblin said the word "trade", the patriarch of the caveman suddenly moved, and he said something to the surrounding clansmen, and then these clansmen turned back to a dirt bag with their small and weak limbs. move away.

"It also understands Common Language?" Barrett looked surprised, nodding when he didn't care when I shouted before.

"Knows some simple words, such as 'deal', 'friend', 'cheap' and so on." The goblin explained, "It was taught by those adventurers, including the word 'sausage'~www. Those adventurers exchange sausages, rye, corn and other foods for ore and other resources in the ground. After all, cavemen are quite good at digging holes, and these resources are of no use to them , that is, Taka was a slave before he knew that these things might have some value. And after this tall caveman came into contact with sausage, he thought it was the most delicious food in the world, so he used this word as the name of their tribe," said the goblin, spreading his hands.

"Anything else?" Barrett asked again, "like, are there any dangers to watch out for nearby, or why are those black ants attacking them, and does the mossy rock spider nest on the map still exist? "

"I asked them about the mossy rock spiders, and Taka told me that there was indeed a spider lair at the end of the vine-filled passage. Of course, it can't tell the specific spider species, but I think, That should be the mission location marked on the map."

The goblin looked at Barret," said Taka, and those bad spiders had caught many of its clan before, so Taka ordered the clan to block that passage from somewhere in the middle. But it said, if we need If so, it can help us to dig further, and even send some clansmen to assist us, but it needs a small reward."


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