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Chapter 240: Alive, and Faith (Part 1)

On the second floor of the Underdark, in the nameless cave, a fierce battle is going on to its climax.

The two knives and the giant axe collided, making a clanging sound of gold and iron. The two knives engraved with snake and rattan patterns did not forcefully compete with the battle axe carrying the power of the thousand, but rather skillfully galloped down the axe blade, trying to cut off the fingers of the person holding the axe.

The person holding the axe let go of the hands holding the handle of the axe, letting the giant axe fall, and then punched the owner of the two knives.

The heavy fist, whose joints were covered with calluses, carried a whistling sound of breaking through the air, rubbing the sharp ears of the master of the two swords and hitting the air. The two knives took advantage of the situation, seized this rare space, and stabbed directly into the chest of the person holding the axe.

Warm blood splattered along the blood groove of the blade and splashed onto the black skin and pure white hair. Immediately afterwards, the two knives slashed diagonally, expanding the wound, and the bright red blood spurted out like a waterfall, taking away the strength of this burly body. The man with the axe knelt on the ground and let out a painful 'moo', and a pair of huge palms helplessly covered the wound on his chest, but it did nothing.

The owner of the two knives jumped high, twisted and chopped down in the air, and the two sharp blades were like lightning in the darkness, slashing heavily on the neck of the axe bearer. Immediately afterwards, a head with two horns rolled to the ground, and this kneeling headless body also collapsed.


Finally got rid of this difficult tauren. The sword dance master among the drow elves - 'Villes Osto' frowned, clutching his injured left shoulder that was bleeding again, stopped in place to take a few breaths to recover his already exhausted body .

There was a mournful cry in the distance, reminding him that this small victory did not mean the battle was over.

Villes looked up at the voice and saw one of his young fellows, whose chest was slashed by a stone-blind barbarian with a serrated steel axe, and fell to the ground covered in blood.

That was 'Masoggi', the last disciple of Velus.

This young man is very talented, but he never likes to learn how to use weapons and fight. He prefers to be a male wizard. Because this is the male drow, the only way to gain true power in drow society.

But he ignored one thing. Although the social status of male drow wizards is much higher than that of warriors, even the most powerful male drow wizards are still inferior to the lowest ranks of female priests.

And now, as in ancient times, the drow wizard's control of magic has already weakened to the extreme, and he is deeply suspicious of those female priests. It is better to be an honest cannon fodder soldier, at least better than a slave.

Forget it, it's useless to think about it now, the young man Masoji should have returned to the arms of Rose, the queen of spider gods, right...

Veilles was actually not sure in his heart, after all that **** queen...

"Lolth?tlu? (after praising God Rose, all victory comes from her Velus meditated in his heart, and expelled the disrespectful thought from his mind.

The battle at this moment is still going on, and there is only one person left in this wave of rout soldiers, except for Velus.

But this last unknown clan was also hit in the head with a hard quartzite warhammer by a stone-blind barbarian with moss growing on thick gray scales.

The blood flowed through his eyes, and the clan staggered back, still refusing to fall down, and the long sword in his hand kept waving erratically. Three stone-blind barbarians had fallen at his feet, but there were still two around him. And the enemy who killed Masoji with a steel axe also stepped forward to support him.

Not to mention three, this clan now can't even handle one.

Velus danced a sword flower with both hands, bent down and squatted, and flew towards this fellow clan at a high speed.

The stone-blind barbarian with a steel axe in his hand and several scars on his chest changed direction and strode toward him after hearing the faint sound of his running. Velus used the 'Unoyun's Tooth' in his left hand to meet the opponent's serrated steel axe, and the 'Unoyun's Poison' in his right hand stabbed the opponent's abdomen.

These eyeless humanoid subterranean creatures have no sight, but they have an excellent sense of smell and vision, and can fight through blindsense, sometimes more difficult to deal with than those with eyes.

This stone-blind barbarian has quite a lot of fighting experience. It easily avoided the danger of being pierced by its side, and the 'Poison of Unoyun' hit the air, but Velus is a skilled sword dance master. The attacks are usually continuous like a torrential rain, not giving the opponent any chance to breathe.

The two scimitars complemented each other, and the opponent's parry became more and more hastily. After more than ten rounds, the stone-blind barbarian was unable to dodge in time, and was cut off by the arm holding the steel axe by Velus with the 'fang of Unoyun'.

In the next instant, the 'Poison of Unoyun' slid across its neck, causing the warrior from the stone-blind barbarian tribe to fall down with the only remaining hand clutching his neck.

It is a pity that the fellow of Velus was also crushed by the other two stone-blind barbarians because of this short delay.

He was the only one left alive in this wave of routs, but Villes didn't feel sad about it. Although he did not join the drow's army, but was responsible for cultivating the martial arts of young people in the rear, he was still used to seeing the death of his kin. Even a large portion of these deaths were of their own making, to please the great Spider Queen.

In fact, in the deepest part of Velus' heart, he believed that the drow city of 'Sastria' was attacked by mind flayers, and in a sense, it was not entirely a bad thing. At least he doesn't have to look at the faces of those female drow priests anymore, and he doesn't have to worry about being sacrificed to the great goddess by them.

Villes considered his beliefs to be unquestionably loyal, but it was better to live.

However, although he has successfully escaped from the ruined drow city, he still needs to live in fear and trembling every day, and he may still die if he is not careful. Although the war that affected the entire underground situation has passed for a long time, the mind flayers have not spared the defeated soldiers of the city of 'Sastria'.

The slave army of those tentacled monsters is still hunting for any fish that slip through the net, and sometimes after encountering valuable prey, those tentacled monsters even go into battle to capture them in person.

These mind flayers use psionic powers to knock down valuable prey without killing them instantly.

In the process of fleeing, a drow officer once told Velus the reason why the monsters did so-the returning mind flayer after catching the valuable prey back alive, will turn them into new mind flayers.

And only those individuals who are strong and have no obvious flaws can be considered valuable by this mind flayer clan, and will accept him as one of them through the transformation ceremony...

The last two stone-blind barbarians were obviously much weaker than the one holding the serrated steel axe, and Velus didn't take much effort to get rid of them all.

He crouched down and looked at the fellow clan he met on the way. The left half of this guy's head was smashed to pieces, but he was still stubbornly alive. Only, there is only one last breath left.

The breathing of his fellow clan was extremely weak, and he turned his head to look at Velus, "Lolth?tlu? (Praise the Queen of Rose he said stumblingly.

"Quarvalsharesszhaun (the goddess knows everything Velus replied.

The clan smiled, "Ulu?z\'hin?maglust?dal?\'hin?und?lit? (After leaving the family and the gods, we will go to the cemetery To the top of the cave with mottled fluorescence, he silently lowered his eyes.

Maybe. Willers got up and glanced at a dark corridor. He knew that there were other pursuers behind him, even a few mind flayers, and he had seen those abominable monsters from a distance.

Yes, Velus knew he was worthy prey too, and his escape continued.


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