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Chapter 241: Alive, and Faith (Part 2)

In the corridor with blue fluorescent mushrooms, a cave lizard was quietly lying on the rock, and not far in front of it was a gray scale moth. The protective color on this guy made it seem like one with the surrounding rocks, but it still couldn't escape the sharp eyes of the cave lizard.

It stared closely at the foot moth, and moved forward slowly, so as not to startle the winged prey. After several heartbeats, it was another step, and the distance between the two sides was constantly shortening.

Close enough! Just when the cave lizard thought its next blow was almost certain and was about to attack, a muddy palm grabbed it instantly.

The palm directly twisted the cave lizard's neck and tore off its head. Immediately afterwards, a shriveled lip touched the broken neck of the lizard, sucking its blood hard.


"Phew~~~" Willers let out a sigh of relief. Crimson blood flowed into his stomach, making the tired drow feel alive again.

However, this liquid did not satisfy the extremely dehydrated body, and Velus felt even more thirsty.

There are not many species of creatures in the ground, and it can even be said that they are very strange and extremely rich. As a native of the Underdark, Velus basically knows what can be eaten, what can't be eaten, and what can only be eaten partially.

The food thing is not a big problem, but the water thing is not easy to solve.

Almost all living things cannot live without water, so most of the underground water sources have been occupied by different races and creatures. And before the city was broken, Velus was still fighting against the slave army of the mind flayers on the city wall, but after the city was broken, he hurriedly fled, with nothing on his body except the pair of machetes that never left his hands. water tool. Except for his stomach. But that didn't last long.

Exactly how long he had been on the run, Villes could not remember. But he still remembered that the last time he drank cool groundwater was five days ago.

At that time, he accidentally encountered a few Ant-Man with red carapace. The Red Ant-Man dutifully patrolled the surroundings, guarding against any enemies that might invade their home.

Where there is a population, there must be a source of water, and the sword dance master Velus knows this well.

He relied on his skillful lurking skills to go deeper and deeper, but the further he went, the more Ant-Man guards there were, and the more difficult it became to lurk.

Eventually, Velus was spotted by an Ant-Man with gray markings on his carapace. In just an instant, a large number of red Ant-Man guards rushed in his direction.

After the lurking was released, he successfully entered the home of this red ant-man by storming. The sharp 'Uno Yun's fangs' shattered one after another of the Ant-Man guards, and finally came to the clear underground lake...

Recalling the feeling of the lake entering his throat made Veilles even more thirsty at this time. He had to stop recalling and force himself to think about something else to deflect the craving for moisture.

Faith is especially effective at this time.

Veles recited the name of the goddess Rose in his heart, praised her, and prayed for her to protect him. Although he knew it wasn't possible.

During the five days without a drop of water, he could only survive by licking the wet rock walls and sucking the blood of living things like a vampire.

But this is not the way after all. Velus felt his body getting weaker and weaker, and his dark skin became dry and dull. And a certain chasing soldier still followed closely behind him. It was only after passing through the red ant-man's nest that he relied on the ant-man to be slightly delayed for a while.

Yes, they should have taken a fancy to my skills, Willers smiled bitterly in his heart. The drow officer once said that the strength of the host will directly affect the strength of the mind flayer after successful transformation. And those mind flayers don't seem to care about the number of their own species, or because of other reasons, they can't reproduce too much. So they can only rely on this method of increasing the strength of individuals within the race to increase the strength of the entire population.

It is precisely for this reason that the chasing soldiers led by the Mind Flayer behind him let him escape once again when they had a chance to kill him.

They are going to catch...

Villes swallowed the unfortunate cave lizard in two, then rested for a while, before continuing to run away.

Where to flee to, he didn't have a precise direction in his mind. Is it to go to other drow cities and continue to contribute to this underground war that seems to be fought for a long time? Or go to the surface world like those drow traitors? Willers had no answer in his mind.

It's not too late to consider these issues after getting rid of the chasing soldiers behind him. he thought.

But at this moment, Velus heard the hallway covered with fluorescent mushrooms, and suddenly there was a very subtle sound in front of it, the sound was from far to near, it seemed that there was a humanoid walking upright, Approaching constantly in the corridor.

Veles clenched his knives and was on guard.

The long and narrow corridor, behind him are the terrifying pursuers that may be encountered at any time, and in front of him is this humanoid creature that is constantly approaching and whose strength is unknown. that guy.

After half a cup of tea, the humanoids revealed their figures in the faint blue light.

It was a burly human being! Such a discovery surprised Willers. Since the tense situation in the Underdark has not been visited by humans for a long time, but the guy in front of him is obviously not afraid of death.

Looking at the costume, the other party should be an adventurer. Since he, a citizen of the day, dares to go underground alone, he is obviously quite confident in his own strength. More importantly, the opponent must be carrying a lot of materials, including water!

In the corridor, two creatures of different races looked at each other, and they didn't talk nonsense with each other (they couldn't understand each other anyway), and they flew to one place.

The 'Poison of Unoyun' collided with the opponent's machete, and the 'Teeth of Unoyun' collided with the opponent's battle axe. The targets of the weapons then switch, dance around, slam into each other, and alternate back and forth.

Willers was once again surprised. He found that the burly human being could easily keep up with the rhythm of his sword dance master, who was known for his quick shots and rich fighting skills.

Although his state at this time is indeed not good, the agility of the opponent is still far beyond his imagination, and the combat experience is also not weaker than himself. As for the power attribute, it is even more exaggerated and perverted.

After only two rounds, Veilles found that his arms were numb, and he didn't dare to use his two knives to fight the opponent recklessly. He could only use feints to cover. The whole battle can be said to be the first fight in the first year, and it was completely defeated.

The opponent's face had a relaxed expression, and it seemed that he didn't feel much difficulty in this fast-paced battle.

Maybe I'm about to be summoned by the Queen of Monroth today, Villes smiled wryly in his heart. I don't know if she will accept her.


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