Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 243: goodbye

The body moved forward in the corridor, but Barrett's mind involuntarily fell back into long-term memories...

In terms of time, the first time he came to the Underdark was about a year ago. But in his impression, that journey seems to be a more distant past. He feels as if three or four years have passed, and there is even an illusion that they are not in the same world.

In the trance of memories and reality intertwined, Barrett felt that the surrounding space was gradually distorted, and the faint light emitted by those fluorescent mushrooms was like a constantly steaming mist, hazy his eyesight.

Suddenly, the figure of the dwarf companion appeared beside him, and the barbarian even heard the dwarf's habitual loud complaint.

"You know, I don't like the underground, or anything to do with ore, big man," the dwarf said loudly. "Let's get out of here and have a good drink in a tavern. Do you have enough money in your pocket?" ? I don't want to be kicked out halfway through drinking like the last time I was in Griffin King Capital."

"No, not yet," said Barrett, but when he turned to look, he found no one beside him.

The figure of a tauren appeared on the other side of him, "I'll go to the front to see the situation." The tauren said to the barbarian angrily.

He suddenly vaguely remembered that there was indeed a tauren who followed him and the dwarves into the ground at that time. He was a companion they recruited in the Muya city-state, and he was also a sad person. The tauren, who can't remember his name, seems to love each other with a human girl in the floating city, but because of the obstacles of the human girl's family, they can't be together, and even when they meet from a distance, they become extravagance.

Human girl? A girl with red hair?

"The better thing than silver coins is gold coins, so guess what is better than gold coins?" A girl beside her asked Barrett with her hands behind her back.

"...I don't know," he said softly.

"Stupid, of course it's the gold coin with my picture on it." The red-haired girl raised her head proudly, "You have one of those gold coins on you. I gave you one, but you must keep it well!"

Keep what? Why can't I understand?

By the way, what is the name of the red-haired girl in front of you? Barrett thought hard, but still couldn't remember. He can't always remember the names of those companions, dead or alive...

The figure of the tauren companion ran over his body and ran forward, but suddenly disappeared into the corridor.

Barrett saw the dwarf follow, and then himself. No, a shadow of myself. He and the shadow of the dwarf followed the footsteps of the tauren, and they encountered a battle not long after walking.

It was a moderate battle, and the opponent was a few stone-blind barbarians with crude weapons. The shadows were about to win, but they were suddenly knocked to the ground by unknown forces...

The distorted space turned everything into a ghost. Barrett stood there and shook his head vigorously, and poured all the water in the water bag on his head.

He supported the rock wall and roared in a low voice, "Damn, what's wrong with me? Damn!", Barrett took a deep breath of the dull air, and then took the sick 'Iron Bride' out of the space ring. , put the hilt of the sword on his forehead, trying to get all distractions out of his mind.

After half a cup of tea, the overlapping images slowly gathered together, the distorted illusions and figures disappeared, and everything in front of the eyes became clear and bright again.

After a while, Barrett felt as if he had returned to normal. He stood still and continued to move forward.


Finally successfully walked out of this long corridor, our barbarian adventurer took a deep breath of joy.

Those **** mushrooms must be poisonous, they must be! The barbarian thought to himself, otherwise, how could such an unimaginable and strange thing happen? I should have another bottle of antidote now in case something unexpected happens.

Think about it and do it, Barrett took a bottle of green antidote that tasted like a mixture of lemon and durian, took it out of the space ring, poured a few sips into his mouth, and then shot another refreshing. Another smelly burp.

Just when the barbarian wanted to complain about the strange smell of the antidote, he suddenly heard a very noisy footstep in the dark passage on the opposite side.

The footsteps went from far to near, and gradually became clearer, making him sure that this was definitely not an illusion.

Barritt turned and retreated back to the corridor full of fluorescent mushrooms when he came, and looked out cautiously. After more than a dozen heartbeats, six or seven stone-blind barbarians armed with various weapons emerged from the opposite passage.

It was you! Hmph, the enemy is very jealous when they meet. Barrett threw the Resonating Battle Axe out without saying a word, and his whole body smashed out of the corridor with the flying axe.

This was not a fierce battle. Several stone-blind barbarians had some martial skills, but they were far from enough to see in front of Barrett.

One enemy was directly headed by the axe, and another enemy was chopped off by the "Tyrant Touch" after the stone weapon in his hand was chopped off, and then half of his body was chopped off. Another enemy had his scaly belly cut open by Barrett, and the stench of internal organs flowed all over the place.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth, no enemy could pass three moves in his hands.

Just when Barrett wanted to get rid of the last enemy, he suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in his head. Immediately afterwards, the pain expanded rapidly, turning from a needle stick to a hammer blow, making his eyes black. Immediately afterwards, it was another blow, causing him to stagger to his knees on the ground.

coming! This feeling is all too familiar! The unknown enemy who hit them before!

Barrett gritted his teeth and kept his consciousness awake. With the [Mission Log] and many equipment on his body, he was not knocked unconscious by two hits like last time.

However, he still fell down half-camouflage and half-substantially, but he didn't let go of the weapon in his hand. But the other party was not careless, and another mental shock hit his brain, and then the fourth time.

Barrett felt like his brain had turned to a mush, and darkness enveloped most of his consciousness. He used the remaining willpower to drive his teeth, biting the tip of his tongue hard, letting the pain reactivate the numb spirit again.

He felt a few people walking around him, those standing beside him, motionless, seemed to be communicating something, but no sound came out. He opened his eyes slightly, and finally saw the figures of those enemies.

The iconic octopus head indicates their identities, and they are indeed mind flayers, and there are actually four!

Barritt suddenly burst from the ground The 'tyrannical touch' in his hand directly cut the head of the nearest mind flayer in half.

Surprise appeared in the eyes of the remaining octopus heads, but the psychic shock and psychic shock slammed into the barbarian's mind again in an instant.

Dry! The barbarian bit his tongue again, and the 'touch of tyranny' came out of his hand and plunged into the head of the second mind flayer. But he himself fell again.

With the last ounce of strength, he moved his finger slightly, the bronze ring made a buzzing sound, and the resonating battle axe in the distance flew back towards him quickly, stabbing into the chest of the third mind flayer along the way, and stuck in the middle. out there.

Fortunately, I didn't fly back, otherwise I would be the same as the previous directors of this weapon. he thought silently.

The darkness drowned him like a tide, and he couldn't hold on any longer.


After an unknown time, Barrett woke up slightly, and found that he was still alive, and there were still some quarrels around him.

"I'm going to fix this person," said a familiar voice.

"But, he killed three of our clansmen!" A voice argued in blunt common language.

"So what? I said, this person I want to make, don't let me repeat." The initial voice became cold.

Barrett opened his eyes and found a familiar young man standing in front of him. The man wore a tight black mage robe, with three bright golden sun vines around the chest, waist, and knees of the robe.

When the young man saw Barrett wake up, he smiled and said to him, "Hey, long time no see!"


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