Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 244: Hello, my name is Chris

My name is Chris, Chris Bryan. In the current common language of human beings, 'Kris' represents the earth and the harvest, which is also my parents' best wishes for my future life.

However, when I grew up, I did not follow this wish to become a farmer who was good at planting crops, but was fortunate enough to become a member of the Master. I am a middle-level mage who has reached the fourth level, and I belong to the 'Australian Vanguard' department of the Magic Association. To put it bluntly, I am a field worker. There is no injustice on this road.

After I level up again, I can travel to other planes, no, it's a mission. I love this job, I love to explore everywhere, to appreciate the magnificent and strange landscapes in the multiverse, and the wonderful and strange human feelings.

I am 21 years old, the youngest of all known mages to reach this level, and in the foreseeable future, I will break many records in the Magic Association and even in the Empire period, for example, reaching the fifth level , Level 6, advanced to a higher level, and even the youngest among the legendary mages.

I have this confidence.

Yes, it is undeniable that I am a genius in magic, but these two words are not enough to explain my rapid progress in magic. After all, the group of mages has never lacked genius since ancient times.

The reason why I was promoted step by step so fast is because I have golden fingers. And the reason why I have golden fingers is because I am a traveler...

Shh, I only told you, you must not tell anyone!

It is often said that mages and beasts are essentially the same. Warcraft stores magic in a mutant organ of the body, and relies on the natural magic circuit formed by the organ to cast various spells. Although this kind of evolution is amazing, it is still inferior to the formation of organs such as "eyes" and "little brother". (From asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction, what did the 'evolutionary brother' experience during this period?)

The mage, on the other hand, stores magic in the soul and relies on spiritual power to cast spells. Therefore, the step-by-step promotion of the mage level is the process of continuous growth of soul and spiritual power.

Before the Magic Empire, the promotion of mages was very different from now. At that time, spellcasters had magic nets to rely on. With the help of magic nets, mages could successfully cast spells with less mental power, so human mages in that period were no different from spellcasters of other races.

After that, it is something that the entire continent is familiar with. The magic web that spreads across almost the entire multiverse was torn apart by the hand of our lord, the founder of the magical empire, and subsequent spellcasters must rely entirely on their own strength to successfully cast spells. So how much power to do as much work, everything can only rely on oneself.

Every time the current mages increase by one level, the overall strength will increase exponentially. If the mental power of a first-level mage is 10, then the mental power of a second-level mage will be about 100, and a third-level mage will have 1000, and so on. The same is true for the strength of the soul and the capacity for magic.

Only in this way, the legendary mages will finally have the strength to compete with the powerful gods, and make the entire multiverse surrender.

Of course, the promotion of mages is also accompanied by great danger. After all, it is quite terrifying to expand the soul and spiritual power by nearly ten times. A little carelessness may cause the soul to be wiped out. And this danger will increase as the level increases.

However, human mages have great convenience in this regard. They can continuously refine their soul and spiritual power through 'meditation', and gradually make them grow gradually over time. Finally, they can be promoted to a magic circle and a series of magic. Pharmacy to ensure a certain degree of safety, and finally achieve a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Having said so much, I actually want to explain what my golden finger is. After all, there are still many people who don't know me...

Because I was perfectly fused with the soul of the original owner of this body during the soul-piercing process, the reborn me has twice the soul capacity of a wizard of the same level.

More importantly, I have two different mental powers, and I can double-cast like a dual-wield weapon, that is, cast two same or different spells at the same time, and whether it is sleeping, talking, eating, or going to the toilet, It is possible to maintain a spiritual force in the state of 'meditation' all the time, without having to take time to meditate in the process of intense magic research and daily life like other mages.

I can even cast spells while meditating, which is pretty perverted.

Because 'Meditation' can also increase the recovery speed of mana, I nicknamed myself 'Perpetual Motion'. But my fellow mages are more used to calling me a 'Chimera'.

Before today, I always thought that I was the most special person in the entire multiverse. After all, this is the natural destiny of the traveler itself. But today, after I accidentally rescued this long-lost friend, I found that things were not as I imagined.


"You mean, the thing parasitizing you... Yes, I'm talking about the [mission log], does it really call itself a 'system'?" I confirmed again in disbelief, "Are you sure? It calls itself 'system', not 'silicon system'?"

"What's the difference?" Barrett, who was sitting in front of me, asked suspiciously.

I opened my mouth to explain, but after holding it for a long time, I didn't know what to say, "...Forget it, it's not something this world should have anyway."

"Your Excellency Master Kris is familiar with this thing?" Barrett looked at me and drank the tranquility tea I brewed for him one by one.

"You and I are so familiar, and you have saved me twice, so we don't need honorific titles," I said, "The system is familiar, of course familiar, how can you not be familiar with it?" It was specially prepared for me, why did it fall on the natives of this world? and many more……

I squinted at the guy in front of me, is he also a transmigrator? It's not like, transmigrators shouldn't say such things casually.

But just to be on the safe side, I still tentatively asked, "Do you know the *** who is both virtuous and artistic?"

When I said this, I also used a little 'hypnosis' to ensure that Barrett on the opposite side could tell the truth. Although I am a little sorry for my friend Barrett, this situation cannot tolerate the slightest difference.

"Canglaus? Who is that?" Barrett's face was filled with confusion.

"Don't you know? That's fine." It doesn't seem to be a traverser, so it should be a bug in the system. As a programmer, I made such a judgment for the first time.

After interrupting this question, I looked at Barrett again, "By the way, what you just asked was, is this kind of [quest log] harmful to you, right?" Yes, the traveler will not ask such a problem.

Barrett nodded, "I feel that my recent consciousness is a little bit abnormal." Next, he briefly described those abnormal situations to me.

"Well, um, this is interesting..." I listened with brows and nodded, "Well, um, so it is." Those anomalies sounded quite interesting, especially the big man in front of me. It's really funny how awkward hesitant looks when talking about the red-haired girl.

During the time I was on duty underground, I hadn't encountered such an interesting thing for a long time.

"You know?" Barrett asked.

I nodded solemnly, "There are three reasons to explain your state." I put on the attitude and expression of an old Chinese doctor. If the other party is a cute girl, it is impossible to ask her to stretch out her hand to give her a pulse. Men don't care.


"Well. First, there is something wrong with your own consciousness. You know, in fact, most of us have more or less problems in this regard, but the degree is different." I said seriously, " That's why there are so many perverts, murderers, lunatics, and by the way, the devil actually likes to seduce these people with a lack of consciousness."

Barrett looked at me Then, what about the second one? "

"The second is that after you come to the ground, your SAN value has slowly dropped to a more dangerous level, so you will see some supernatural things, and maybe you will hear the call of some kind of weird creature. "I'm talking nonsense.

"'Scatter value'? What is that? I don't quite get it."

"Oh, actually, you may be claustrophobic," I explained. "Some people are afraid of heights, some people are afraid of the dark, and some people are afraid of confined or confined spaces..."

"No, I didn't," said Barrett confidently.

I can't tell, I shrugged, "And the third situation is that [Mission Log] does have some side effects on you. After all, it should not appear on you according to common sense."

"Side effects? Are there any serious consequences?" Barrett asked, frowning.

"Who knows, maybe he will become the savior, that's what Neo is like." I said casually, "I thought this kind of work would be done by me, but I didn't expect..., wait!" I said this Suddenly, an important thing came to mind.

"What's the matter?" Barrett asked inexplicably. "Did you think of any serious consequences?"

I looked at the big man in front of me, he looked a little nervous, presumably my performance was too serious. However, this is indeed a very serious matter.

I took a deep breath and asked the question that made my fingers tremble, "Now, are you the protagonist or am I the protagonist?"


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