Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 245: follower

After being rescued by the little mage who was familiar with him, Barrett followed the latter to a magnificent building to rest.

The little mage Chris saw that Barrett's mental state was not very good, so he specially brewed a pot of Ningshen tea for him, and also added a small amount of honey to the tea.

"Let me tell you, honey and Ningshenhua are a perfect match, but when my colleagues prepare the Ningshen potion, they never add honey to it. They think that the taste of the potion and the mixture should be weird. , this will make people feel mysterious, and they will be able to sell at a high price." Chris said, waving his hand casually. A teacup with a spider pattern volleyed down in front of Barrett, "Hmph, who knows who came up with this theory first, I guess he's a guy who isn't very good at potions."

The little mage lightly tapped the pot of Ningshen tea with his fingers, causing the teapot to hang in the air to automatically fill the teacup in front of Barrett. It is the 'Hand of the Mage'. Barbarians know this signature spell that most mages like to use frequently.

They talked a lot in the next time. The little mage told Barrett that he was currently in the lair of some mind flayer clan called the 'Brain Eater'.

This mind flayer's lair was originally called 'Sastria', a city of drow. After the mind flayers captured it, they changed its name to 'Orido'.

And when Barrett asked why the little mage was mixing with these evil mind flayers, Chris sighed and said to the barbarian, "I was sent to monitor these mind flayers."

The little mage said that the upper echelons of the Magic Association did not know from which corner of the multiverse they found this wandering mind flayer clan. After promising them their return, they supported these cannon fodder in the underground and the drow elves. Knock out.

"The Underdark is about to dominate the drow family." Kris said at the time, "You know, it's not as good as the Magic Empire period. Although we are still strong, we can't do whatever we want, alas..."

The little mage sighed and seemed to be reminiscing about the past, "In order to prevent these drow elves from being the dominant family, is it really possible to exterminate their entire clan? That will inevitably trigger a war of gods again. It’s not easy to accept. And the Underdark region belongs to these underground races after all. Even if we humans really occupy it, no one is willing to come and live. Therefore, the above plan is to let these mind flayers come back to mix and mix, and at the same time Let me come and watch them, so that these guys don't do anything behind their backs."

"Furthermore, we have also limited the number of mind flayers. Below this house is the master brain of the mind flayer. I'll show you later. Those tadpole-shaped mind flayer larvae come from the brain pool where the master brain is located. It's interesting to hatch out..."

The little mage said that this job was originally done by another middle-level mage, because that mage was Fei Yi's father, so he took over this task and went underground.

Fei Yi seems to be a woman by her name, but Barrett doesn't know what her relationship is with the little mage. He just saw that when the little mage said the name, the three sun vines printed on the black tight-fitting robe lit up for no reason.


Our barbarian adventurer told the little mage about his two underground trips, and after that, the little mage told him, "Actually, if you hadn't killed three mind flayers, those guys wouldn't The one who took you back, after all, you are human. That’s why you were left alone in the ground for the first time, and Ghosn, as a dwarf, was taken back into the slave army. Don’t worry, he has been saved by me , I also lived in this city for a short time with me. Later, something seemed to happen to the dwarf's 'Rock Forging City', he wanted to go back and have a look, so I used the teleportation circle to send him back."

This situation undoubtedly made Barrett relieved.

"But I don't know the tauren you mentioned, so I don't know his current situation." Chris added, "But I will pay attention, if he is still alive."

"As for the 'good helper' adventure team that came with you this time, I can't help it." The little mage spread his hands and gave a helpless expression, "The Underdark is too big, bigger than you think. And I'm the only one here, those mind flayers don't really listen to me, they just fear the power behind me. However, if you want some moss rock spider eggs to complete the task, I I can get you some back."


Barret hesitated for a long time, and finally told the little mage who had a good relationship with him about the [quest log].

In his heart, he has always had doubts about this unknown thing that he did not know parasitizing in his body or soul, and he felt that his state was a little strange before, so he hoped that the genius among the mage in front of him could provide him with some help. spectrum answer.

Fortunately for Barrett, after listening to the other party, he actually really knew what was in his body. It's just that he didn't understand most of the content of the conversation after that.

It's like the little mage is asking this question with a serious face now, "Now, are you the protagonist or am I the protagonist?"

What protagonist? Is he talking about an opera? Barrett didn't know how to answer.

After the little mage got up, he lingered in the same place for two laps, and then said something inexplicable in frustration, "Forget it, that's it, anyway, all this is the choice of Destiny Stone Gate."

What's the meaning? Barrett didn't know why, and he even had some doubts in his heart. Has the little mage in front of him been brainwashed by a mind flayer?

After speaking, Mage Kris seemed to have put down some of his thoughts and regained his strength. He turned his head and looked suddenly straight at Barrett.

After several heartbeats, the mage strode up in front of Manzi, put one of his hands on Manzi's shoulder, and said in a very solemn tone, "Be my follower, Barrett. Your Mightiness!"


"Yes, be my follower!" The little mage said with bright eyes, "You know mage and his followers are not master-servant relationship, of course, not slave relationship, but A partnership-based, prioritized, equal relationship." He mulled his words.

"Doesn't your sword need to go to the Holy Land of Elves to be repaired? I can go with you and find a wizard who has a good relationship with the elves for help. After spending some money, there should be no problem." The little wizard Seduced Barrett, "Also, I can also help you get a good means of transportation. There is a solitary mage underground who has some research on the bloodline of creatures. If your mount really has the bloodline of the Nightmare Beast, I can Let him help with digging and remodeling. In this way, your mount can traverse the shadow plane freely, and you can be on call!"

"Moreover, I can provide you with some support in enchanting, magic accessories, potions, etc. When I reach the high-level mage and can build the magic tower, there will definitely be your room and room in the built magic tower. Location! After all, you are my follower!"

It sounded good, and Barrett was quite moved. "Then what can I do for you?"

"It's very simple, follow me to complete the task, or complete the task independently." The little mage said, "You are my follower, but you are not a mage, so for the tasks you complete, the points in the association will naturally be counted on my head. Go. Although most of the mages in the association like to work alone, some mages will keep several adventure teams, and even have an entire adventure group to support them. However, I only plan to find a few people as my followers. it is good."


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