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Chapter 246: edmund mage who loves animals

Barrett took his mount "Carrot" and followed Mage Edmund through the huge and strange underground building group in front of him.

The little Mage Kris, who brought them here through the teleportation circle, met with Mage Edmund and explained the matter, and then returned to the city of mind flayers - 'Orido'.

"I have to go back and keep looking at those octopus heads." Chris said helplessly at the time, "Those guys are like the kind of pets that don't worry, as long as you don't look at them, they will bite. Your velvet sofa, or beautifully carved furniture."

"I'll be free in about a year. This task will be taken over by another mage. At that time, I can go to the Holy Land of the Elf with you and help you repair your sword." Chris said When I said this, I stretched my waist hard, "The Magic Association is also worried that we have been in contact with octopus heads for a long time, and we will slowly be corrupted by them, so each mage will only take over this task for three years, unlike those Like the mages sent to the branch's magic tower, they often stay there for decades."

"Hey, after I go back, I'm going to have to undergo a magic test to make sure that my spirit is really okay. To be honest, it's not too difficult to deal with those mind flayers, and there are a lot of spiritual protection spells in my soul. But in this monster's lair, there is no one to chat and communicate with you, and it is underground, so you don't see the sun all the year round, you will often feel lonely."

"When I was alone, I would often recall the past, the long and distant past... and like a madman, I would pass the time by talking to myself. By the way, if you have any urgent matters in the future, you can use Mu Ya. The city-state's teleportation circle came to me, and I said it over there, your account will be charged to me. But don't always come here, it's not that I'm worried about money, of course, this is only a factor, the more important thing is, I don't want unrelated people to have too much contact with this matter, didn't you find out, my magic pet is not with me."

Before Chris left, he talked a lot to Barrett. He felt that the little mage in front of him had changed a lot compared to the last time he met. One of them was that his body had grown taller, and his personality had become a little neurotic.

However, Barrett felt that this was normal. If he was allowed to stay underground for more than two years with a group of octopus-headed monsters, he reckoned that his situation might be even worse.


The area where I am walking now is not so much a building complex as a zoo with all kinds of strange creatures.

According to legend, he is so rich that even the feces he pulls out are the golden earl of Galano, and he has his own private zoo, which raises various animals such as woodland bears, vast sea gray lions, highland bison, and mane elephants. Fortunately, the earl still has some self-knowledge, and did not raise those very difficult-to-control monsters.

However, the mage in front of him is not easy to say.

"This is the dragon turtle 'Dean', it is sleeping now." Edmund Mage introduced Barrett to a huge black shadow in a deep pool, and there were several murlocs in the pool cleaning the shadows with long-handled brushes. , "The top of our head is near the southern part of the Griffin Kingdom. The waters here are connected to the 'Coral Sea'. Dean is very good. After he goes out to eat, he will swim back by himself. Of course, if he really doesn't want to come back If so, I'm going to raise something else in this pond. I've already thought about it, I'll raise an aboleth, I know where to find this creature, but I can't make room right now."

Aboleth? Barrett wondered if Mage Edmund was talking about the strange fish he encountered.

"This is the earthworm 'Tylen'. It has a bad temper and gets angry at any time." The mage pointed to the monster locked in the hemispherical glass cage.

It was a monster more than two meters long, with a body like an earthworm, and a monster with orange-white high-heat rays that seemed to melt rocks. It's springing all over the place, making sparks splash and crackling in it. But it looks pretty good, would you like to see it? I know how to **** it off."

"...No, thank you." Barrett waved his hand to refuse.

"This is the phase spider 'Victor'." The mage introduced to the barbarian a huge spider locked in a hexagonal crystal cage, "It can travel freely through the shadow plane, just like a nightmare beast. Vic Usually when hunting, it will suddenly appear from the shadow plane, and the prey will be caught off guard, but it can't do so in this plane cage."

"This is the spider-eating beast 'Lorraine'." Mage Edmund introduced Barritt to a monster with a rope tied to its feet. The monster was more than three meters long, with bat wings and the body of a wasp. But that body did not have six thin legs like a wasp, but only a pair of eagle-like feet and a hook-shaped stinger on its abdomen.

"Do you know what Lorraine likes to eat?" Mage Edmund asked Barrett sideways.

"...Spider?" The answer was a little too obvious, but Barrett was a little unsure.

"Tattoo, you're right. So don't put it together with 'Victor', don't!" Mage Edmund said with a smile to the barbarian, "The most important thing in the ground is all kinds of spiders, so Lorraine and his race are never short of food. They will flap their bat wings and hover over the spider's nest, rip the spider's web with their claws, and attack the spider with their powerful jaws and stingers. Sometimes They will also implant their own egg sacs into those large spiders to reproduce. Of course, some species of spiders do this too, after all, parasitism itself is a rather trouble-free and survival rate of reproduction, at least you There is no need to worry about food for the larvae."

"I tell you, Roland has been coveting Victor for a long time, but I can't let it do that." Mage Edmund was quite talkative, "Also, if you catch spider beasts, you can also train them They become flying mounts. Although they can't fly as high as griffins, they are more dexterous than griffins at low altitudes, and they eat much less than griffins. How about it, are you interested in getting one? Look at Kris's In terms of face, I can count you ninety-eight, no, fifty percent."

"No, I already have a mount." Barrett pointed to the 'carrot' beside him. He estimates that he can't even afford it at a 50% discount.

"Well, I saw a descendant of a Nightmare Beast, but the bloodline is quite thin. This mount is not rare at all, and it does not show its identity." Master Edmund said, "Of course, if its bloodline is awakened, it will Another thing. I don't know if it will end up like Victor and have the ability to travel through the shadow plane, but even if it does, the horse can't fly. Unless, it can be as long as a Pegasus Wings, do you need it to grow wings?"

" If it can enter and exit the shadow plane, it will be enough for me." After Barrett finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the 'carrot' beside him who was looking around with his horse's face raised. At the end, he couldn't help asking, "Can you really make it grow wings?"

"It's possible, but it's going to be troublesome to use," said Mage Edmund, rubbing his chin. "The main reason is that your mount isn't born with wings like a Pegasus. Plus, it's grown now. Now, the habits have basically been fixed, and it will be very difficult and extremely dangerous to exercise the day after tomorrow. After all, flying is not a child's play. In the end, the spider-eating beast is more reliable." The mage raised an eyebrow at Barrett, "A 30% discount, come here. How about one! Let me tell you, Lorraine is about to lay eggs, you can cultivate it from a young age, but the intimacy will definitely be very high. In this way, you will no longer have to envy the "flying" of the mage, or the gryphon Those of the Knights!"

"No, I was just asking casually, and I didn't intend to do it." Barrett politely declined. If possible, he actually wants to get a griffin, which is much more majestic than this spider-eating beast.

"Well, if you need anything, you can contact me at any time. If you don't know how to get here, go to Chris, or... forget it, just find him." Mage Edmund shrugged. Lowering his shoulders, he continued walking, introducing Barrett to the various creatures that were kept in buildings or cages.

After a cup of tea, they finally came to the alchemy laboratory of Mage Edmund, where the 'Carrot' will awaken the bloodline ability.


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