Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 247: Nightmare Warhorse 'Carrot'

Two sky-blue crystal cluster golems helped Mage Edmund open the thick door of the laboratory, and the owner of the laboratory beckoned to Barrett, motioning him to follow him.

Barrett has heard people say that the alchemy laboratory is an extremely private and secret place for mages. It is almost impossible for strangers to enter casually. Its importance is second only to the core furnace of the magic tower. Of course, for mages without a magic tower, the laboratory naturally ranks first.

But the Edmund Mage led him in quite generously.

Barrett led the mount and stepped forward, and what he saw was a spacious corridor. The walls on both sides of the corridor are painted with all kinds of strange creatures: dragons such as five-color dragons and metal dragons, monsters such as multi-headed snake lizards and purple worms, and various monsters such as petrified cows, winter wolves, and thunder lizards.

The ceiling of the corridor is a magical pattern like the veins of leaves, and there are many dark blue diamond-shaped spar embedded in the nodes of those patterns. Occasionally, a certain spar will suddenly shine, and then, the drawing of a creature closest to the shining spar will change its shape accordingly.

It was only then that Barrett discovered that the biological patterns on the walls on both sides were changing all the time. Some creatures are killed by other creatures, then dismembered and swallowed; some creatures are slowly aging and dying, and new life is born on the dead bone-like corpse...

Crossing the hallway, Barrett found himself in a room full of test tubes. Wooden shelves on the surrounding walls hold a wide variety of magical materials: petrified lizard eyes, roc bird feathers, ooze bodily fluids, and even a red dragon's whip...

Naturally, Barrett didn't recognize the thick cylindrical thing at the top of the cabinet, just because all the magic materials were labeled, and that thing was no exception.

There was also a young female mage wearing a purple robe in the room, squeezing a huge eyeball in the mage's hand. She kneaded repeatedly, trying to make all the liquid in her eyes flow into the test tube in front of her.

"Hey, my good Sally, have you eaten yet?" Mage Edmund asked the female Mage.

"Fried coral reef fish, brought back by Dean." The female mage responded without looking up, "and seaweed salad and beetroot."

"Next time I'll let you bring some sea crabs back. It tastes good with asparagus." Master Edmund said, "By the way, do you want to eat Loran's eggs?"

"I don't want to." The female mage replied stiffly.

"Forget it." Edmund shrugged, turned his head and introduced to Barrett, "This is Sally, my apprentice. She will help your mount perform the bloodline awakening ceremony. Don't worry, she is better than me in this regard. She has more experience. She once awakened a cute and harmless little rabbit through her bloodline, and has the ability to breathe dragon breath. God knows what this thing does." He pointed to the cylindrical object at the top of the cabinet and said.

The female mage looked at Barrett expressionlessly, and with a wave of her hand, the big eyeball that had been squeezed out of liquid flew straight into the trash can. She turned around and walked to the shelf holding many test tubes, made a rough identification, then picked up a bottle of green medicine and handed it to Barrett.

"Uh, do I drink or it drink?" our barbarian adventurer asked subconsciously.

The female mage named Sally looked at him like an idiot, "Guess."

"A mount for you." Mage Edmund couldn't stand it any longer, and came forward to rescue Barrett himself, "Unless you also want to perform the bloodline awakening ceremony. Hey, do you want to try it? Actually, there are some people among us humans. They are indeed from Dragonborn, but they themselves don't know it."

"...Is this thing dangerous?" Barrett asked softly, looking at the green potion in his hand.

He heard that the second highest peak in the mainland near his hometown, 'Annabul Peak', was once the home of the White Dragon. Dozens of white dragons once lived on the summit where the snow never recedes.

In Nord folklore, those white dragons often raid human villages and plunder livestock. Of course, it's not impossible if one of the adult white dragons used polymorphism, and then something happened.

"Well, animals are not dangerous. It's just that we haven't conducted experiments on humans. If you want to try it, we are very welcome! At the same time, I can also give you a spider egg for free. , and then offer a parenting guide and a special saddle! How about it, it's quite cost-effective!" Master Edmund said excitedly. And the indifferent expression of the young female mage next to her also suddenly became enthusiastic, like a lovely person who saw gold coins.

"Forget it, I'm just asking casually." Barrett didn't want to be a test subject for an unknown drug. He raised his hand to lift the horse's face of 'Carrot', and poured the medicine in his hand into its mouth.

The latter turned his head to express his dissatisfaction with Barrett, and after drinking the potion, he gradually became irritable. It neighed constantly, no matter how much Barrett yelled and tugged at the reins.

At this time, the female mage Sally suddenly put her hand on the bridge of the 'carrot' nose, the latter became quiet for a moment, and then followed the female mage very obediently, and walked to the other room. .

"We'll just wait here." Edmund said to Barrett, "When Sally opened the alchemy circle, she didn't want anyone watching."

"Then, how long do you have to wait?"

"It won't be too long, a glass of wine is enough time." Master Edmund took out a bottle of red wine from the space ring, then took out two empty test tubes from the shelf, and poured half a test tube of wine for Barrett .

Are you sure this thing is clean? Barrett was holding the test tube holding the wine, and his expression was a little hesitant. He hesitated for a long time, and finally took a careful sip under the signal of Master Edmund raising his "cup".

"Are you an adventurer?" Mage Edmund took a sip of and casually chatted with Barrett.

"Yes," said Barrett. "I've been in this business for nearly twenty years."

"Oh? It's been a long time, so you must be very good." Mage Edmund said with a smile, "In fact, I used to be an adventurer for a while, and a merchant in a grocery store. I Being an adventurer is more competent than being a businessman. Yes, at that time other adventurers called me Edmund the 'Monster Summoner', because there were always many monsters around me, and in battle, I rarely would Do it yourself. My little friends can easily take down the enemy!" He said triumphantly.

Mage Edmund chats with Barrett about his former adventures as an adventurer, and the incident that happened when he was a kid that led him to love monsters.

After an unknown amount of time, the door to the other room was suddenly pushed open, and the female mage Sally walked in alone.

"Where's my mount?" Barrett asked suspiciously.

The female mage looked at Barrett expressionlessly. After two heartbeats, she suddenly said, "Behind you."

behind me? Barrett turned to look, but found nothing. But just when he wanted to ask again, a huge and strong dark black horse, accompanied by smoke and flames, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Flames encircled the horse's hooves, and the scorching sulphurous smoke lingered around it, making its tall figure looming in the smoke. Those golden eyes seemed to be smoldering with charcoal fire, exuding heat waves, and through the layers of black smoke, they looked straight at Barrett angrily.


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