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Chapter 248: Drow Elf Ellen

The night is drawing to a close, and the bright morning star shines on the eastern horizon.

The drow elf 'Ellennie' carried a rattan basket in her hand and walked lightly in this shadowy jungle. She was in a good mood at this time, because tonight's harvest was quite good. In addition to picking some berries such as cranberries, lingonberries, and mountain grapes, she also found a large bush of wild strawberries!

In early autumn, this delicious fruit has become less and less, and it is very rare to find so many.

Ellenie likes strawberries, especially! Every time she put this bright red, sweet and sour fruit into her mouth, an indescribable feeling could flow from the bottom of her heart. There is no corresponding word for this feeling in the drow language, but in the common language of mankind, there is a very appropriate word to describe it vividly, and that word is "happiness".

I'll try one first, just one, just to see if they're still fresh. Ellen thought to herself. She reached into the basket, took out the largest wild strawberry, simply blew it, and stuffed it all into her mouth.

"Oh, it's delicious!" Ellen sighed contentedly. Based on this kind of fruit, she believes that the ex-mistress’s decision to move the entire ‘Rillant’ family to the surface world was an extremely wise and correct decision!

However, the price is really high.

The process of moving the family from the underground to the surface was not smooth. After abandoning the faith of the goddess Rose, the entire Rillant family was madly hunted by other drow families. Their clansmen had more than 600 people when they initially fled. , but only one-tenth of those who successfully reached the surface remained, and even the former mistress died in a tragic battle.

If it wasn't for the presence of a human mage in the final stage to help them successfully defeat the pursuers, Elleni estimated that their clansmen would all be wiped out on the way to escape.

The surface world is indeed more colorful than the underground, but it is not all beautiful. Although there is no frequent intrigue and intrigue between families, there is also no large number of slaves to use.

No one was going to serve Ellen a delicious meal, and no one was going to organize her messy clothes, and she was all on her own now. To be honest, she actually misses the time when she had slaves to command, at least she doesn't have to worry about what she eats every day.

She can't grow crops, in fact not all the drow who escaped. Fortunately, the place where the human mage arranged for them is very good. It is backed by a dense jungle rich in food, and there is a clear river not far away. There are many fish, crabs, and small shrimps in the river, so they are generally Not too worried about food issues.

It's just that it's tougher in winter. Ellen doesn't like winter, and while the white powder called "snow" is really pretty, the weather can get colder and food pretty scarce. Fortunately, their current mistress worked for humans on the 'floating city', and after earning gold coins, she would buy food to help them survive the cold winter.

Ellenie actually wants to work part-time. She heard that there is a very easy job in Muya city-state. Not only can you enjoy yourself with those humble men like before, but after those men are happy, they will give a lot of money. A lot of money! Ellen felt that this kind of work was very suitable for her, but the mistress did not know why and did not allow them to do it.

Maybe the lord herself is enjoying the 'floating city' at the moment! Ellen thought rather jealously. Hmph, isn't it just to please those men, I will too! I could get those guys to kneel and kiss my toes, and they should be happy...

On an unknown tree not far away, there are many plump pods hanging. Ellen walked up happily and picked the pods one by one. The beans in this pod are sweet and delicious, and are Ellennie's second favorite fruit. It's just that this kind of tree is quite rare in the whole jungle, and she rarely encounters it.

But just as she was about to pick all the pods, a small creature with a plush tail and black and white stripes suddenly sprang up from the trunk of the tree. It was a chipmunk who took the tree as his turf and screamed "squeak" at Ellenie as if to express dissatisfaction with her "stealing".

Ellen, who was from the Crimson Priest Group, had a gloomy face. She switched the basket to her left hand and touched her waist lightly with her right hand. With a flick of her wrist, she skillfully threw the snake-head whip from her waist.

The tip of the whip was like a poisonous snake that was ejected, and it precisely bit the little chipmunk who was pinching its waist and scolding righteously, and pumped its entire body in the air.

Ellennie took a slight leap forward and caught the chipmunk in the air in her palm. Then with a twist of both hands, today's recipe has another meat dish that is better than nothing.

"Today is really my lucky day." She muttered to herself happily, humming her newly-learned Common language song, and walking through the gloomy jungle.

Walking out of the forest, not far away is a small village hidden in the darkness. The village is named after Ellen's family, and is the new surface home of all their clansmen - the drow village 'Rillant'.

The entire village was built for them by human mages in advance, but a considerable part of the houses inside were empty. Because Elleni's clan is now full of 100 people, and this number was reached on the basis of absorbing some drow elves who came up alone.

And there are many clansmen who do not often live in the village. Some of them are adventurers, and some are servants in the tavern, which makes the village seem quite deserted.

Ellen didn't want to do any of these careers, she just wanted to do the kind of job that was easy and paid a lot of money. However, the order of the mistress still has to be obeyed, and no one dares to violate the will of the mistress in private.

Ellen can only wait for the next time the mistress comes back, and then go to persuade her.

On the river not far from the village, some clansmen who were catching fish by the river also started to walk back. The tribesmen could not row boats, cast nets, or even fish, so they could only use spears to stab the fish one by one. Fortunately, there are a lot of fish in the river, so this rough way of catching is enough to feed them.

Ellenie didn't want to eat fish, and she didn't want to eat it when she was underground, because the fish bones were troublesome to get at, and the blind and blind fish in the ground were particularly thorny. In contrast, the berries in the forest are more delicious.

Ellen shoved another strawberry into her mouth and sighed contentedly again...

After humming a song and returning to her home, Ellennie placed the basket on the dining table, then leaned against the window, looking at the horizon, waiting quietly.

In a little while, a dazzling orb of light will rise from there, and a bright light will illuminate the entire earth.

Among the drow, "Ssussunpholordos!" (Let the light shine on your head) is a very vicious curse, but Elleni loves the sun, the feeling that warms her whole body.

However, as a drow elf, she did not dare to look directly at the sun, it would hurt her eyes, UU reading www. even left her permanently blind. Only when the light danced gently under the horizon would she endure the discomfort and glance at the beautiful scenery.

However, today's scenery seems a little special. Elleni noticed a small black spot on the horizon approaching the village.

As the black spot got closer to the village, Elleni saw that it was a tall horse shrouded in black smoke. The horse's mane is like flames, and its four hooves step on the fire, and the speed is like lightning. And on the back of the horse was a human rider whose face could not be seen clearly.

The steed arrived at the village in no time. Immediately afterwards, it made an emergency stop and threw the human rider on its back directly. The human rider rolled a few times on the ground, then stood up slowly. But at this moment, the black horse bowed its head again, snorted softly, and sparks and smoke spewed from its nostrils.

It hit the ground with its flaming hooves, and then slammed into the human who had just stood up with billowing smoke. Ellenie wanted to whisper to remind, but it was too late. However, when the horse's head collided with the human rider's body, it stepped into the void, wrapped in smoke and flames, and disappeared.

Only a series of mischievous neighs were left in place.

The human rider didn't seem surprised by this situation, he brushed the dust off his body and sighed helplessly. At this time, the sun rose from the horizon, Ellenie hid back inside the house, squinting to see the warm and dazzling sunlight shining on the human rider.

Oh, he's really strong, Ellen thought to herself.

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