Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 251: Investigation Mission (Part 1)

Since the awakening bloodline transformed into a tall, dark nightmare beast, the 'carrot' has made a qualitative leap in terms of physical strength and speed. It can now easily run more than 300 kilometers a day without showing any signs of fatigue.

Now it is Barrett's riding skills that restrict their speed, and the barbarians are still unable to adapt to long-term riding.

Not only the appearance and physique, but also the eating habits of 'carrots' have also changed a lot. It has changed from a common herbivore to an omnivorous species, and prefers to eat fresh meat with blood. The sharp teeth in its mouth are no less than any ferocious carnivore when tearing its prey.

At this point, one day and two nights had passed since Barret left the drow village. After riding for a long time, the barbarian was resting under a beech tree.

He was biting a grass with slightly sweet juice in his mouth, and he was constantly checking the surrounding map of Muya city-state in his hand. On the other side of the tree, the Nightmare Beast 'Carrot' was biting and swallowing a ferocious rabbit the size of a calf.

That is the rabbit that 'Carrot' hunted by himself.

At that time, the ferocious rabbit appeared in a field of miscanthus not far from the beech tree. It appeared defiantly from the grass, and then in front of Barrett and 'Carrot', he pulled a lump full of round particles Defecation, and then twisted his buttocks again, Shi Shiran was ready to turn back.

Barrett knew that ferocious animals were basically not afraid of people, but this was the first time he had seen such a personality. Just when he was about to use the resonant battle axe to give this daring rabbit an axe, the 'carrot' beside him suddenly disappeared from the place and entered the shadow plane.

After two heartbeats, the 'carrot' suddenly jumped out of the vicious rabbit, stomped the rabbit's spine with one hoof, and then bit the dead rabbit and returned to the tree...

Barrett pointed to a human town on the map called 'Antoine's Wine Cellar', which was the mission location of his next mission. Barbarian didn't know the origin of the name of this town, but he knew that he would arrive soon.

There was a sound of bones being shattered in his ears, and Barrett looked sideways, and found that the 'carrot' had swallowed the ferocious rabbit whole, leaving only a broken spine and a Few ribs are on the ground.

Even the big head of the rabbit, which did not know what was in it, was chewed up by the nightmare beast 'carrot', and the sound the barbarian heard at this time was the sound it made when it repeatedly chewed the rabbit's head.

Barrett got up and walked towards his mount. The smell of blood in the mouth of 'carrot' is quite strong, and it is really unpleasant, along with the sulphur fumes from the nose.

Barbarian took out two carrots from the space ring and handed them to the Nightmare Beast.

'Carrot' raised his head and stared at Barritt with scorching eyes. Its flaming hooves slashed **** the ground, then brought his head close, picked up the carrot in Barbarian's hand, and ate it in two bites.

Barret gently stroked the neck of the mount, and the next moment, he stepped on the pedals and turned on his horse, running to the next mission.


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Barrett finally arrived at the next mission location - 'Antoine's wine cellar'.

Because the Nightmare Beast is always surrounded by thick smoke and flames, the scene and movement are a little big, and it is not suitable for it to be led in a lively residence, so Barrett patted the body of 'Carrot' and let it Return to the shadow plane, and then walk towards the gate of the village and town alone.

"Hey, man, your mount is really good." A guard wearing chain armor and holding a spear at the gate of the village said to Barrett, "There are not many adventurers who can ride a nightmare beast these days, you are me The third one I've ever seen in my life."

"Fortunately, it's more convenient," Barrett responded. "At least you don't need to worry about your mounts when you're on an adventure." He glanced at the smocks on the guards, plain off-white with wavy stripes , but there is no family emblem printed on it, which means that there is probably no lord in this human village.

"Nightmare beasts can't be ridden by anyone, and you are still alone." Another guard with a long sword on his waist looked up and down the barbarian and said, "It seems that you are a powerful guy."

Barrett shrugged. "A lot of people have said that, and I don't want to deny it."

"Mission? Or buying and selling?" asked the long sword guard.

"Mission." Barrett replied simply, "It should be released by people in your town, and the location is also with you."

"I also posted a quest in Muya city-state before, but no one picked it up after a long time." The spear-wielding guard next to him asked the barbarian, "Is it because the quest I gave is too low? At that time, I had 30 gold coins, which is all the savings I have accumulated over the years."

It’s not too low, I only gave 70 silver for the tiring and exhausting task of transporting goods, and most of the tasks that may be in danger of casualties are only about 100 gold coins, “The level of reward is related to the difficulty of the task. "Barrett explained, "What mission did you post?"

"I want you adventurers to help me find an elf wife." The spear-wielding guard said with a serious face, "I'm not joking, to be honest, I dream of finding an elegant and noble elf to be my wife. It's my childhood dream!!"

Then you continue to "dream". Barrett murmured inwardly. The Adventurer's Guild will not release tasks that are generally illegal or hurtful, unless it is a joke task that is completely impossible for anyone to accept.

On the black market, the price of an elf slave is 30 gold coins followed by three or four zeros, and this kind of transaction is generally only available in the Holy Arathor Kingdom.

"Don't listen to this guy's nonsense." The long sword guard looked quite mature. "It should be your first time here. You can ask us anything you need to know. It will save you a lot of trouble."

At this time, there were not many pedestrians in the village and town. The two guards seemed a little bored, and it might be because of the nightmare beast that they pestered Barrit to ask questions, but they were indeed able to help the barbarians.

"Uh..." Barbarian pondered, "Do you know a man named 'Phil Pike'? According to the mission statement, he should be an elderly Oh!" The guard suddenly said, "It turned out to be Old Phil's task again."

"Again?" Barrett asked, frowning.

"Old Phil is a bit..., you know, old people, their brains are always a bit abnormal." The spear guard smacked his lips.

"He is over ninety years old, and has no children of his own, only a nephew." The longsword guard continued, "Is the task issuer of your task called Steven Pike?" After that, he nodded again, "That's right, that's old Phil's nephew."

"Old Phil was mentally abnormal before, but this year it's even worse. Sometimes he thinks that someone around him may want to kill him, and sometimes he thinks that some people are conspiring to do something wrong." The spear guard explained, "He doesn't trust us. The people in the town always begged his nephew to find adventurers outside to help him and protect him. If his nephew didn't agree, old Phil would go on a hunger strike. I heard that the current king of the Griffin Kingdom would do the same thing, saying To be honest, it is quite effective. But when I used it to my mother, it never worked."

"His nephew is a businessman and is quite wealthy. After encountering such an impossible thing, he wants to spend money to buy a clean." The long sword guard returned to the topic that had been deflected, "After you meet old Phil , just perfunctory him, stay at his house for two days, and then you can leave, after that the poor old man will calm down for a while. Rest assured, his nephew will pay. Because before you, he has been here Two waves of adventurers."


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