Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 252: Investigation mission (middle)

Following the guidance of the two enthusiastic guards at the gate, Barrett walked through this lively human village.

The stone road of the main road in the town is quite smooth, and evergreen cypress trees are planted on both sides of the street, which makes the town look full of vitality in the bleak autumn. From time to time, carriages loaded with wine barrels passed by on the street, and horses' hooves stepped on the stone pavement, making a pleasant and rhythmic "kick sound".

Most of the shops here are related to wine and its surroundings. All kinds of pure and blended red and white wines cover the window shelves, as well as pine and oak barrels, as well as a variety of wine utensils.

It seems that this human village called 'Antoine's Wine Cellar' is indeed mainly based on alcohol, Barrett thought to himself. It's just that I don't know if this man named 'Antoine' is the original founder of the town.

Barrett walked forward on the flagstone while recalling the words of the guards. A young woman in front walked past him with her half-year-old baby in her arms. The baby in the young lady's arms was still giggling and giggling cutely, but when she accidentally glanced at Barritt, it suddenly began to cry, making the barbarian so embarrassed.

Four or five young girls gathered in front of a middle-aged businessman selling blush, lip gloss, and glass jewelry, bowing their heads among the colorful colors, happily picking and choosing.

Barrett glanced in front of the paving subconsciously, and the middle-aged businessman immediately took out a well-packaged crystal bottle and shoved it to the barbarian. The merchant said that this is the best perfume he has here, whether it is for his wife, lover, or for himself, it is quite good.

Barrett hesitated, but politely returned the crystal bottle.

Two carriages loaded with vegetables and a carriage loaded with fruit accidentally collided in front of Barrett. Although the drivers and horses were all fine, the pomegranate, citrus, turnip, potato and other vegetables and fruits on the carriage were Many fell to the ground.

Many pedestrians on the road stopped to help pick it up, and Barrett was no exception. He helped the two vegetable carts pick up a lot of pumpkins and beets, but he also left a golden bell pepper, which he chewed in his mouth.

When the bells of the bell tower rang four times in the distance, Barrett finally reached old Phil's residence.

It was a rather strange building. The door of the house was not only covered with a thick iron sheet, but was also directly sealed with steel bars. The same is true for the windows on both sides. The solid oak boards are nailed layer after layer, and in order to prevent climbing and prying, many sharp spikes are reversed in many positions of the planks.

There are thorn bushes planted around this building. If adventurers from the Bay of Pigs or Galano come here, they might think this is a place where cute people live.

If it weren't for the reminders from the guards, Barrett would definitely not believe that there were living people living in the building. But he already knew what to do with the help of two guards.

Barrett turned and came to the back of the building. The situation here isn't much better than the front, but at least that narrow rear door isn't sealed. The guards said that this door was the only way to enter the interior of Old Phil's residence.

He carefully bypassed the thorns and knocked on the iron-clad back door. The barbarian was worried that the old man in his nineties would not hear the knock, so he knocked hard many times.

"Stop, don't knock any more, you devil, my old Phil is not a deaf man who can't hear anything!" A violent and loud voice came from the room, "Who are you?"

The devil chanted, "The adventurer of Muya city-state." Barrett replied, "Are you Phil Pike? I took the task issued by your nephew Steven Pike and came here to assist you."

"How do you know that Steven is my nephew?" the people in the room asked loudly.

"Uh..." The old man's thinking was quite quick, "The guard at the gate told me." Barrett told the truth.

"Don't trust them, don't trust anyone in town!" said the man in the room. "Everyone here could be a devil's believer, everyone. Except me!" Those devils will never tempt me, absolutely! Even if I eat soft clouds, I won't give in! Unless you give me two!"

"What did you say?" What cloud? Barrett frowned.

"What? What did I say? I said nobody but me can be trusted!" the voice repeated.

There seemed to be some other content just now, "Does these people also include your nephew?" He asked casually.

"Of course!" the voice responded decisively. "Not me, not pomegranate, no, including pomegranate! And pay attention to it!"

What is this all about? "I want to ask, if your nephew is also a believer of the devil, why would he help you with the task?" Manzi asked proudly. It is rare for him to feel contented with his intellect.

"You idiot don't know this? Because he is my nephew." The voice said confidently.

...well, the reasons are impeccable. What reason do I have to talk to someone who's not in their right mind? Barrett felt annoyed inwardly.

"Can you let me in first?" He changed the subject to a meaningful one.

"Show me your mission parchment!" the voice demanded. "And the rainbow! Show me the rainbow, no, it's the parchment."

I can only show you one of them, and there is nothing I can do about the other. Barrett complied, pulling out the parchment for the mission. and then? With some uncertainty, he aimed the parchment at the back door of the house. Can the people inside see it?

"Go to the front." The voice demanded again, "Main entrance!"

Isn't the front door blocked? Full of doubts, Barrett obediently returned to the main He found that the pet door under the main entrance was slightly opened with a small slit, "Put the elephant in, no, I am Say parchment. Stuff the parchment in." the voice commanded.

Alas, this task is not destined to be too easy, but for the sake of 100 soul energy points, Barrett endured it. Following the voice's request, he stuffed the mission parchment in.

After a while, the voice sounded again, "Go to the back door." He ordered again, "Don't let me see other people, or bees following you! Especially butterflies!"

Alas, the barbarian looked around resignedly and confirmed that there were no butterflies and bees following. He went around the thorn bush again and came to the back door again, "Can you let me in this time?"

Immediately afterwards, there were the sounds of several locks and latches being opened. This sound lasted for more than a dozen heartbeats, and the back door finally opened a gap, "Come in quickly, you strong cat, be careful the hyena bites your throat."

Is he talking about me? Barrett sighed again in his heart, and reluctantly opened the back door, and walked in reluctantly.

The interior of the room is not that eerie and dull feeling. In fact, it is much brighter than the barbarians imagined, because the pendant on the roof is inlaid with several stones with constant 'brightness'.

When Barrett entered, he saw a shriveled, gray-haired old man standing in the middle of the aisle, holding a pure black cat in his hand, and his four pairs of eyes were looking at him.


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