Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 260: Listen to a story while you eat

Muya city-state, sunny noon.

When Barrett came down the stairs of the 'Put Your Ears' Hotel, he found that all the tables on the first floor were full of adventurers. This is quite common, as there is never a shortage of listeners in Leslie's hotel.

"Although we were all very excited about successfully killing those two giant wing snake dragons, the generous quest rewards and a lot of loot, especially the quest sender, Earl Louis, has always been known for his generosity, which means that we will make a lot of money. One stroke. But the excitement didn't last long, and the exhaustion after the battle swept through all of us." Hotel owner Leslie continued to tell about his wonderful experiences, "What's worse, the sky was overcast at that time, and the rain was ready at any time. It could come. We all know that rain is the worst thing all adventurers hate when it comes to wild adventures.”

"No, skunks are worse," retorted a long-faced adventurer. "As long as your tent is made of tarpaulin and it's strong enough, the rain and wind won't get you down. But Skunk..." The adventurer shook his head, "When you woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to be convenient, but you encountered this stinky little beast, and then..."

He paused, "Trust me, no matter how you explain it, your mates will think you're pulling **** up your pants, and they'll give you a nickname like 'shit,' and then, if nothing else, with you all your life."

"Damn it, Shit Court, stop talking about your disgusting things, I've lost my **** appetite." A dwarf who was drinking corn chowder grumbled loudly, and threw the spoon heavily on the ground. On the table.

Several adventurers around also complained the same way.

"Sorry, everyone, it's my fault." The long-faced adventurer raised his right hand and apologized, "That's the skunk, why doesn't anyone believe it?" he whispered.

Barrett looked around the hotel twice, but only found a few empty seats at a dining table where a female orc was sitting. He hesitated for a moment, then shrugged, walked straight to the dining table, and sat down opposite the female orc.

The female orc with a double dagger on her waist turned her head and glanced at Barritt. She didn't say a word, she just nodded slightly, then turned her head to continue listening to the bizarre stories told by the innkeeper.

Barrett summoned the half-elf waiter and ordered a charcoal-roasted pork knuckle, lemon offal in brine, roasted leeks, and a large glass of rye beer. Each charcoal-roasted pork knuckle of this hotel not only has a large piece of roasted pork knuckle with golden crispy skin and delicate and tender inside, but also two fried tongue blood sausages, two roasted potatoes, a tablespoon of salt-boiled green beans, and several Small tomatoes, so the portion is quite large.

As for the salted lemon offal, Barrett had only seen others eat it before, so he wanted to try it this time.

"Anyway, rain is a nuisance, especially when it comes to adventures in the wild," Leslie said. "We hurriedly cut the two giant pterosaurs in situ and took the spoils. The three eggs of the snake dragon, the long snake head, the wings, the poisonous mutant organs, the highly poisonous blood, the green dragon skin with good body resistance - of course, more than the real giant The dragon skin is still a little worse, as well as the limbs and part of the flesh of the snake dragon."

"Has anyone eaten the meat of the giant wing snake dragon?" asked the innkeeper.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and all shook their heads. Barrett has eaten the dragon meat of the pseudo-dragon. To be honest, the taste is not very good. The meat is tough and woody, and it is more difficult to handle than the fierce wild boar.

"Although the meat of the giant wing snake dragon also contains toxins, as long as the meat is cut into long strips, dried and fermented like bacon for three or four months, and when cooking, add enough parsley, there will be no problem. "The owner of the hotel said, "At that time, the toxin in the dragon meat will be transformed into another kind of spice-like thing, which will give the meat a special and wonderful taste. The taste is difficult to describe in words, oh... , just like the sweetness of a woman, no matter what others say, you can only know if you eat it yourself."

There were many sounds of swallowing saliva around, and it was hard to say whether it was because of the food or something else. Barrett's throat also trembled slightly, but he was held back. Damn, why hasn't the food come yet?

"When we went to the mount after cleaning the battlefield, we found that Pete's little mare was lost." Leslie added a tone of regret, "It was Pete who asked for it. He never Ken keeps the reins tightly tied to the tree, and is always worried that something will happen to his mount, such as his filly being tied by the reins when attacked by a warg, a nightsaber, or some other creature. too tight to escape in time."

"Pete couldn't believe the little mare was gone, 'Something must have happened here when we were fighting the gigantosaurus,' and he was still making excuses for the mount, 'Otherwise, Muriel Never leave me,' he said. Yes, Pete named his mount Muriel--a woman's name, and delusionally thought it, or she, wouldn't sneak away. For this kind of Naive thought, what else can we say?" Leslie sighed, "Remember, everyone, if you want a woman or a mount not to leave you, you have to tie it firmly and then tie it to a dead end. "

"Hey, old man, this is a big mistake! Doing this will only make women farther and farther away from you stupid men." A female human wearing a beige dress said disdainfully, and gave him a stern look. The male companion beside her who couldn't stop nodding to Leslie's words.

Immediately afterwards, the refutator of the long beige dress looked around again, as if looking for the approval of other women. However, there were very few women in the hotel at this time. Apart from her, there was only this female orc opposite Barrett.

"Hey, am I right, sister," she called to the orc woman.

The female orc was stunned for a while, "...Yes, that's right." She agreed with some panic.

Afterwards, the innkeeper Leslie continued his story, while Barrett heard the female orc opposite him, whispering in fluent Common, "I wish he could tie me tightly, Instead of throwing it here and leaving it alone."

he? It seems that this female orc also has a sweetheart.

"Pete got on my mount, and the four of us took him in turns, hoping to get back to Earl Louis's territory before it rained. If it's too late, it's bearable to ride for a while in the rain," Leslie said. "With Instead of being cold and humid all night long, we'd rather put on our dry clothes and sit by the warm fireplace with a glass of cinnamon- and clove-infused mulled wine after we're all soaked up and start. Figure out how much you can make this trip, and then talk about how to enjoy it after dividing the I believe that most adventurers will make the same choice as us."

The voices of approval sounded one after another, and the innkeeper was very good at mobilizing the emotions of the audience.

"But..." Leslie's expression suddenly became a little serious, "On our way back, we accidentally saw a unique castle on a hillside. In fact, we went to the giant wing snake dragon before. This is the way we walked when we were in the lair, but none of us discovered the existence of this ancient castle before. This is really weird, the ancient castle stands alone on the hillside, and there is no shelter around it. , we can't ignore it at all. Moreover, there is a small fork on the main road that leads directly to the castle, and there is a sign with a swan pattern at the intersection of the fork. These are all things that were not on the road before, and it seems that all It appeared with the castle."

"However, more weird things are yet to come." The innkeeper's voice became lower, and the audience involuntarily stretched their necks forward, "Our mounts suddenly stopped at the same time as we passed that fork, no matter what No matter how much we yelled and whipped, we wouldn’t take another step. Then, one by one, they fell to the ground one by one, blood gushing out from their eyes and nose, and after a while they were all dead, not a single one left.”

"Dark clouds covered the sun, thunder and lightning roared in the gloomy sky, and the raindrops began to drip continuously and became more and more urgent. A few of us stood at the crossroads, sometimes looking at the corpse of the horse that fell on the ground, and sometimes looking at the distant hillside. Going to the old castle, I am at a loss."


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