Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 261: story with no ending

"Yes, I know it's very reckless to do this. The inexplicable castle, the bizarre death of the mount, and the strange atmosphere, adventurers with a little common sense will definitely choose to leave, and the farther the better. However, you know Yes, sometimes, bad weather and physical exhaustion can make you ignore a lot of things, or let you subconsciously get away with those weird things."

"I don't know who shouted at that time, 'Hey, brothers, we are elite adventurers, those terrifying giant-winged snakes and dragons can't make us afraid, what about an ancient castle? Let's go over and touch Hit your luck, maybe it belongs to some warm, hospitable mage.'"

"I forgot whether Ivan, Pete, or Derrick said this sentence. In short, the impression here is a little vague. Anyway, after this sentence was said at the time, all the bizarre and strange places seemed to have become It's normal. Yes, what's so scary? Undead, strange, elemental, beast, unknown creatures from other planes, although this world has everything, most of us are still alive and well.

"Also, we've killed all of the above guys, it's no big deal. After we figured it out, something called 'courage' seems to have returned to us. And what is courage."

"What's more, we just wanted a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and we didn't necessarily have to enter the castle. We didn't even need to knock on the door, and we didn't need to communicate with anyone in the castle. If the castle The guards did not find us, or drive us away."

"The first person to agree with this suggestion was Derrick..., no, it was Ai Wen..., wait, I seem to be the first to agree. No, I'm the third, because I like 'three' This number. Forget it, there is nothing to tangle here. In short, we finally agreed to go to the castle to avoid this heavy rain that has been falling."

"After moving the dead mount to the side of the road in the rain, we started running along the fork in the road. To be honest, I was quite sad because my mount was a purebred highland warhorse, which cost me a lot of money. Three hundred and twenty gold coins, even if I think about it now, it still makes my heart hurt."

"When I passed the sign with the black swan pattern on it, I casually glanced at it. The sign was marked with 'Black Swan Castle' in four gilded characters. There is a line of small characters below the gilded characters, It was written - 'The pleasures of the world are always short-lived, so the desire is particularly strong.' I have to say that the owner of the castle seems to have the potential to be a bard, but such a discovery does not help us much. "

"It was a fairly old castle. The mottled walls were covered with roses with thorns and clusters of wisterias. The tiny purple flowers were shattered by the torrential rain, and the slight fragrance of the flowers permeated the air. At that time The arched gate of the castle was closed, and two black swans with their necks drooping were inlaid on the outer gate. When we ran over, we did not see the guards in the castle walls or in the sentry towers, nor did they have any. Anyone scolding us for not being allowed to approach. This is undoubtedly a good phenomenon. Well..., it's not really good, but at least it's not bad."

"In fact, we didn't intend to knock or call. The wide eaves at the gate and a small passage outside the door were enough for a few of us to shelter from the rain. Although there is no warm fireplace and hot drinks, it is better than direct showers. Much stronger in the rain."

"The torrential rain has lasted for a long time, and there is no sign of it stopping. Derrick said that it will be at least until tomorrow morning before it is possible to see a sunny day. Dunn complained that after the rain stopped, we had no mounts. , will have a long way to go. Ivan was discussing with Pete why the mounts died one after another inexplicably, and Pete insisted that it must have happened near the tree where the mount was tied when we killed the giant serpent. What we don't know, otherwise the mounts can't die, and his Muriel won't disappear mysteriously."

"Pete misses his little mare, so do I, miss my three hundred and twenty gold coins, and secretly regret why I bought such an expensive mount. Although the highland warhorse did It earned me a lot of attention among adventurers, but I think I should use a fraction of the money to buy a normal horse, and then use the remaining three hundred gold coins to do something else. In fact, I thought about it for a long time I didn't even think about what I was going to do with this money besides enjoying and squandering it, because I didn't plan to open a hotel at that time."

"We simply ate something. Tough jerky, which needs to be soaked in saliva to soften it, but it tasted really good; sweet figs, picked from the few fig trees we met on the road; and some Goat cheese and rye beer that was almost bottoming out in the wine bag. Yes, we were short of money, really short of money, otherwise we would not have taken up the megapterodactyl mission of Count Louis."

"It didn't take long for the sky to get dark. After we arranged the night shift, we started to rest. I was the third one, and I was on the shift around the early morning. It will undoubtedly be harder, but I'm used to it. I To be able to fall asleep and wake up very quickly, you know, only the strongest adventurer can do that."

"But just after I fell asleep, a very strange thing happened. I have completed countless tasks in my life, and my footprints have been all over the continent and many demi-planes, and I have encountered all kinds of bizarre and unimaginable things. The incident. But no matter how many things like this happened to me, the one that happened at the time was enough to rank in the top three.”

"You guys can guess . Throwing bones everywhere, Marlinne is going to be mad, enough tip? Well, whatever you..."

"You can't even imagine how ridiculous this is. In my sleep, I had a vague feeling that someone was touching the area between my legs, when in fact our team was all men! Does anyone have that kind of hobby? Hey, I'm not discriminating, but I'm really not interested in it. Then I woke up abruptly and struggled a bit, trying to sit up. But suddenly I found my hands and feet They can't move at all!"

"I turned my head and looked around in horror, and saw that I was lying on a soft and comfortable gauze bed. My limbs were wide open, and I was tied to the pillars at the four corners of the bed with iron chains. There was a soft hand on my side. back and forth there..."

"There's still a lady here, so let's skip the details. I just struggled desperately and turned to look at the owner of the hand. The woman was lying beside my bed, wearing a light grey dress with a waist She was also wearing an apron. Her face was covered by a veil, but I still recognized from the familiar dress and hazy face that this woman was actually my childhood neighbor—Miss Leona!”

"Yes, I don't deny that I had some unreasonable thoughts about this gentle woman when I was a child, but it was just an illusion when a boy was growing up, hey, who hasn't? And killing Juyi at that time When I was a snake and dragon, I was already in my thirties. No matter how well-maintained Miss Leona was, it would not be like this. Unless, she is a female mage - this is impossible, or some other monster has changed. of."

"'Shh, don't struggle, Leslie.' The woman said to me, she knew my name, 'Pleasures are always short-lived, so enjoy them.' Enjoy? No, actually I was Frightened - all my companions are gone, I don't know when I came to this room, and more importantly, I was tied to the bed. I was even too frightened, so, you know, there was no performance there into a special state."

"Miss Leona—let's call her that—that soft, slender is still stroking, but my attention isn't there. I calm down and push hard I bit the tip of my tongue. The pain spread on my tongue, it should not be a dream. Then, what is this woman in front of me? Is it a succubus from the endless abyss? Something she doesn't understand? What does she want from me? Most importantly, how am I supposed to get out?"

"I looked sideways at Miss Leona, under the hazy veil, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, 'My little Leslie is quite shy, you used to be bold when you peeked at me.' She said with a smile Well..., I want to make a point here, 'Little Leslie' refers to me, not anything else, because I was really not too old at the time.

"Then I asked, 'Miss Leona, do you know where all my mates have gone?' Then she put her head close and blew in my ear, 'Don't think about them, there are only You and me.' Her breath was weird, the whole thing was weird in fact, but that breath suddenly gave me a vague feeling that I had caught something. But what did I get, I didn't know. Realization. I thought about it carefully, but Miss Leona slowly put her whole body over, and her movements became faster and faster. Although I tried my best to resist, but, you know, sometimes a certain part of you does not Don't listen to your commands, and the more you don't want it to be, the more it will."

"Hey, guess what, how did I finally escape?"


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