Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 263: Find a task (Part 1)

The old troll named 'Grivolta' squatted on the ground with his head lowered, holding the so-called treasure map in both hands, and presented it to Barrett, "Some brave people are destined to be remembered by the world, and they will be remembered for generations. Praise." It said in a solemn tone, "They will overcome thorny difficulties and dangers, eradicate terrifying monsters and beasts, solve unknown puzzles and secret words, and finally find those forgotten treasures. And this, too, is fate. Arrangement is the task given them by fate."

I have to say that this old troll is very eloquent, but Barrett doesn't eat this.

"Fate arranged for me to spend 100 gold coins to sell the so-called parchment?" Barbarian sneered, "This kind of fate is too stupid."

"The paper itself is not worth a single silver, but the content on it is worth a fortune!" The old troll raised his head and talked with a calm expression, "It's like the famous paintings of the painter San Zio, although it carries those famous paintings. Most of the canvases of famous paintings are only worth a dozen copper coins, but cheap canvases can be bought for hundreds of thousands of gold coins after being carefully sketched by Sanzio with a brush.”

The more the old troll talked, the more excited he became, "You know, at the peak of San Zio, he once created a name for the third king of the Griffin Kingdom through his own imagination and the details of the legends he collected. It is a wonderful painting for "Song of the Moon and Sun". The Griffin Kingdom originally wanted to buy this famous painting from the master Eric who collected it at the price of 1.2 million gold coins and a whole ton of mithril. But Mage Eric didn't agree to the deal."

Although this guy is a troll, he knows a lot about things in the human world, at least more than Barrett.

"What are you talking about?" Barrit was a little impatient. He had never heard of these seemingly famous things and names, and the fact that he was compared by a troll in terms of artistic quality made the barbarian feel a little embarrassed. .

Hey, this is a troll.

Barrett Mungo was never proud of his ignorance in art or literature, but he was no exception, and it was true that few adventurers would be interested in these things. They linger on the edge of life and death all the year round. Those beautiful words and pictures cannot soothe their frightened hearts. Only wine and women are their happiness.

"Do you think I'm a newcomer to this industry? Get away from me and lie to others, or I'll be rude to you." The barbarian drew his sword in half, his face grimly low sound threatening.

Should I find some time to listen to a few operas at the opera house I passed by to cultivate my sentiments? He was calculating in his mind.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry!" The old troll lowered his posture lower, "This is not a deception, I can vouch for my life, this treasure map is absolutely genuine. Moreover, according to legend, there is another treasure in the treasure. A magical item called 'The Incredible Stone of Extraordinary'. This item can bind your soul within the Material Plane, and no matter where you die, your soul will return directly to the Material Plane. , and it will remain for a considerable period of time instead of dissipating in an instant.”

Barrett shook his head, "No matter what you say, there's no way I'd spend 100 gold on something like this." Unless I'm an idiot, "Okay, no more crap, if I count to 'three', If you haven't disappeared from me, I'll definitely pull both of your fangs out of your mouth and stuff them into your ass, I'll do what I say. One!"

"Fifty gold coins, can't I give you a 50% discount? In fact, I have been watching you here for a long time, and I know that you are definitely a powerful elite adventurer who can definitely find the ultimate treasure and earn thousands more than this. , 10,000 times the return. What’s more, this amount of money is nothing to you at all, it’s good to just buy a dream.”


"Ten gold coins, as long as ten gold coins, I will send you another gossip that will definitely interest you. This gossip alone is worth the price!"


Pushing open the inconspicuous door of the Adventurer's Guild, Barret stepped into it.

The ordinary tavern-style facade outside the guild is in sharp contrast with the shocking grandeur and grandeur of the interior. Every time Barrett entered, he would be in a trance involuntarily for a while.

There are hundreds of metal task bars in the spacious hall, and thousands of tasks are hung on them for the wandering adventurers to browse and select.

The types of tasks are quite complex, and the difficulty and rewards are also high and low. Some tasks have even been lying on the taskbar for several years, and no one is willing to take it; while some tasks have just been hung up for less than a minute, and many people have gathered around to quarrel and scramble.

Choosing a task is not an easy task. You need to understand your true strength and choose the most suitable one among the massive tasks according to the actual situation.

This may not sound difficult at all, but not all adventurers can resist the temptation of high rewards. Because "greed" is the essence of adventurer's profession that can never be erased. Under the constant temptation of the exciting numbers on the task, many people can't help thinking that they have the strength to slash the dragon under the sword.

Although the Adventurer's Guild of Muya city-state has only one floor, because it is in the half plane, it is much larger than the three floors of Galano combined. And because of the towering construct golems around, the adventurers here are quiet most of the time, and even the quarrel is carried out in a low voice.

Our barbarian adventurer roams the task bar leisurely. This kind of feeling is quite good, this is the world he is familiar with, and this piece of task parchment is the "art" he is familiar with. Like the best critics, he can scrutinize each mission parchment with insight, and read the implications from the long or short introductions above.

- Apothecary Cecil needs someone who can bring him the venom from the desert scorpion's tail. This venom is not lethal, but it has a very strong paralyzing effect, and has a very strange property: once the giant scorpion dies, or the venom is exposed to the air, it immediately loses all effects. So the pharmacist Cecil hoped that the task undertaker could let the giant scorpion inject the venom into his body, and then come back and let him extract the venom from the carrier's blood.

"Only a lunatic would take on a mission like this," Barrett muttered. He glanced at the release date of the mission. Four months ago, it seemed that everyone was very rational in dealing with such absurd missions.

——Mage Wien has added some new combat functions to his golems, for which he needs a few or a dozen testers to carefully test the new combat functions of the golems (the quest’s taker not one). In addition, Mage Wien can guarantee that the entire testing process will not be fatal at all, and will ensure that all medical expenses of the injured will be paid in addition to the mission reward. It is worth mentioning that the wizard will also let the testers sit on the "shoulders" of the golem and swim a full circle around the experimental site.

Barrett looked at the task reward, which was quite generous, but he had no intention of taking it one by one. The combat power of those Construct Golems was terrifying enough, and he didn't understand why the mages continued to strengthen them.

——Master Tailor Erica needs thirteen complete skins of the crystal-scale lizards, in order to promote her tailoring level to the master level in the craftsmen's guild. In addition to the 20 gold coins for the task reward, Erica will also tailor a set of specially-made exclusive leather armor for the completer of the task without charging any fees. Of course, the materials must be provided by the task completers themselves.

And on the mission parchment, the location of the required crystal-scale lizards was also informed - there are many in the abandoned crystal mines in 'Jingyao Town'.

The difficulty of this task is that you need to find this crystal-scale lizard in the mine, kill it without breaking the skin of the lizard, and peel off the skin completely. These are not difficult for Barrett, his skinning proficiency is quite high, even dragon skins can go up and try his skills.

Yes, Not Bad! Barrett touched his chin, and after thinking about it in his heart, he removed the parchment from the taskbar, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully again.

The mission was released three days is not too new, maybe because the mission location is in the abandoned mine that leads to the ground, so everyone ignored it.

Barrett doesn't care about this, he has been to the Underworld once and knows a lot of little-known things there, so he has nothing to fear. Moreover, he knew that as long as he didn't go too deep, there would be no major problems. What's more, not every abandoned mine will have cracks or passages leading to the Underdark, which is extremely unlikely.

After finding the quest registrant to take over the quest, Barrett glanced at the [Quest Log] again. The reward for 50 soul energy isn't much, but it's okay. More importantly, this task also has a chance to be tailor-made by the Grand Tailor (if the promotion is successful), and Barrett still values ​​this.

This set of cooked cowhide leather armor on his body is not custom-made. Compared with petrified cowhide armor, its beauty, defense power, and wearing comfort are much worse.

After taking this task, Barrett took out the map again, glanced at the location of 'Jingyao Town', as well as the surrounding villages and towns along the way, and then continued to search in the task bar.

The unupgraded [Quest Log] can accept 5 quests at a time, but the quest of his bust has been delayed, so currently he can only accept 4 new quests.

Of course, that was enough, and Barrett had never filled it all. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to complete two or three tasks in one trip.

People always need to rest and adjust.


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