Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 264: Find a mission (below)

There are far fewer adventurers in the hall than a few days ago, and the reason is self-evident. People will always blindly follow the trend to do the same thing, lest they will be pulled down. But Barrett believes that it won't be long before most of the people who go to the gold mines will leave the Falcon City-state and continue with their old lives.

The barbarian passed by a tauren whose horns were full of iron nails, and continued to search for the mission in the same direction as 'Jingyao Town'.

He glanced sideways at the tauren, just in time to see it use those three thick fingers to pick up a piece of parchment on the taskbar that he had just passed by.

That above task Barrett happens to know.

- The village of 'Getaria' is a village with a long history. The 'Falling Star Lake' next to the village has beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery, and is rich in all kinds of delicious lake freshness. There are herring, eel, white shrimp, clams, there are countless types. The warm Getaria villagers welcome people from all walks of life to come and visit…

At the beginning of this mission parchment, there was an advertisement first, and then it started to say serious things, so the barbarian was deeply impressed by it. The problem encountered by this Getaria village is that a group of ferocious swamp beasts came to the 'Starfall Lake' where it lived. Those swamp beasts not only devoured the fish in the lake, but also attacked the villagers and fishing boats fishing on the lake, making the villagers miserable.

Therefore, the village chief of Getaria Village hopes to recruit a group of powerful adventurers to kill all those hateful swamp beasts.

Barrett likes the task of killing monsters, but the battle for this task is likely to take place in the water, which he is not very good at. Moreover, Barbarian was alone, and he couldn't even solve the problem of breathing underwater.

Buy a few bottles of water breathing potion? No, that's too bad.

He looked back, concentrated his thoughts, and focused on his own business. One mission after another passed in front of Barrett's eyes. He first looked at the mission location, then looked at the mission content, and finally looked at the mission reward.

The reward for the tasks along the way does not need to be too high, as long as the delay time is not too long.

—Old Samuel's farm welcomes a gang of greedy thieves every fall, and this year as well. This group of thieves stole large quantities of pumpkins, radishes, turnips, and cabbage from the farm's fields and warehouses, and the number of stolen vegetables is increasing year by year. This year, old Samuel, the farmer, decided to spend "big money" to recruit adventurers to solve the problem of the thieves.

The mission parchment also revealed that although Old Samuel had not seen the real appearance of the group of thieves, he believed that it should be related to the ferocious animals.

The map in Barrett’s hand did not mark the location of the farm, but according to the address provided on the mission, the farm was on the main road to ‘Jing Yao Town’, which was a very suitable mission to complete by the way.

After a brief calculation, Barrett decided to take on this small task. He came to the more familiar task registrant again and handed the parchment up.

The registrant's name is 'Avery', he is about fifty years old, and has a slightly eccentric temper. Barrett's mission when he went underground was registered from Avery.

Sometimes this person is not very pleasant to speak, but he has a good heart. Avery knows quite a lot because he has been in the business for so long. He will tell you whether the selected mission is suitable, as well as some information about the mission location and mission monsters in his own unique tone.

Of course, it is entirely up to you to listen or not.

"Are you interested in living on the farm in the future?" Avery chatted casually with Barrett while registering tasks for him, "Growing vegetables, feeding cows, and occasionally killing rabbits and goblins that steal vegetables around, or something else."

"I'm not interested. Why do you say this?" Barbarian was a little puzzled.

"Just asking casually, you know, this kind of life is actually pretty good, at least better than the precarious life of most adventurers."

Avery picked up the cup in front of him, took a sip of the black-purple liquid with a sour taste, and continued, "Old Samuel has three daughters and a son, but the only youngest son unfortunately disappeared when he was a child. , have never been found. So, if you do well on this mission, Old Samuel might give you the entire farm, along with one of his three daughters."

"Choose one of the three, as you like." The quest registrant said with a smile, "I suggest you choose Old Samuel's eldest daughter, so that your future inheritance will be more justifiable. Of course, if you want three If you want to, it's not impossible, then it depends on your own ability."

"No, that's not for me," Barrett replied. If I wanted to, I would have built a farm with some red-haired girl and planted a son, or daughter, in her belly. It doesn't matter, I don't like children anyway.

"Oh, that's a pity." Avery finished registering Manzi's task, and handed him the parchment with the seal, "Old Samuel and I are old acquaintances, when he drove the carriage over When he released the task, he also specially asked me to find some good boys for his daughters. If it is successful, he will give me a few barrels of his precious mead. Unfortunately, the mead tastes really good Not bad. Are you sure you don't think about it?"

"No." Barrett shook his head. "If you continue, I'll give up this mission. Let's talk about something else, I actually have something to ask you."

"You want to ask how old Samuel's son disappeared?" Avery leaned back in his chair. "No one knows. This kind of thing is actually not that rare. Do you know how many people go missing every year in the surrounding area of ​​Muya city-state? Population? Forget it, it’s better not to tell you this number. You just need to know that other kingdoms and city-states will only have more.”

"Not this." Barrett shook his head, "I'm an adventurer, and I'm all too familiar with the dangers of this continent." if…

"What I want to ask is." Barret coughed, "Where is the mission to hunt down Zachary the Zachary?"

After Avery listened, his expression froze for a moment, and then he returned to normal, "Where did you know this information?"

"The old troll named 'Grivota' outside the association said that you only need to ask your quest registrant directly to receive some special quests." Barrett betrayed the guy without hesitation. , "Could it be that these are all true?"

"It's that old guy." Avery nodded knowingly, "I can only say, it's not quite right, but it's not wrong. Some people with special relationships don't want their tasks to be publicized by the public. I know, so there will be secret commissions. Some of these tasks will be posted there…”

Avery pointed to the blue light curtain in the depths of the guild, and Barrett knew that only a very small number of qualified adventurers could enter it, "The other part will be directly selected by us from the adventurers. Saying so. , do you want to take on the quest of 'chasing the samurai man Zachley'?"

Barry nodded, "I heard that if you do this kind of special task too much, you can only get the qualification to enter the light curtain."

"With your strength, you really deserve this qualification, even if you are only one person." Avery pondered, "Go to the vigilante of the Muya city-state - Julian Eisley, he will tell you further. details."

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