Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 269: Samuel Farm

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Barrett waved his machete lightly and cut off the head of the corpse of the war lizard, then grabbed the scales on the top of the head and shook it vigorously, emptying the blood remaining in the skull.

After that, he held his head between his hands and looked at him. The reptile-like vertical pupils were slightly half-open, as if they were dozing.

"I gave you relief, at least you died peacefully." Barbarian said softly, and then put his head into the box with the "Loot Preservation" spell.

The Nightmare Warhorse jumped out of the plane of shadows, circled the headless corpse on the ground twice, and touched it with its flaming hooves. Immediately afterwards, it lowered its head and opened its large mouth full of sharp teeth. Sparks spewed out of its mouth, and it wanted to eat him.

Barrett pulled **** the reins of the 'carrot', wrapped his hands around the horse's face and made it face him, "Can't do this!" He stared at the pair of wild charcoal fires, "Can't do this!" Barbarian said again.

The Nightmare Warhorse smashed the ground with its hooves and struggled a few times, but it did not break free from Barrett's hands. It snorted helplessly, sprayed the barbarian with sparks, and then quieted down.

"That's good!" Barrett wiped his face, took out a few carrots, and fed them to the Nightmare Warhorse. After the guy finished eating the carrots, he turned his head and glanced at the corpse on the ground and returned to the shadow plane.

In order not to scare the owner of this wheat field, Barrett could only kindly drag the tail of the headless body, find a random wasteland, and dig a pit to bury it.

To be honest, the skill of this war lizard is really not bad, but compared to his own words, it is still far worse. The barbarian thought to himself while filling the soil. The opponent didn't even use stealth during the battle (although this skill is not very useful for the perceptive barbarians), and he didn't fight to the death, it seems that he had already anticipated his inescapable ending.

For Barrett, this is not a difficult task, and the danger is relatively average, but there are still 80 soul energy points in the account, which makes him feel quite good.

It's just that, as a war lizard, why would he not want to be a human, but a half-goat? He wondered about it.

However, the doubts in his heart didn't last long, and Barrett habitually put such incomprehensible questions behind him. With a whistle, he stepped onto the Nightmare Warhorse that was galloping, and then greeted the Construct Raven hovering in the air, before running towards the next mission location.


The barbarian rested for a night in the village of Getaria along the way, and tasted the eel and white shrimp that are abundant in the local Falling Star Lake.

The eel here tastes really good, and Barry features the grilled eel cut into sections, marinated in advance and brushed with spicy sauce, and the eel soup with a little white wine, salt, black pepper, and parsley leaves. The grilled eel is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and the entrance is fragrant; the eel soup is fresh and thick, the meat is soft, smooth and smooth, which can quite relieve the fatigue of adventurers after the fight.

After that, he also ordered a salt-roasted white shrimp, and hid in the hotel room with a plate, taking advantage of the coolness of the night wind, he ate slowly and leisurely.

In the early morning, when Barrett wanted to leave the village, he was stopped by the village chief here. The village chief wants the barbarians to help them solve a very difficult problem in the village.

Barrett knew the mission—to destroy the swamp beasts in Starfall Lake. Although he was willing to help, he himself was really incapable of this task.

After explaining his situation in detail with the village chief and rejecting the recruitment of the village chief to increase his salary, the barbarian rode on the nightmare war horse "Carrot", and in the disappointed eyes of the old village chief and all the villagers, he walked away.

He rode all the way, and around the afternoon, he arrived at the next mission location - Old Samuel's farm.

It was only after Barrett walked through the area that he realized that the old Samuels farm was not the only one here. All the way down, there were as many as a dozen farms he saw casually, and there would only be more farms on both sides of the road.

The long section of the road from Getaria Village to Jingyao Town is quite flat and fertile land along the way, which is very suitable for growing crops and various fruits and vegetables.

Because a large part of farmers' fields are far away from the towns and villages on both sides in the middle of the road, they often cannot return to the towns or villages in time when they are planting or harvesting crops, so they have no choice but to Build houses, barns, corrals and other facilities in the fields.

Over time, these farmers gradually developed large or small farms on their respective fields.

Old Samuel's farm is easily recognizable among the many. According to the description on the mission parchment, it is located next to a large maple forest. The maple leaves in autumn are as red as fire and bright as blood, and Barrett can easily see this small farm next to the "Blood Fire" woodland.

"Come on, let's go over." He pointed to the 'corn' in the air, tapped the belly of the 'carrot', hit the horse and got off the main road, and walked towards the farm along a sheep intestine path that only allows a carriage to enter and exit. .

The fields are crisscrossed, and most of the golden wheat has been harvested, but there is still a lot left in the fields; soybeans and corn seem to have been harvested, and the stalks are gathered into piles of haystacks for the livestock to spend the winter. forage.

Barrett had heard Avery say that there seemed to be no other males on the farm except for the farmer, Old Samuel, but at this time he saw a group of busy people bowing their heads in the unharvested wheat field. lad.

Hired? Or offer to help? Barrett smiled inwardly. Whoever has three beautiful girls of marriageable age will attract the good boys in the neighborhood.

At this moment, Barrett suddenly turned his head to look at the Maple Leaf Forest on the side of the After three heartbeats, a crisp voice sounded from the forest, "Why is your horse on fire?"

The voice came from far to near, stepping out from the flaming maple leaf forest.

It was a freckled girl, wearing a plaid apron, wine red hair..., wait! Barrett closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, his burgundy hair had turned into a headscarf. It was a burgundy turban around his brown hair.

"Why is your horse on fire?" the girl asked Barrett again, looking up.

"Cough, because it's a nightmare warhorse." Barbarian dismounted and explained softly.

"Can it burn you?" the girl asked again.

"No, because I am its owner."

The girl nodded, "Then, can it burn other things? For example, dead leaves; or, haystacks?"

"This..." Barrett understood what the girl meant, "its flames will only ignite what it wants to ignite, such as enemies; or food."

"That's good." The girl nodded, "You are..."

"Barritt, an adventurer, the adventurer who took over your farm mission."

"After waiting for so long, I thought that like last year, there would be no adventurers coming." The girl's face burst into a smile, "Come with me, my father will be very happy to see you! You I don't know, our farm has been stolen by those thieves, turnips, corn, pumpkins, by the way, do you like to eat pumpkins?"

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