Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 270: strange thief

The girl in the plaid skirt who came out of the maple forest——'Hetty', reached out and pushed aside the wooden fence in the middle of the path, leading Barrett into the farm.

Barrett returned his Nightmare Warhorse to the Shadow Plane to avoid scaring the farm's livestock. 'Carrots' can also hunt in the Shadow Plane, hunting the aborigines with special forms there.

The Shadow Plane is a distorted reflection of the Material World. Barrett once heard from Mage Edmund, who transformed the 'carrot', that many animals, plants, and even monsters that can be seen on the Material Plane are in the Shadow Plane. Both exist, but in shaded versions.

The last time the barbarian called out 'carrot', he happened to see a small shadow creature in the mouth of the Nightmare Warhorse. The creature looked like a mouse with two heads, its figure distorted and dull in the sunlight.

In the sky, the construct raven slid in a large arc, landed lightly on Barbarian's shoulder, and combed the metal feathers sideways. In fact, this action is pointless, because those metal feathers are not messy by flying.

"Corn." The raven lightly pecked the barbarian's head with its iron beak, "Corn, corn!" and shouted loudly.

"Keep your voice down!" Barrett said while holding the bird's beak. "Otherwise, I'll stew you this guy." Forget it, this trick doesn't work well for him. The barbarian took out a small handful of corn and let the raven jump in the palm of his hand to peck it. This keeps it honest for a while.

"Are all adventurers as weird as you?" Heidi asked curiously.

"Me? Weird? Why?" Barrett asked in astonishment. He could feel that in the wheat field not far away, two young men straightened up, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and looked at him with hostility. The reason was self-evident.

"You have a good horse that's on fire, and a bird made of iron. Not only will your mount catch fire, but it will disappear in one fell swoop; and your iron bird will not only fly, but speak like a parrot words," she said.

"This is an ordinary construct creature, you can also call it a 'mage creation', haven't you seen it before?"

Hetty shook his head. "I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it. My father wouldn't let us touch anything related to mages. He said those things were dangerous and very... evil."

In a sense, this is not wrong. "It can't be called evil, but most things are really dangerous." Compared with the mage himself, it is much worse.

"Can it sing?" Heidi looked at the raven in Barbarian's palm. "Like a lark or a nightingale, or sing like a human?"

"Probably not," Barrett said uncertainly, at least I hadn't heard it, "it's a raven, and even if it's made of iron and can speak in Common, it's still a raven. "The barbarians despise the imagination of mages a little bit in this regard, can't it be more interesting? Do you have to make it look like a real bird?

The construct raven that was pecking at the corn in Barrett's hands, for some reason, pecked a little hard, causing Barritt to subconsciously frown. He grabbed the raven with the other hand, put it on his shoulder, shook the crumb that was left in his palm, and looked up and around the farm.

At the end of the path is a three-story building with a wooden structure. A rusted iron sheep stood on the roof of the building. The sheep's body swayed gently with the breeze, making a small "squeak" sound. A beautiful circle of seasonal flowers blooms around the house, including crimson wood hibiscus, pale yellow evening primrose, and rosemary with blue-violet petals.

Next to the building is a large warehouse with a sloping roof. A ladder stands on the stone wall of the warehouse. A young guy stepped on the ladder and handed something to another boy on the roof of the warehouse. And the young man who seemed to be repairing the roof of the warehouse shook his head dissatisfiedly after seeing something, and gestured with both hands in the air, as if he was telling the guy on the ladder that he took it wrong .

Two corrals are on the other side not far from the three-story building. One of the corrals has a few cows leisurely ruminating forage, while the other corral is empty, but it should be on the hillside in the distance. The home of the flock of sheep.

With Barrett's good eyesight, he saw a girl with the same brown hair, sitting on the grass beside the flock, holding a young lamb in her arms. There was a curved wooden staff standing beside the girl, with a newly woven wreath hanging from the top of the wooden staff, and a goose-yellow turban that fluttered in the wind was tied to the wreath. Next to the girl, there are three shepherd dogs running back and forth around the flock, loyal to their duties doing their own work.

There is also a chicken coop and a beehive standing on the side of the three-storey building. A girl wearing a blue scarf, with a small basket slung between her arms, is bending over to carefully pick up eggs in the chicken coop.

"That's my sister, Karen." Hetty pointed to the **** the hillside in the distance, and then the target changed to the girl in the blue hood next to the chicken coop. "That's Emma, ​​my little sister."

"You three sisters?" Barrett asked casually, following Hetty. In fact, he already knew such a thing.

"Well, yes." Hetty said with her hands behind her back, "I'm a year older than Karen, Emma is the youngest, and she's just grown up this year." She waved to the girl in the blue turban.

Insufficient conditions, Barrett did not calculate how old the girl was.

Walking along the path to the three-story wooden house, eighteen-year-old Emma was waiting there with a basket. She looked back and forth between Barrett and the raven on his shoulders, "Sister, this guy is..."

"What 'guy', how rude!" Hetty stepped forward and pinched Emma's nose, scolding softly, "This is Mr. Barrett, an adventurer, who is here to help us deal with those thieves in Fenglin of."

"Great!" Emma said happily, "Those thieves are very hateful, not only stealing pumpkins and turnips, but also stealing maple syrup and hot apple pie!"

Wait, apple pie? Barrett frowned inwardly. Do ferocious animals also like to eat this?

"Where's my father?" Hetty asked.

"Here's a horseshoe for 'Maple Leaf' in the stable." Emma pointed to the back of the building, and then she asked Barrett, "Mother will make butternut squash bisque tonight, do you like pumpkin? Barry Mr Te?"

"I like it, I'm not picky about what to eat." Barbarian shrugged and said politely.

"What about the green peppers?" Emma asked again.

"I like it too." I'm not a three-year-old.

"It's a pity, I didn't make green peppers tonight." Emma sighed.


"Don't be pompous, go and help mother in the kitchen!" Hetty ordered to her sister, "there are so many people tonight, and mother has a lot to do! You go first, and I will bring Mr. Barrett to After my father is there, he will come to help."

"Okay." Emma nodded, then looked at Barrett again, "Do you want to eat green peppers, I can ask mother to prepare an extra for you."

"...don't bother."

The stables are located just behind the house, and there is only a log fence between the stables and the cows. When Barrett arrived, he saw a man biting a pipe, shoring up a young foal. Although the foal was fixed on the rack of the parallel bars next to the stable, the hooves on its feet were still stomping around, as if they were a little afraid of what was going to happen.

If nothing else, this man should be the owner of the farm - old Samuel.

Although called 'Old' Samuel, he is not as old as Barrett imagined, with only a few white strands in his hair, and he is probably not even fifty years old.

Hetty, the girl in the burgundy turban, after introducing Barrett, turned back and walked towards the house, leaving the two men to discuss the task.

"This, can you help me hold its hoof? Adventurer." The man asked Barrett.

"No problem," Barrett replied. He stepped forward, gripping the colt's hind hooves firmly with both hands, and old Samuel stroked the horseshoe on the hind hoof a little, then nailed it in with a few neat strokes.

The foal, which had finished its horseshoeing, ran happily in the pen, while old Samuel and Barrett chatted casually.

"I thought no one would come this year." The man took a puff of his pipe.

"Your daughter said the same thing."

"So I set up a few simple traps in the woods and asked Hetty to check them every day. It's better than nothing." The man sighed, "To be honest, the reward for two gold coins is already what I have paid. It's the highest price I can offer, and if it's any higher, it's worth more than the things I lost."

"Understood." Barrett said nonchalantly, "Since I took this task, it means that I approve the amount of compensation, whether it is more or less."

Sometimes, neither the task issuer nor the task executor can accurately estimate the true cost-effectiveness of the task. After all, many potential accidents are unpredictable. Barbarian once almost killed himself for a mission that paid 50 silver coins, but he didn't even ask for a single copper coin An adventurer like you should dislike such a mission That's right. "Old Samuel was a little puzzled," Could it be that Avery asked you to come? Your next mission is actually to..." He looked at the barbarian with a different attitude.

"By the way! It's all because of the way." Barrett explained quickly, "I actually took another mission to go to Jingyao Town. I happened to rest at your place on the way to help you deal with the thieves who stole things."

This is destined to be a less dangerous mission, and the elite adventurer Barrett certainly has his own judgment. If the thieves were really more dangerous, the people on this farm should have suffered casualties, not just lost some seasonal vegetables, and, apple pie?

"I heard from your daughter that the thieves in the woods actually steal other things?" Barrett asked curiously.

Old Samuel nodded, "Actually, to tell you the truth, things are thrown away all year round here, but at other times, the number is less, and in autumn, more is lost."

He took a puff of his pipe and recalled with a frown, "And the types of things that were thrown were also in a mess, most of them were food and vegetables, and others were spoons, wooden shovels, wool, buttons, rags, shredded tobacco, and so on. I initially thought it was some dire rabbits, because I did see two dire rabbits about the size of a collie escape into the woods with turnips in their mouths. But rabbits shouldn't be stealing those other things. More What's more, my daughter Emma said that she saw a bottle of boiled maple syrup, and it swayed and flew into the woods by herself!"


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