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Chapter 271: sumptuous dinner

The dinner was held outdoors, and long beech tables were lifted from the warehouse and placed between the houses and the flowers.

A group of young men in their twenties sat around the long table, looking at the girl they liked from time to time, their eyes shy and fiery. Some people's eyes are even erratic, wandering between the three girls, their expressions are very distressed.

Barrett did a rough count. There were nine outsiders in total, and counting him was a whole number. He sat next to old Samuel, sipping his aperitif and chatting casually with the farmer about the mission.

This aperitif is made with the white spikes of elderberries around the farm, with a dash of lemon and maple syrup. When drinking, you can add two rosemary petals to the cup, which is quite idyllic. It's just that the taste of this wine is a little sweet and greasy, and Barrett is not used to drinking it. Maybe adding ice cubes would be better, but the farm is not like the large and medium-sized taverns, which have ice-making facilities.

Several young and beautiful girls came in and out of the kitchen, placing various foods on the long table:

There are golden-colored steamed squash, steamed potatoes, and steamed corn, which are piled up in wooden pots and radiate heat constantly; there are purple cabbage, red clover, sorrel, and several kinds of berries from the forest and Homemade salad made of fresh cheese; and cockscomb mushrooms picked in the maple forest. The cooking method is quite simple. Tear the cockscomb mushrooms into wide strips along the texture, smoke them briefly, and roast them on a charcoal fire.

In addition, there are strips of savory fried bacon; lamb ribs braised in a seasoned sauce, chives, peppercorns and red bell peppers, and boiled chickpeas and a large pot Hot and creamy pumpkin bisque.

In front of everyone was a large plate of steamed potatoes cut in half, steamed corn in half, steamed squash with a tooth, a handful of salad and roasted cockscombs, a spoonful of boiled chickpeas, and three fried sticks Braised lamb ribs with bacon and a large piece of sauce, and a bowl of sweet pumpkin soup next to the plate. If you are not enough, you can add your favorite food to the table.

The boys eat with restraint, as if their minds are not on the food. But they are all scrambling to repay the results of their work today. Some people boasted about how much wheat they had cut today and how neatly the wheat ears were harvested; some people said that they had repaired the leaking roof of the warehouse and strengthened several loose fences; Say how much fertilizer you have piled up with cow dung, potato cubes, and crushed corn cobs, and promise the farm owner that there will be enough fertilizer after the spring starts tomorrow...

Old Samuel first thanked the boys for their kind help, and told them that the wages would be settled in a unified manner this weekend, and everyone would give an extra 20 silver coins.

After that, some of the young men wanted to express their brilliance, and said that they came here purely to help, and did not need wages, not even a single copper plate! He also said that as long as the old Samuel needed it, they would arrive at the first time on a fast horse, and then vaguely said how good their riding skills were.

However, these guys were rejected by old Samuel with a solemn mouth.

The farm owner said with a stern face that for those guys who didn't plan to ask for wages, he would never ask them to help next time, and he would never let them into his farm.

This kind of situation made the boys a little confused for a while. They lowered their heads in anxiety, while Emma, ​​who was in a blue-purple hood, covered her mouth and snickered.

It wasn't until Mrs. Samuel, who was opposite Barrett, gave her husband an irritated look, and then smiled and chatted about the topic of 'the current situation of each farm', the dinner table became lively again.

As for our barbarian adventurer, he doesn't care that much. When the people around him were chatting enthusiastically, he just buried himself in the food in front of him.

Mrs. Samuel's craftsmanship is good, and the ingredients of these dishes are quite fresh, so he is very happy to eat them. And one of my favorite dishes is the roasted cockscomb mushroom. This fungus tasted like its name, exactly like chicken, but it was ten times juicier than chicken, and the faint smoky flavor made him a little bit addicted.

The construct raven on its shoulders didn't give in too much. It grabbed the half of the boiled corn from the barbarian's dinner plate, and flapped its wings and jumped to the windowsill beside the long table, struttingly pecking at it.

Hetty, who was sitting next to Barrett, promptly filled him with half a boiled corn and a serving of roasted cockscomb mushrooms. The next moment, Manzi clearly felt that there were four pairs of hostile eyes staring at him, but when he looked back, the masters of those eyes all strayed away.

These guys are too tender, and Barrett shook his head inwardly.

"Mr. Barrett, is it dangerous?" Hetty looked at the raven on the windowsill. The girl seemed to be very interested in this kind of construct, and Barrett saw her looking straight at the metal raven more than once, and seemed to want to touch it.

Manzi put down the half-eaten lamb rib in sauce and swallowed the lamb and boiled chickpeas in his mouth. "No, it's not dangerous at all." He said, "In fact, this thing is not like a real bird. No difference. Can a real bird fly? The obvious answer is, it does; does a real bird eat corn? Surely it does, and so does it. That's it." Barrett shrugged.

Of course, in addition to this, it can also track you by eating certain small parts of your body (such as scales, hair, nails, eyeballs, flesh and blood). And, it may have some surveillance role...

Barrett estimated that if he died, or some other accident happened during the mission, the construct raven would probably fly back by himself and report the mission to the vigilante or someone else.

"Don't underestimate anything made by a mage, Barrett, even if you are its owner, I dare say you don't fully understand it." Old Samuel shook his head and said.

This is true. "I really don't know much about it, because I got it less than a week ago." Manzi replied.

"The things that mages create are actually more dangerous than we thought!" The farm owner said seriously, "When I went to Muya city-state to look for Avery a few years ago, I happened to see the iron guy behind him. The fist knocked an adventurer stronger than you to the ground. At that time, the tall adventurer had already fallen to the ground begging for mercy, but the iron guy jumped over and smashed his chest with one foot, and made up for it. One punch blew his head off like a pumpkin."

"Those golems are actually maintaining order, not random killing," Barrett explained. "Although it may be a little harder to strike, but they are made to do that." This kind of thing doesn't happen very often. , but every once in a while there will always be one or two.

There are always some short-tempered guys who get excited over a little thing and misestimate their own strength and importance.

"Maybe." Old Samuel was noncommittal, "but I don't think the man was to die for. And the scarlet light in those iron guys' eyes made me shudder. They have no emotion, Barrett, I believe. Anyone can feel it. The iron guys didn't kill because the mage didn't tell them to. But what if a mage suddenly went mad? Like the mage called 'Indal', do you know him?

Barrett nodded, and the farmer continued, "By that time, will the iron guys attack innocent people? And will your iron crow peck out your eyeballs?"

"Raven, raven!" The metal bird shouted dissatisfiedly on the windowsill.

What if a powerful mage really went mad? I guess those construct golems must not be the most worrying thing. Barrett knew that many people were afraid of mages and their stuff because they were too powerful.

Just like the mage who chose the incarnation of the thunder element, he doesn't need to use any powerful spells, he just needs to fly around the town unscrupulously, and there are probably not many living people in the whole town.

"It's no use worrying about things like this..." Barrett said at the same time as the girl in the goose-yellow hood.

The barbarian turned his head in surprise and looked at the girl who said the same thing at the same time as him. If I remember correctly, she should be called 'Karen'. She is a relatively quiet girl. At least Barbarian didn't see her chatting at the dinner table like her sisters.

And this Karen girl looked back at the barbarian and said softly, "We don't have enough strength to change our destiny, so we can only choose to endure it silently."

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