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Chapter 272: the flying thief

It was getting late, the boys rode their horses and went home, while Barrett stayed on the farm under the hostile eyes of those people.

At this time, Barrett was leaning against a pile of haystacks near the warehouse, quietly waiting for those thieves to come. Autumn nights were indeed a little cold, and he wore a coarse gray cloak.

Old Samuel said that thieves have come to steal things almost every day this month. Although the things stolen each time are not many, they are still considerable over time. More importantly, he was worried that if the thief not only steals something, but also wants to hurt someone, things will be serious.

After listening to the description of the farmer, the barbarian had some vague guesses about the identity of the thief. But it is not certain at this time, everything has to wait for the thief to appear.

In addition to him, there is a sheepdog named 'Star Mark' in the haystack. The reason for this name is because the dog has a black fluff on its back, which is shaped like a star with five pointed horns.

'Star Marks', hum, this is the name given by women. It is too literary and not close to life. Barritt shook his head in dissatisfaction. If I was going to get up, I'd name this dog...

"Hey, star fruit!" he whispered to the dog beside him.

The Sheepdog glanced sideways at Manzi, but didn't answer, but lay on the ground a little decadently, as if he was left alone here, while his brother could accompany the masters in the room. dissatisfied.

Barrett didn't care about the dog's indifference, he leaned against the haystack, with one hand behind his head, the other hand touched the head of 'starfruit', and then brushed the messy hair on his body, "You Why didn't you find those guys who stole things?" He asked casually, "Are you being lazy?"

The dog raised his head and looked at Barritt, and whimpered and barked twice, as if explaining something, but the barbarian didn't understand the content.

"Don't worry, 'Carambola', I'll be fine this time around." Barbarian patted the dog's body lightly, "I'm pretty good!"

The dog barked again, and the depressed mood seemed to be much better.


When the moon was in the middle of the sky, Barrett suddenly felt that something seemed to be constantly approaching the warehouse, and the dog beside him seemed to have discovered something after him.

'Carambola' instantly became energetic, it stood up and made a very low 'woo woo' sound, and looked sideways at Barritt, but did not rashly bark.

"Shh, don't worry," Barrett urged. "Let's see what those thieves are."

He quietly poked out half his head from the edge of the haystack, and saw three ferocious rabbits about the size of 'starfruit', digging non-stop by the door of the warehouse.

In just a blink of an eye, a small passageway was dug by the ferocious rabbits below the warehouse gate for drilling. After that, two of the ferocious rabbits entered the warehouse along the passage, while the other one stood up straight outside and looked around smartly.

Could it be that the thieves are these ferocious rabbits? Barrett didn't believe it. Dire Rabbit won't steal a hot apple pie or let a whole jar of maple syrup float into the woods.

He waited patiently and quietly, and saw two large pumpkins being pushed out of the aisle, followed by a pumpkin and a crimson beet, then a beet and a purple onion.

"This is not delicious, and it is still small!" Barrett's keen hearing caught an extremely subtle voice, "Don't want this, want the one next to it! It's delicious and sweet," the voice said.

Afterwards, the purple onion was sent back by the vicious rabbit outside, and after more than a dozen heartbeats, a big beet popped out of it.

"Well, it's alright, let's send these back first, and then come over to get them twice." The voice said again.

The vicious rabbits in the warehouse all crawled out with the sound. The three big rabbits held the leaves on the top of the beets in their mouths, rolled the pumpkins with their forelegs, and walked slowly all the way into the maple forest.

The loyal dog, 'star fruit', saw that the owner's belongings were about to be stolen by these thieves, it rushed out from Barrett angrily, made an angry bark, and attacked the fierce one closest to it. rabbit.

Can an ordinary sheepdog beat a vicious rabbit? Really sucks! Violent animals not only increase in size, but also increase in attack power and temper. Just like their prefixes, they are quite "violent". What's more, the other party is three.

However, before the rabbits could take action, the extremely small voice reappeared, "Humph, the bad dog is here again!" Then, Barrett saw the dog whimper and bark, and then suddenly fell to the ground, again. After struggling for a while, he fell asleep.

Sure enough, those little things! Barrett affirmed in his heart.

He grabbed the hem of the cloak with his hand and made it cover his head, and then took out a bag of dust from the space roughly identified the direction of the subtle sound, and then turned towards the ferocious animals. Rabbit rushed over.

"There is still a bad guy!" said the voice above the rabbit. Then, Barrett felt something like a few needles shoot through the cape, but it didn't hurt him.

The barbarian rushed to the side of the vicious rabbit in a few steps. At this time, the big rabbits had put down the beets in their mouths, and took out their sharp teeth and hard claws that could quickly dig the ground.

But Barrett didn't want to fight these rabbits at this time. He raised his hand and sprinkled a piece of dust into the air. Then, three tiny creatures with wings showed their bodies under the action of the dust.

These little creatures looked like elves that were countless times smaller, but there were two pairs of slender, transparent wings behind them. They were clad in clothing woven from leaves and vines, and held a delicate, small bow and arrow in their hands.

"Ah, we have been discovered!" The voice became a little flustered, and the little guys hurriedly flew up into the sky, raising the small bows and arrows in their hands, trying to attack Barritt again.

"'Corn', come on!" the barbarian shouted. Afterwards, a dark shadow passed by the night sky and flew half a circle around the little guys in the air. The strong wind brought by the shadows made them sway in the air and let out a subtle scream.

'Swish swish', a few small arrows still accurately hit the shadow even under the premise of being unstable, but there is no way to take it. The shadow quickly flew past the little guy headed by him and picked it up in one bite.


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