Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 273: 3 goblins

Pikes are one of the goblins, they generally live carefree in the forest, and occasionally they will play some harmless pranks and make fun of those passing travelers. They can also be quite brutal when dealing with evil creatures or unwelcome intruders.

These little guys are inherently invisible, and they remain that way even when attacking. So even if they are flying and wandering around humans, it is difficult for ordinary people to spot them.

The toy-like bow and arrow in the little goblin's hand is actually not very harmful, but it can make the hitter fall asleep uncontrollably, and even lose short-term memory. Therefore, in folklore, they are all troublemakers with childish temperaments.

The Construct Raven was hit with a single blow, and it flew back to Barret with the goblin headed by it. The height of the goblin is actually not much smaller than that of the construct raven, but it is slender and thin. After being bitten by the raven on the waist, it can't break free.

"Let me go, you bad bird!" It struggled constantly, and tried to break the bird's beak with its exposed hand, but it didn't work at all.

Barrett squeezed the little goblin's waist lightly and "rescued" it from the bad bird's mouth. The little leprechaun has a little crystal powder stuck on its body, which destroys its natural invisibility effect.

The dust is called 'Development Dust', and it is especially useful against enemies who can be invisible. Before leaving, Barrett went to the grocery store next to the guild to buy two sets.

Originally, he bought this thing to use it against the war lizard assassin with stealth skills, but he didn't expect to use it here.

The goblin flapped its wings in vain in Barrit's hand, reminding Barbarian of the big dragonfly he caught by the woods when he was a child. At that time, the dragonfly was pinched by his long tail, and it was like the little goblin in front of him, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless. But later, the dragonfly escaped from Barrett Jr.'s clutches, because it turned around and bit him hard...

"Oh, **** it! You bastard..." Barrett cursed in a low voice. Resisting the pain, he grabbed the goblin's neck and collar with his other hand, pulling it away from his fingers.

This little guy has a small mouth, but the teeth inside are very sharp. It bit so hard that it left a deep row of small teeth marks on Barrett's index finger. Fortunately, as a barbarian, Barrett had rough skin and thick flesh, so there was no blood oozing from his bite.

"Bah, it stinks!" The little goblin stuck out her tongue and stuck it out twice, "Hey, what are you doing? Bad human?" Its body hung in the air, and it said angrily, pinching its waist, "Hurry up and let me go, Otherwise, my friends will teach you a hard lesson."

Following its words, two more mini arrows shot from the sky. Barrett raised his hand to block it with his cloak, "Cut, 'corn', let them be nice." He instructed the raven on his shoulder.

The dark figure flew into the night sky again, circling around the remaining two goblins, and kept murmuring, "Death, death!"

The two goblins in the air were obviously timid. After being frightened by the raven rubbing their bodies a few times, they hugged each other, trembling all over and about to cry.

A few big rabbits also bared their teeth and rushed towards Baritt fiercely, but our barbarian adventurer just glared at them with murderous intent, which made them afraid to move forward.

"You're a bad guy, the biggest bad guy! I want..." The little guy in Barrett's hands was scratching and kicking in the air with its slender limbs.

"How about it?" Barrett asked calmly.

"Yes, yes..." The little goblin lowered her head and thought hard, and even her body's struggles stopped. It thought for a long time, but still didn't know how to punish the "heavily sinful" villain in front of him.

"Okay, don't make trouble. I won't hurt you and your companions, and I can let you go, but you can't run away, and you have to answer some of my questions." Barrett said, "Otherwise, the cross The crow will eat you all, really, I'm not joking." He took the goblin to his eyes and said with a serious face.

Yes, this is no joke. 'Corn' does not only eat corn and magic spar. Through his contacts these days, Barret found that this construct raven eats almost everything, iron nails, stones, rags, bones, as long as the bird's beak can eat it. Anything that can hold it must be part of its recipe. And it has not had any adverse reactions after eating, and its digestive ability is quite exaggerated.

"Are you really going to let me go?" the little goblin asked with distrust.

"Sure, do it." Barrett nodded. "But you can't run!"

He waved and put the raven back on his shoulders, and the goblins looked at each other. The other party folded his hands on his chest and stared at the barbarian angrily. After more than a dozen heartbeats, the little guy finally nodded helplessly, "Okay, I promise you, just let me go!"

Then Barrett slowly let go of the hand that was gripping its neck and collar. The goblin fell a little distance, and then flapped its wings and flew up again. It tilted its head and looked at Barrett with some doubts, "Big man, why are you arresting me?"

Barrett shook his head, "No, I should have asked you a question, and you answered my question, understand. First, tell me your name?"

The little guy pouted, but replied obediently, "My name is Pei Er, that's my partner, Ricky and Lulu." She turned around and pointed to the two goblins hugging in the air.

"Very well, that's it." Barrett nodded in admiration. "The next question is, why did you come to the farm to steal?"

"We didn't steal anything!" Peer shouted angrily.

"I didn't steal, I didn't steal!", "We are not thieves!" The little friends behind her also defended with trembling voices.

Oh? why is that? "Hey, you two come here too." Barrett said to the two goblins in the air not far away, "Don't worry, as I said, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have let the one on my shoulders The raven ate all of you. Tell you, it's going to eat the bones!"

"Bone, bone!" Raven So, come here soon! "The barbarian urged.

Ricky and Lulu glanced at each other, then approached cautiously. They hid behind Pei'er, laying on Pei'er's shoulders from left to right, and stuck out their little heads nervously, staring at Barbarian half-frightened and half-curious.

"I ask you, is this warehouse owned by your goblins?" Barrett said solemnly.

Several goblins shook their heads in unison.

"Then, are these pumpkins and beets on the ground yours?" Manzi asked again.

Two of the three little heads swayed left and right, and one nodded up and down. Nodding that it was the most daring Pei'er, she turned to her friends and said, "Didn't I tell you, these things are ours, have you forgotten?"

"However, we didn't quite understand it." Ricky, with blonde hair reaching to her heels, said with an uneasy expression.

"I don't understand very well!" Lulu, who was wrapped in vines and petals, repeated stupidly.

"It's stupid!" Pei Er got angry again, "I'll tell you one more, remember, although this warehouse is not ours, but as long as we take a fancy to it, it belongs to us, got it. What?"

The two little guys nodded knowingly.

"Wait, what's your logic?" Barrett asked Chao Pei'er in confusion, "Why does what you like belong to you?"

"Of course." Pei'er raised her head and said proudly, "Because this is a deal!"


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