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Chapter 280: good deeds

After collecting the useful materials on the purple worm's tail, Barrett met with the group of people he rescued, and helped the other party move the comatose partner, and also helped the dwarf named 'Morey' in He clamped a splint on his broken leg and watched the head of the bodyguard, Baird, feed the medicine to his comatose companion.

After everything was done properly, the dwarf suddenly took out a heavy piece of ore from his space equipment.

It was a rather peculiar piece of ore. Although it looked no different from ordinary iron ore, it gave off an inexplicably strong feeling.

"This is a piece of fine gold." The dwarf sitting on the ground held the ore in both hands, and introduced to Barrett with a sincere expression, "We dwarves call it 'adamĂȘnt'. It is worth mentioning that in the dwarven language, this word is not only It only refers to pure gold, and also means 'unbreakable, indestructible'. We all know that pure gold is the hardest natural metal in the multiverse, so I want to use it to thank you for your life-saving grace, I hope you Take it, Mr. Barrett."

The head of the bodyguard named 'Baird' took the ore from the dwarf and stuffed it into Barrett's hand, "You deserve it, after all, you saved four of our lives. Although this thing is not completely Thanks on our behalf, but at least it makes us feel better. Don't be embarrassed, our dwarf boss is rich."

'Adamantine', Barrett knows this metal. His current sword, 'Tyrical Touch', was forged with a small amount of adamantine added to it. In the confrontation with the hard dragon scales of the ancient red dragon, he won.

The amount of this ore in the multiverse is extremely small. In terms of rarity, it is even several times higher than Mithril, but it is not comparable to the latter in terms of value. Because in the world dominated by mages, Mithril is more widely used, and many items related to magic require its participation. If nothing else, if an ordinary magic tower wants to be built, it has to spend a huge amount of Mithril.

But even so, the value of fine gold cannot be underestimated, and the equipment created with it is quite expensive without exception, and the quality is also extremely good.

"Then, I will accept it." Barrett took the heavy piece of ore. "It happens that one of my weapons is being repaired, and it may be used." The barbarian thought of the injured 'Iron Bride'. It would be even better if this piece of fine gold could be added when going to the Holy Land of Spirits to re-forge this weapon.

"Does Mr. Barrett want to use it to repair weapons?" Morey asked. "Adamantine is a very stubborn metal. It is not only hard, but also extremely resistant to flame and corrosion. Fire is difficult to shape, let alone melt into molten iron. This can only be done with molten fire at the heart of the earth, or with powerful magical flames."

The dwarf drank another bottle of potion and continued, "As we all know, our dwarves' rock-forging city has a large forge that is closest to the center of the earth, and the 'Mithril Light' artisan council I am in has a group of The most talented craftsmen and master blacksmiths, I can help you connect if you need them."

He was a warmhearted dwarf, but the Iron Bride was so weak that even an ordinary fire could not withstand it, let alone the hotter core of the earth.

"No, thank you very much." Barrett declined, "My weapon is a bit special, I can only go to the Holy Land of Elves and try my luck with the forging craftsmanship of Elves."

"Well..., the elf in 'Los Rollin'." Barrett pouted when he saw the dwarf, "Believe me, they are much more inaccessible than you know. Don't Blinded by the elves walking outside, although the elves outside are equally arrogant, their brains have become more normal. But those elves who have been hiding in the Holy Land all their lives..." Morey shook his head, "It's not me. Provocation, those pointed ears in the Holy Land that outlive us dwarves, even now, still hold grudges against you humans, this is something everyone knows. So, I don't think they will help you."

Barrett had heard such rumors before, but he didn't know if it was true or not.

"Well, I have a mage friend who is quite friendly with them, not to mention that this is only a small request, and it shouldn't be rejected." , "If it really doesn't work, it won't be too late for me to go to Forge Rock City again." Stop by to see the dwarf companion whom I haven't seen for a long time.

After listening to Barrett's description, the dwarf Morey took out another small stone emblem. The emblem features a hammer hammering a gleaming mithril bar.

"You take this." Morey handed the emblem to Barrett through his bodyguard chief. "After you arrive at Forge Rock City, you can ask the guards about the location of the 'Artisan District'. Our 'Mithril Light' Council established Right within the Artisan Quarter. With this emblem, you can go and communicate with the reception staff of our council and ask for your weapon to be repaired."

"Thank you..." Barret rubbed the cold stone emblem in his hand and found that he didn't know what kind of stone it was made of.

"You don't need to thank me, what I want to explain is that your request is not free." The dwarf added solemnly.

"Of course." Barrett understood. For many organizations, the most difficult thing is the stepping stone at the beginning of contact, so this emblem is already quite useful.

However, the process of the "high-level task" he obtained in the Muya city-state was rather strange. The original source was actually an old troll's gossip...

"The council may charge you corresponding rewards according to the difficulty of your request, or require you to complete some equivalent things. This is cooperation between each other, you are a very good adventurer, there is no doubt about this, and we Although the 'Light of Mithril' is powerful, it also needs adventurers like you to assist us. If you have a high enough reputation in our council, you can choose even legendary equipment, even our council president It is also possible to gather a few people to create a suit that is just for you."

"It's quite tempting!" Barrett said with a Just don't have to think about it, you need to make a considerable contribution to your Mithril Light.

The dwarf Morey moved his broken leg and bared his teeth in pain. "The effect of the potion is too slow." He sighed, and then looked at Barret, "I heard about your Nord legend. Warrior 'undead' Krakow?"

"Of course," said Barrett with certainty, "every Nord boy has heard of his thrilling and miraculous deeds when he was a child."

"The reason why Krakow has the title of 'undead' is related to the set of equipment specially created for him by our 'Light of Mithril'." The dwarf's expression was a little proud, but he did not disclose the specific situation of the equipment." If nothing else, I'm sure you'll have your own legend too. I'm looking forward to the day we work together."

Hehe, if there are no "accidents", thousands of outstanding geniuses will be promoted to legendary. But in fact?

"People like us are lucky enough to die in an adventure before a wounded old man can die in bed." Barrett said with a wry smile, "Do you think so?" He said. He asked the head of the bodyguard who was half of his peers next to him.

"Hey, don't look at me, I have a wife and children." Baird waved his hand, "I want to live to be a hundred years old, preferably another hundred and fifty years old, this is not unusual, I know Many people have lived past this age. Then they will die of old age in bed, with a bunch of relatives around and crying."

Cut, who cares! Barrett thought to himself.


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