Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 281: new skills

After the two comatose partners woke up, and the dwarves were barely able to move, Barrett sent the group out of the abandoned mine.

The dwarf Morey revealed that he wanted to recruit him as a bodyguard, but Barritt did not agree on the spot, but only said that he would talk about it later, because the dwarf's injury would take some time to heal. After all, no matter how amazing the medicine is, it takes time and rest to fully recover the body.

Afterwards, our barbarian adventurer turned around and returned to the mine, looking for other crystal-scale lizards needed for the mission.

The young man named 'Caesar' told Barrett that the crystal-scale lizards that kept wandering at the bottom of the big crystal cave were all led by him to the smaller crystal cave with food, and installed inside the passage. Two simple traps were used to hold the terror across with wooden boards, and they were all locked up.

The young man rubbed his head with a wry smile and said that although the wooden board didn't stop it for a long time, it was enough for their adventure. I just didn't expect that in the process of prospecting, I was very unlucky to encounter an adult purple worm.

Barrett walked slowly in this huge cave in the direction indicated by Caesar. This journey was quite quiet, and there was no battle, but the sound of dripping water from nowhere was reverberating slightly in the empty cave, and some spiders, big or small, climbed out of nowhere. . They were crawling around in the vicinity of Barbarian, but they would not take the initiative to attack him.

This long-legged, fluffy black-brown spider will turn its eyes and smoke slightly when the light of the luminous stones reaches its body, then it screams in pain and runs away, hiding its body in the dark, and then again Will stare at the pair of small scarlet eyes, silently watching Barrett.

After about a cup of tea, the barbarian finally found the hole that was crossed by three wooden boards. The special roar of many crystal-scale lizards could be faintly heard in the cave.

Barrett took the plank apart and stepped inside. There is a spike trap and a lasso trap in the corridor connecting the two caves. The traps are very obvious. They are not very useful for intelligent creatures, but they are enough to deal with crystal scale lizards or other low-intelligence creatures. used.

In Caesar's words, this allows those mindless underground creatures to learn lessons in a short period of time and prevent them from approaching.

Barritt did not remove these two simple traps, but chose to pass sideways against the rock wall and came to the small abandoned cave on the opposite side. The specific size of the two crystal caves is actually not too obvious. Anyway, it is difficult to reach the boundary of the caves wherever the light source can reach.

When he held the luminous stone and entered the cave, three crystal-scale lizards were immediately attracted by the light source and rushed towards him from not far away. Two of the lizards were relatively small, almost the same as the three he had encountered outside. The other crystal-scale lizard is extraordinarily huge, more than one-third larger than its counterparts, and the scales on its body are not ordinary dark yellow, but purple-black with a strange feeling.

Barrett wondered if this purple-black lizard was the target of the mission, or was it a variant of the crystal-scale lizard? He's not quite sure.

In any case, since the other party came to the door, killing is still to kill.

The purple-black lizard's crawling speed is much faster than its kind, and the skin on its body is tougher than ordinary crystal-scale lizards (Barritt can clearly feel it when skinning), but this does not protect it. Double gleaming vertical pupils. This big lizard didn't even use his innate spell-like abilities, so he was rolled by Barret and stabbed to death with a dagger.

Dealing with three at the same time will be a little more troublesome than dealing with one alone, but that's about it. None of the huge purple worms could hurt Baritt in the slightest, and it was even more impossible for a few crystal-scale lizards with average strength.

However, although Barrett was always careful, there was still a little accident when peeling the skin.

Although the purple-black crystal-scaled lizard was pierced through its brain by a long dagger, it lay on the ground without making a sound, but when Barret peeled half of its skin, he was about to cut off the crystal clusters on top of its head along the lizard's scales. At the same time, the big lizard's other intact eye and the crystal cluster on the top of its head burst into light.

Accompanying the intense light appeared to be a high-frequency sound wave that blinded and pinched Barrett's right eye, along with prolonged tinnitus, deafness, and brief dizziness.

damn it! Barrett, who was retaliated by the corpse at close range, covered his right eye in pain and knelt down and rested for a long time. During this period, a few more crystal-scale lizards were attracted by the light and climbed over from a distance, but they were all hacked to death by his sword.

Although precise stabbing is temporarily impossible, powerful slashing is still possible.

Except for the crystal-scale lizard, during the time when Barret was resting, there were no other types of monsters approaching him. It seemed that there were very few other underground creatures in this small crystal cave. In fact, it is normal to think about this situation. The crystal-scale lizard can completely defeat the vast majority of subterranean creatures with the innate spell-like ability of 'Crystal Shining' alone.

Day-travelling people like humans can't stand the intense and dazzling light, and it is naturally even more impossible for the aborigines in the dark regions.

After nearly a meal, Barrett's state completely returned to normal. He learned his lesson and pierced the other intact eye of the purple-black before carefully peeling it off.

Fortunately, nothing like this happened again after that, and the hunt ended very smoothly. Not counting the big purple-black lizards, the complete scales and skins of the 13 ordinary crystal-scale lizards were all collected.

Barrit actually encountered another purple-black lizard behind him, but in order to prevent it from using the advanced talent ability with strong light and sound waves (high-frequency sound waves can't be stopped for the time being), the barbarian chose to throw the resonance battle directly. Axe kills it.

After finishing the collection, Barrett turned and walked out of the abandoned mine. After a night of rest in Jingyao Town, he returned to the city-state of Muya.

Give the scale skin of the lizard to Master Tailor Erica, and give the head of Zachli the War Lizard to the Vindicator Julian. At this point, his soul energy has reached [310/300], and he has three new skills. available for him to choose from.

It is worth mentioning that he still had a skill point that he had not used before, so the upper edge of the obsidian frame in the [Mission Log] currently displayed two purple round crystals.

[Mission Log] This time, it showed a lot of content in a very long-winded manner, but Barrett's attention was immediately attracted by the three optional skills.

[1. The Roar of the Four-Handed Demon Ape: Transformation Skills...]

[2. Death Knight's Cold: Transformation Skills...]

[3. Breath of the Corruptor of All Things: Transformation Skills...]

These three skills, each with several additional sub-skills, seem to be used together.


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