Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 282: Detailed skills

【Task log】

[Congratulations, an elite adventurer with a golden dragon logo, your personal level has reached level five, and you can choose a more powerful ultimate skill. In fact, in the original version of the system, this skill requires a personal level of level 6 to be used. However, in the adjustment of subsequent versions, the selection of all ultimate skills has been advanced by one level to ensure that the algorithm is clearer.

The choice of your next ultimate skill requires personal level ten to arrive. However, it should be noted that the current level of this "mission log" system is level 1, so your personal level can only be upgraded to level 9 at the highest, and only when the system level reaches a higher level can your personal level continue to improve space, please be sure to know.

The following is a list of talent changes and skills brought by this upgrade]

[Talent - Anti-Magic Blade is upgraded to level 5]

【Skill List】

[1. The Roar of the Four-Handed Demon Ape: Transformation Skill. The duration is "1 hour" and the cooling time is "3 days", subject to the time of the main material plane. After selecting this skill, the unwillingness of the four-armed ape 'Caesar' wrapped around you will become one with your soul. When using this skill, your body will be transformed into a four-armed ape, and the type will be classified as "beast". 】

[Additional skills:

(1) Demonic Ape Possession: After transforming into a four-armed demonic ape, your strength will increase by 30, agility will increase by 50, and your physique will increase by 20. Physical resistance increased by 30, magic resistance increased by 10 (resistances are provided by body hair).

(2) King of the Forest: The magic ape 'Caesar' is the most outstanding individual among the four-armed orangutans. When you are in the forest or jungle, you will gain climbing expertise, beast intuition, jungle hiding, and four-armed orangutan. A series of innate abilities such as summoning, primary vitality and so on.

(3) Multi-weapon proficiency: When you are in the form of the magic ape, you can skillfully use four weapons to attack at the same time, and the level of this skill will be the same as the "Dual-wielding Mastery" talent.

(4) Mage hatred: The unknown past experience of the four-armed magic ape 'Caesar' has led to its unparalleled hatred of the mage. When you are in ape form, the mage you kill will provide you with a certain amount of soul energy, the amount of which will be determined by the level of the mage killed. For the old world version of the mage, it will be determined according to its soul strength.

(5) Roar of the Demon Ape: During the transformation, the angry roar of 'Caesar' will echo in your ears from time to time, be careful not to let his emotions affect you. 】

[Note: ‘Listen to me, go buy a pair of shorts with better elasticity, it will definitely help! ’—says one of the big green-skinned men…]

Seeing this skill, Barrett couldn't help being a little stunned. He didn't expect that the number one enemy that he had killed at the beginning, the magic ape 'Caesar', would still have resentment left in the world, and he even entangled himself.

Barrett didn't know what the "resentment" mentioned in the [Mission Log] was, nor did he know whether it was related to the undead's grievances. Anyway, during the period after he killed Caesar, he never felt the slightest discomfort, on the contrary, whether it was soul or body, there was a special kind of comfort.

Since he became an adventurer, the number of monsters killed by him is not 10,000, but also 8,000, which is not counting the very weak guys like goblins, otherwise the number will have to double several times.

Barrett does not believe that so many monsters have resentment entangled in him. Could it be that the four-armed ape 'Caesar', as a monster with a name and a surname, would be special because it was his former enemy?

For some reason, the barbarian subconsciously touched the hideous scar on his throat. This wound almost killed him at the beginning. It was his closest experience to death, and it also opened a chapter in which he and the four-armed demon ape ‘Caesar’ chased and killed each other in the foggy forest.

Aside from the entanglements in the past, this skill itself is extremely powerful, and it will be very useful as a must-kill skill at critical moments and a means of counterattack in difficult situations.

[2. Death Knight's Cold: Transformation Skills. The duration is "permanent", and the cooling time is "one day", based on the time of the main material plane. After choosing this skill, the frost power that belongs to the death knight lurking in your body will merge with your soul. When you use this skill, you will transform into a death knight with undead attributes, and using this skill again will cancel the effect of the skill. 】

[Additional skills:

(1) Frost Body: Your body will be haunted by the death knight's frost breath, increasing physical resistance by 30, magic resistance by 20, and frost immunity. Each of your attacks will inflict additional Frost damage equal to 50 of that attack. When your opponent takes Frost damage for the first time, their Constitution will be temporarily reduced by 1 point; every tenth Frost Damage will be reduced by an additional 1 point. (Not valid for those immune to frost damage)

(2) Unstable undead body: You will be transformed from a normal living person into a special form of undead, and you will automatically obtain a series of undead talents such as light vulnerability, negative energy healing, and dark resurrection.

In the main material plane, your comprehensive attribute will be reduced by 10, and every month, it will be reduced by an additional 10, with a maximum reduction of 50. In the rest of the planes, your attributes change with positive and negative energies.

When you are in the Negative Energy Plane, if your soul fire is dispersed, if your skull is basically intact, then your soul fire will regroup from your skull after a certain period of time , complete the rebirth.

Note that rebirth is not without cost, your soul strength may be weakened, or a few memory fragments may be lost, or some other inexplicable memories may be added.

(3) To rule the undead: Since the death knight was created, it is a very powerful high-level undead. You can use this to directly command other lesser undead creatures. Since your death knight is inherited from the special form of Viscount Fried, you can condense the power of frost into a special imprint, inscribed on the soul fire of other undead, in order to better control them, and also greatly to reduce the mutiny chance of controlled undead.

(4) Soul absorption: When you destroy other undead in the state of death knight, you will absorb a small amount of the soul fire of the destroyed undead and convert it into soul energy.

(5) Advanced Death Knight: You can learn all the basic skills of the Death Knight and Frost faction, such as Rune Weapon Making, Frozen Land, Frost Impact, etc.

[Note: Never pull up that sword! Okay, but at least don't wear that helmet...]

ha? What does the lurking power of frost mean? Could it be that the little bit of ice from the death knight Fried is still haunting my body? The original name was...

Barrett did not remember the name of the female physician. Anyway, no matter what her name is, didn't the female doctor say that she has cured me? The barbarian frowned, and gradually became a little stunned.

It seems that during the adventure, many physical injuries have not really improved, and those injuries have only been suppressed by the body when they were young. Just like those old adventurers, most of them are injured.

Alas, Barrett sighed helplessly and continued to read.

[3. Breath of the Corruptor of All Things: Transformation-based skills (note that this skill requires the support of the achievement "Blood-Blooded Body", the current achievement system has not been activated, and it will not take effect after selection). The skill duration is "permanent" and cannot be removed. The corrosive blood of the black dragon Cerrillios is still slowly eroding you deep into the marrow, temporarily balanced with the good resilience of your own constitution.

After choosing this skill, the blood that the black dragon seeps into your body will merge with you, transforming you into a dragon blood creature, or a dragonborn. (This effect is not inherited to the bloodline, so it is not inherited to future generations)]

[Additional skills:

(1) Dragon blood: The remaining dragon blood will transform your body in all directions, eliminate all the dark diseases of your body, and strengthen you to a certain extent. All your stats will be permanently increased by 10, all resistances will be permanently increased by 10, and corrosion resistance will be increased by an additional 30. Your heart will become stronger, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and slowly grew a dragon-like organ that stores dragon breath. After the organs are formed, you will gain the ability of 'weak dragon breath'. 】

(2) Dragon Incarnation: You will transform into a small black dragon that is closer to your size. Although the attributes will not change, you will have all the innate abilities of the black dragon. The skill has a duration of "1 day" and a cooldown of "1 month".

(3) Dragonborn Fate: The dragon creatures you hunt, or their blood relatives, will provide you with soul energy. Note that dragon creatures will provide you with a lot of soul energy, while dragon blood kin will provide relatively little.

(4) Achievement enhancement: When your "Blood-Blooded Body" achievement is advanced, the transformation skills and additional skills of subordinates will also be enhanced and increased accordingly. But since you are already a dragon blood creature, the strengthening effect will become weaker. 】

[Note: Go to the ancient ruins to find the dragon language? Please, barbarians don't waste that effort...]

Barritt lay in his room at the 'Put up your ears' hotel, chewing nuts, checking these three skills over and over again.

These three skills are very, extremely powerful, there is no doubt about this, they are much more powerful than the skills provided by the previous [Mission Log], but they live up to the title of "Ultimate Skill".

But, which one should you choose? Barrett was quite confused. Moreover, right now he has two skill points, so he should be able to choose two of the three skills.

He used his mental power to pick up a purple round crystal from the top of the [Mission Log] and tried it carefully.

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