Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 283: Selected follow-up (top)

Underground, the city of mind flayers 'Orido'.

Barrett and the little mage Chris roamed the still-dark elf-style city. Compared with the last time, this mind flayer city was much more lively. The streets were no longer desolate and deserted, but many slaves of different races were repairing the city.

Listening to the little mage, this mind flayer clan called 'Brain-Eating Beards' has basically established itself in this dark area. Although wars are still happening every day, they are all on a small scale. Only the inner demons have the spare energy to consolidate and improve their own nest.

This time, Barrett came to the little mage to discuss matters related to the "Ultimate Skill". For some reason, although there is no similarity between them in terms of occupation, size, appearance, age, and experience, the barbarian still feels inexplicably that he and the little mage seem to be somewhat similar in certain places.

"Seriously, if it were me, I would choose the third option." Chris kicked a piece of building debris by his feet, "and then worked **** the task to upgrade the so-called [task log] system. , so that this transformation skill can be officially used."

"Although this skill is not the strongest at the moment, it has the widest applicability and has a very good growth potential." The little mage said to Barrett, "What's more, it can transform into a black dragon, although The size is much smaller than normal dragons, but that's also a very exciting thing! In the magic type of mage, there are actually similar dragon-type transformation spells, but they belong to high-level magic, and I don't know them yet. By the way, you just told me which one did you choose?"

"Second." Barrett sighed.

"Tell me why." Chris asked curiously.

"I was just..." Barbarian hesitated for a while, but finally said it, "I just slipped my hand. Well, it's not exactly accurate, because I didn't use my hands when choosing skills. It should be said that I was fully focused at the beginning. I picked up the purple crystal representing the 'skill point' and made the final measurement between the three skills, my consciousness was suddenly interrupted by an unexpected event..."

On the roof of a high-rise building in the distance, several cavemen with tools were crawling. They are trying to chisel the giant spider emblem off the roof of the building.

After a 'tinkling' beating, the giant stone spider emblem fell from the roof, directly killing the three cavemen who were cleaning the wreckage below, and also stopped the conversation between the two.

Blood and minced meat were flying, and the scene was a bit miserable. However, the surrounding creatures were not surprised by this, and a nearby stone-blind barbarian overseer sent several cavemen to continue cleaning in place.

The little mage grinned and looked away from the scene of the tragedy, "Interrupted? Why?"

"Knock, loud knock." Barrett looked around, in case something might fall from the roofs of these ruined buildings nearby, "My consciousness and spirit were all focused on On the [Mission Log], the knock on the door interrupted me instantly, and the purple round crystal landed directly on the second skill..."

Barbarian sighed again, "The guy who knocked on the door came to find his adventure partner, but I'm not his partner. That idiot found the wrong room..."

"Well, things in the world are like this, and they are always full of surprises that we can't imagine." The little mage said with a smile, "Which one did you plan to choose?"

"The first one," Barrett replied, "I was going to choose the first skill first, because it would be very useful when I encountered a difficult situation in the adventure. Then I will try to see if I can continue to choose, because I have left it before. There is a skill point."

"The results of it?"

"It turned out, of course, no!" Barrett spread out his hands helplessly. "When I accidentally 'selected' it, it disappeared temporarily. I mean [mission log]. No matter how I summoned it, It didn't appear as usual. Until this morning, when I tried again, it slowly re-condensed in front of me. And..." Barbarian's expression was a little puzzled, "and the color on its surface became very dark. , I don't know what caused it."

Chris nodded thoughtfully, "All acquisitions are not free, and powerful skills like this are more expensive. It—we all know what that means— Giving you such a skill a level earlier should be a bit reluctant to do, so even if you want to use the second skill point, it is not enough. It may be a little tired.”

"Tired? Tired like us living creatures?" Barrett asked curiously, "I feel like this thing behaves more like a construct."

"The construct will also be 'tired' if the energy in its magic furnace is not enough." Kris explained, "Like this raven on your shoulder, if it can't eat the magic spar for a while , it will be no different from the statue next to it."

"Magic stone, magic stone!" The raven flew to the palm of the little mage and opened its beak wide. After the little mage threw in two broken magic crystals the size of cherries, it flew back to Barrett satisfied. shoulders.

Chris smiled and brushed his palm, "I feel that it is actually conveying some information to you implicitly."

"what's the message?"

"Information to upgrade it," said the little mage, "You have done the task for more than half a year, adding up the soul energy required for those skills, and you can earn about 1,000 points if I am not wrong. "

Chris put his probe into the window of a building next to him, looked inside, then retracted and said to the barbarian, "And it takes 1000 points to upgrade it. Although I don't know how easy it is to get this energy. Degree But according to your situation, this is obviously not a small amount. So it provides enough reasons for you under the premise of your own ability. For example, the temptation of powerful skills; and, Obscure persecution, after all, if you don’t help it level up, you won’t even think about leveling up in the future. There are also new ways to obtain soul energy. It uses this series of measures to ensure that you will have some thoughts to help it. upgrade."

"Listening to you, I feel like it has its own consciousness." Barrett, who was at ease with the [Mission Log], was now a little wary of this indescribable thing, "Even so, it's harmless. Is it?"

"Relax, symbiosis is like this." The little mage pointed to the raven on the shoulder of the barbarian with his chin, "This little guy can help us, and the purpose of its creation is also the same, but this does not mean that it will not I have some thoughts of my own. This little guy sees that I have a good relationship with you, and I am a mage, so he finds an opportunity to fly over to me and beg me for something for himself. And that thing should also be so."

Barrett knew that he didn't plan to upgrade the [Mission Log] at first. Could it be because of this idea that this so-called 'system' seduced him with a series of moves containing powerful skills? Could this thing peep into my heart?

"Actually, the second skill is a good choice for you." Kris looked at the barbarian again. "And, I should be able to help you."

Barrett nodded, the main purpose of his coming was actually this.


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