Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 284: Selected follow-up (below)

In the city center of the mind flayer city 'Oredor', there is a huge gray-black granite. Several gray dwarves beat the hard rock with hammers and chisels, as if they were carving something.

Next to the giant granite stood a high-collared robe of mind flayers. It had as many as six tentacles on its head, two more than any other mind flayers that Barrett had seen on the road. And this mind flayer is also much taller than its peers, and looks slightly taller than Barrett himself.

When he and the little mage looked at the mind flayer, the other party also looked back at them for the first time.

The evil eyes of the octopus looked at Barrett, and then a deep voice sounded from his mind, "The master is with you, human."

Just as Barrett frowned and put his hand on the weapon at his waist, he saw the six-bearded mind flayer not far away, and suddenly covered his head and groaned.

"I said, don't use telepathy, use common language to have a conversation." Barret heard the indifferent voice of the little mage sounding beside him.

"Sorry, Lord Mage Kris." The Mind Flayer lowered the octopus head, the six tentacles swayed slightly, and said in a weird and blunt tone, "I always forget this."

Barrett felt the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"It's okay." The little mage waved his hand, "I will help you to correct a little bit, just like just now."

Afterwards, Kris pointed to the mind flayer and introduced to Barrett, "This is the elder 'Elife' of the 'Brain-Eatling Beard' clan, have you seen its six tentacles? Our elder Yilifei is A Soul Eater, this super mind flayer is extremely rare in their race."

"This is my friend Barrett, the last time you saw it." The little mage said to Elder Yilifei again.

It turned out to be the last time I was in a coma in this city! Barbarian's heart is somewhat clear, this guy should be one of the few mind flayers around me at that time.

"What are they carving?" The little mage looked up at the giant granite.

"Mind flayers!" Elder Yilifei said with a slightly proud tone, "This statue represents our mind flayers returning to the 'primary material plane' after thousands of years of migration and gaining a firm foothold here. !"

"Well..." Barrett shook his head when he saw the little mage, and smacked his lips again, "Look, in the entire three-layer dark area, there are more than twenty cities that belong to the drow elves. If They are united - although this is unlikely - to gather the strength of several cities against you, and then this city will still be in ruins again. Yes, let the drow who are used to intrigue unite Of course it will be extremely difficult, but if Goddess Rose directly orders..."

"Well, the great magic association should not be able to sit back and watch such a situation happen." Elder Yilifei said cautiously.

"Of course." The little mage nodded, "So, let's replace this statue with a magic seven-pointed star. By the way, the seven-pointed star should be equipped with concentric double rings, so that if there is any accident, it can even be used directly. I want to see the finished product in three days, otherwise, you won't even think about taking out half a juvenile tadpole from your brain this month."

Seeing the little mage, Barrett said to the mind flayer who was stunned on the spot with a look of pity, "Look, I'm very reasonable." After that, he led her forward.

"Is it okay to do this?" Barrett asked, every time he saw this extremely evil creature, it always made him very uneasy, and he had the urge to pull out a weapon and chop off their octopus heads.

"How could there not be a problem." The little mage sighed, "These mind flayers have been making small movements all the time, but the battle with the drow elves has always been desperate, after all, they were originally different from the drow elves. To deal with it, so we reluctantly tolerate those little tricks behind the scenes. It would not be much better to switch to another mind flayer clan, these evil guys are just like this.”

"And, you know, below my residence is the brain pool of their clan, and the evil mastermind is in the brain pool. Although before I came here, I had already kept several kinds of magic protection against psionics in my soul. , but the whispers of the powerful master mind will still penetrate into my mind through those protective spells from time to time. I worry that over time, I will become the guardian of Ulduar." The little mage smiled. said, in a tone that sounded joking, but Barrett wasn't quite sure.

And he didn't understand the last sentence, "Can't I live in another place? There are so many abandoned buildings here."

"That's what I did." The little mage said, "The telepathy range of the main brain is about 200 meters, and my new residence is 500 meters away, but I often need to check the structures outside the brain pool. Installed a golem and ordered the golem to fetch a certain number of juvenile tadpoles, so it was inevitable to come into contact with that thing. After all, the number of mind flayers killed by the drow was quite large, and even now, there are still many Drow Assassins lurk around this city."

"Forget it, don't talk about this, anyway, I can go out in half a year." The little mage stretched, "Let's talk about you again." He sat on the head of a broken statue of Rose nearby. "Actually, the second skill has an advantage that the other two skills can't match!"

"It's faster to collect soul energy," Barrett said, thinking about this, but only on the negative energy plane.

"Yes!" The little mage smacked his palm in agreement, "We won't talk about the first skill, although you also have targets to hunt, I mean those mages of the 'Arcane Truth Society', but Every mage is extremely difficult to kill, and there are not only various attack methods, but also many ways to save lives."

The little mage pointed at a nearby drow elf controlled by a mind flayer, and the other party immediately froze in place and did not move.

"'Humanoid Immobilization', derived from 'Human Immobilization', with my current level of magic, I can immobilize a guy without magic resistance for about an hour. You know what can be done for such a long time What?" The little mage raised an eyebrow at Barrett.

The barbarian found that Chris' character has indeed changed a lot than before, and he would never make jokes of this type of adventurer in the past.

"This is the power of a Of course, if your magic resistance is high enough, not only will the time to be immobilized will be greatly shortened, but you can even avoid the effect of this magic with a certain probability." Little mage He added, "However, if the magic fails, the mage can continue to cast it, and once it succeeds, you basically have no means of turning the corner, not to mention that this is only one of the thousands of mage methods. So, hunting Mage is still too dangerous for you, and the price is the lowest."

"I know that." Barrett said, "In fact, I basically think that this auxiliary skill does not exist."

"As for the third skill." The little wizard stretched out his hand to remove the magic from the drow elves. "Not to mention that it takes a long process of accumulating soul energy before it can be used, but hunting dragons to obtain soul energy is also about the same. It is equal to none, after all, the number of multicolored dragons in the main material plane is quite rare, so only the metal dragons that are friendly to us humans can still see activities."

Chris stood up from the head of Rose's statue, "What's more, its permanent physical strengthening and repair will be more effective after your strength becomes stronger in the later stage. After all, in this dangerous multiverse , the body will be seriously injured one day."

"So, the number of undead is the largest." The little mage said with a smile, "Go to take a few quests related to the negative energy plane, while doing the quest, killing monsters at the same time, the efficiency..."

He finally concluded, "Go to the floating city and find a mage friend of mine. He will help you take on a few tasks related to the negative energy plane."


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